[Hinweis] e621 will return soon!

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Guckt mal auf http://e621.net/ ;)

Dort steht:

A new administrator (Varka) has taken over responsibility for e621, and is going to be bringing the site back up over the next 24-48hrs. Any further questions you have or issues you wish to raise, please contact Varka at varka@e621.net. I will no longer be involved in the administration of the site. It was great while it lasted.

-- Arcturus
Message from Varka

That's right, folks - e621 will return, very soon. I'm currently transferring the site across to a new server and getting everything set up, and working on a few specific changes (most notably to the takedown policy), which I hope will improve matters for everyone.

The site may stay down for a while longer (possibly longer than 24-48hrs), because I'll be driving to Eurofurence shortly, but I will do all I can to get it up and online as soon as possible. My intention is to continue to improve e621, and to give it the stable platform it needs to remain open perpetually - and I hope that with everyone's help, we can keep this incredibly important furry art resource alive. If anyone has any questions or comments, then please feel free to contact me at varka@e621.net.

Now go play some goddamn Robot Unicorn Attack!

-- Varka

Hoffe ich habe euch damit einen Gefallen getan^^

MfG Michieru

Edit: Das Einhorn Spiel ist krank xD
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