[Hinweis] Charity Promo auf Gog.com


4ever Jack
HeyHo Community,

Good old Games ist nun 5 Jahre alt und will dies mit einer Spendenaktion feiern. Ihr könnt dies unterstützen, wenn ihr euch für ein paar Spiele entscheidet, denn 100% des Kaufpreises gehen an die Hilfsorganisationen WWF, Worldbuilders und Gaming for Good.

Hier ist der ganze Artikel auf Gog.com:

Charity Promo: Pick 3+ Games. Donate $5 or more. 100% Goes to Charity!

GOG.com Goes Good!

We recently turned 5 years old, and while that's a milestone we're happy to reach, we also think that it means we've been around long enough that it's time for us to use our powers for good and help out charities. So we're having a big charity sale where you guys--who are pretty much our only superpower. The way it works is simple: choose a charity you like from the three we have here (WWF, Worldbuilders, and Gaming for Good), pick out 3 games you like, pay $5 or more, and we will give 100% of your donation to charity!

Now we're not just asking you give money while we do nothing. This does mean that GOG.com is paying out some money as well; for every $1 donated, it costs us about $0.25 to cover the credit card fees, taxes, and other fees to make sure that literally 100% of what you donate goes to charity.

That covers the part about what you give, but surely, there's one more you want to know: what are the games you can get while donating to charity? Whether you're a fan of old games, new games, action games, or adventure games, we've got something for you. With Waking Mars, FTL: Faster than Light, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, The Whispered World, Pid, and more titles available for you to choose from, we think you'll have plenty of opportunity to have fun while doing good. Check it out!

We also wanted to offer all of our whole-hearted thanks to: Introversion Software (Darwinia), Subset Games (FTL: Faster Than Light), Tiger Style Games (Waking Mars), Amanita Design (Botanicula), Instant Kingdom (Driftmoon), Northway Games (Incredipede), Digital Game Factory (Creatures: Village), Might & Delight (Pid), Daedalic Entertainment (The Whispered World), and Oddworld Inhabitants (Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee). All of these guys are receiving nothing for their games in this charity but the good karma that comes from doing a good deed. Take a moment and tweet, facebook, or email them and tell them how much you appreciate their participation in this, and then you'll be extra awesome yourself. :)
Mal eine andere Art zu unterstützen und gleichzeitig selber was dafür zu bekommen ^^
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