[Japanese] Evangelion Hentai Game Collection


Hello everyone. Sorry but i don't know german so i'm using google translator.

I've been making a collection of evangelion games. and searching through the internet for an eva game, i found this forum.

Heres a link to my collection.

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If anyone has a game that is not on the collection please tell me where i can find it
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Chief 0perating 0fficer
a few things.
1. if you search s.th. please make a Thread in "Suche H-Games" -> http://board.world-of-hentai.to/f89/
2. If you want to upload s.th. please add hide-tags to your download and a small description contain a picture and the names of the games.
unfortionately i don't have this game :/


Here are a few of the games in the collection :Hahaha:

Octopussy is the file called tomas08

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Now for this 2 i only have the trial version : Dark:

ive been looking everywhere for them for so long that its driving me crazy : Nonono:

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If anyone knows where i can find it, id be forever in your debt : Wakuwaku:

