Type: | References: | | Year: | Label: |
OVA, 2 episodes | - | 15.06.2001 - 14.09.2001 | Vanilla | |
Professor Kayama ist auf dem Cam͏pus extrem unbeliebt, ein Gefühl, das auf Gegenseitigkeit beruht, denn auch er hasst seine Studenten zutiefst. Nachdem einige Studentinnen ihn hinters Licht führen und ihn mittels kompromittierender Fotos öffentlich demütigen, sinnt er auf Rache - mit derselben Methode, mit der sie ihn bloßstellten, bringt er sie nun eine nach der anderen in seine Gewalt...
Professor Kayama could have been happy with his job, except that all of the students on cam͏pus hate him... and he hates them. Miki Watase is a da͏rk-haired vixen will do anything to raise her grades, but when Professor Kayama refuses play along, she's determined to have revenge. She gathers her friends - the luscious Hinata, the slutty Arisa, and the beautiful but timid Sachie - and they mix drug-laced alcohol with a snap-shot camera to publicly humiliate Kayama.
However, these vivacious little co-eds are about to discover that even a wimpy professor like Kayama has his limits. Now he's going to teach them a real lesson in humility that will have them each begging for forgiveness.