Hallo an alle


I'm new here. I will write almost everything in english because I'm originally Dutch. Meaning that, I can read German but not write. I hope you understand.:onegai:
I hope I will learn more about anime on this site. And I hope to learn some more German to.
Gr. Copy

ex pogo

what's up? no one dares to write?
OK, I'm now the first here.

HeyHey copyright ^^

What a funny name. :XD: *lol*
...and be welcome !! I hope you have a nice time.
obey the rules and have fun browsing through WOH

and about 20 useful postings a surprise waits for you :megane:
(wow...I see now that you have 20 already) XDDDDD

Finally for your better German:
Hab viel Spass hier im Forum! Und wir freuen uns auf viele coole Beiträge von dir.

gruß ex ^^
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