Loads JPEG, PNG and static GIF images which are automatically ordered and presented for viewing one at a time or two at a time.
The images may be in a zip or rar archive file - no need to decompress before reading.
Page through the images sequentially and scroll around pages with single key presses.
Automatic page sizing: none; fit to screen, fit to width of screen, fit to width of screen if oversized, display at specific height, or display two pages. Resizing uses Lanczos interpolation for best picture quality.
Automatic colour balance and yellow reduction if desired.
No bloat caused by non-essential general purpose image processing features.
Download und Infos hier:
http://www.cdisplay.net/ - inoffizielle Version (wird geupdatet)
http://www.geocities.com/davidayton/CDisplay - alte (offizielle) Version, wird aber nicht mehr geupdatet