Bondage Queen Kate
Space of Hot Desert
Hot Sandy Planet
Kate in geheimer Mission
Otori Sousakan Kate: Mesuinu
Type: | References: | | Year: | Label: |
OVA, 2 episodes | - | 21.07.1994 - 25.03.1995 | A.P. | |
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2030. Auf dem Planeten Dornet werden immer wieder Frauen verschleppt und zur Prostitution gezwungen. Leutnant Kate Curtis soll als Lockvogel getarnt auf dem Planeten das Geheimnis lüften. Sie lässt sich von den Sexgangstern gefangen nehmen und kommt so dem Geheimnis auf die Spur. Um ihren Auftrag erfüllen zu können, muss sie sich den Sexgangstern hingeben. Das Abenteuer beginnt.
Based on the novel by Hakage Tatenao with illustrations by Fuji Sangou
Kate is the voluptuous, virginal new recruit for the Federal Space Army Security Police. Although she's the newest detective in the galaxy police force, she's eager to prove her worth as an undercover agent. Her first assignment is to track down the villains who have been snatching up and raping all the young women of the hot desert planet, Doune. Will she become their next victim? Can she keep her virtue intact while infiltrating their den of ill repute? No mission is too dangerous, no disguise too skimpy, no sexual exploitation too deviant, for our girl Kate to handle!
Note: This anime was originally released by All Products/Beam Entertainment and it didn't feature any explicit sexual content. In 1999, Five Ways re-released an edited version of Nessa no Wakusei with added explicit sexual content. R1 distributors Kitty/Media Blasters released the Five Ways version.