Chain ~ The Lost Footsteps

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Another excellent title translated by G-Collections, this is Chain, a dark and sinister vision of suspense, mystery, and much more!

Takeshi Shinonome is a private detective. One day, he meets a girl named Ayumu out in the rain. Ayumu's sister, Marie, and Takeshi went to the same high school. She asks him to investigate rumors concerning her husband. Takeshi finds evidence that her husband is having an affair with Ako Sonomura. Later, Ayumu's father asks Takeshi to investigate her private life. He is a well known politician and is afraid of having a scandal during the upcoming general election.

Soon after Takeshi starts investigating, Ayumu is confronted with an extremely dangerous situation. Is her father's enemy behind this? As Takeshi tries to find out who is putting Ayumu in danger, he discovers a new drug is behind the entire problem. Murders become rampant. The new drug is constantly tied to the murders, but there is not enough evidence to prove it. Will the beautiful girls he becomes involved with help him solve the mystery? Your mission is to find out in this bold new erotic bishoujo adventure!! (C)

This game is 100% uncensored.
System: Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista
Pentium: 200 mhz or faster recommended
Memory: 64 MB or greater
Music: Full CD music
Voice: Full voice (original Japanese voice actress) with full English text
Language: English

Part´s: 6

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Hab noch nicht alle Parts, aber da eine ISO vorhanden ist, wärs wohl das logischste, dass man die mounten/brennen muss. Dann installieren und dann patchen.


Alles installiert aber er sagt er findet die CD nicht. oO
Ist da kein NoCD Crack bei oder muss ich das jetzt echt brennen oder wie oder was?


Bei mir kommt ein Error wenn ich die ISO entpacken will. oO

"Fehler in der Coedierung (Falscher Passwort?)", der Rest lässt sich entpacken nur das zweite Archiv nicht. :(

Edit: Der fünfte Teil war bei mir fehlerhaft, werde ihn neu runterladen und denke dann gehts. :)

:lol::lol: ne iso musst du mit deamantool mounten^^ und net entpacken


known as Zeomak
lol, thx. Hoffe das ich es dieses mal ans laufen kriege. Das letzte ISO das ich mir geladen habe lief GAR nicht,


this game is good and at least it is not too huge like ag3, the story is a good and got plot that have twist.
does it show the male penis or it is a uncensored the male penis. I have a copy but I wanted to know if it is same
as mine or not.
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