Koutaro hat den Sakura Supermarkt von seinem verstorbenen Vater geerbt. Wegen des Übernahmeplan einer großen Supermarktkette fürchtet er nun aber um das Familienunternehmen, nicht ahnend, dass insgeheim hinter den Plänen sein leiblicher Bruder Taiyo steckt. Außer seinen geliebten Markt muss er auch seine Mutter und Stiefschwester vor allerlei Unbill beschützen.
Story 1:
Koutarou is the manager and the owner of Sakura Market. He took over this business after his father passed away. Sakura Market is a nice independent supermarket, however, is in jeopardy of being taken over by a large supermarket corporation, Kaneyu. The ironic scenario is that the take over act is being masterminded by Koutarou's true brother, Taiyou!
Story 2:
Yuusuke and Akira are newlyweds and tonight is their first night together. Things are getting heated up in bed, but Yuusuke has a little problem... he can't 'do' it! His wife, Akira, tells him that it's okay, but Yuusuke is not going to accept that as an answer, and who can blame him?