Amorous Professor Cherry

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I'm Kouta Koikawa, and I'm having a problem with my studies. It's not that my classmates' ruckus bothers me, I sit at the front of the room to avoid their antics. The real problem is my social studies professor, Chieri Hase. From the day she started teaching here I haven't been able to keep my eyes off her! She's a rookie teacher, but I'm captivated by every movement of her beautiful body. I can't work up the nerve to confess my feelings - I'm her student, after all, and I'm sure she wouldn't find this sort of forbidden love to be proper... until one day when fate brings us together in an encounter that changes our lives forever.

ZyX and G-Collections present Amorous Professor Cherry, a fantastic new game where you take the role of Kouta in his quest for true love, torn between three beautiful women vying for your attention: the clumsy yet pure and good-hearted Chieri, her flirtatious and fun-loving math professor colleague Mamiko, and the university idol Kiyoka. Who will end up winning your affections in this sexy romp through co-ed campus life? Only your choices can find the answer!

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éléphant terrible
oh, whats that ?
i'm searching for a torrent like a fool and now you post it here..
that's great

thank you very much..

wfg bobbafat


I just got one question: Where?
I've been searching every side I know but nothing and you come and post it.
I dont want to sound rude just the contrary I really admire people who are able to do something i couldnt but i want to know why?


Hey, danke für den super Upload.

Hab echt schon jeden Tag darauf gewartet :onegai:

Bin mal gespannt wie das Spiel nun ist


das spiel ist ganz cool.. ein format, welches man eigentlich gewohnt ist^^
hab alle cg's freigespielt, allerdings fehlt mir eine scene.. :huh:


Also ich kann nicht sehen, das die Links gelöscht sind,:huh:
hab das Game grade fertig runtergeladen!:hahaha:
Direkt ma testen.......


damn someone keeps reporting my links im only posting these links here pls dont distribute them anywhere else if these go down means someone from here is reporting my links
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