[Frage] Help me Save this Games


There is a direct-download-protection on the site...
The files aren't normal flash-files (no *.swf-files)

But here's a resolution...
You have to save the complete website on your harddrive...

open Firefox-->go to the following game site-->press Data-->save webpage under...-->choose "save website, COMPLETE"

After saving, you'll see some files and a single folder...
You can delete all files except the *.class file!! (that's the game)

So, the last thing you'll need is a *.class player!!
There ends my might...you have to search on your own!

I think it's something with JAVA...

Or search in Google for the tag "Bakuretu Block V7.7G2 Applet"

I hope I could help you a bit^^

Here, I've uploaded both *.class-games, you only need the compiler/player now


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