[Frage] How to post tiny preview-Pictures

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Chief 0perating 0fficer
go e.g. to http://directupload.net

chose your picture.
click "upload starten"

than you'll geht this picture.

copy here the code from Vergrößerbare Vorschau (Foren) to the editor.
voila small images ^^

he asks in engish, so we should answer in english.


♥Nami Otaku♥
Otaku Veteran
You can also use : www.imagevenue.com , upload and then there will stand : " Link clickable thumbnails on a Forum or Message Board " ,
the Code in the first box / case you have to copy and insert it here again ;)


赤いオンドリ - 僕はオタクです!
Ich finde es witzig, dass Ihr Fincher fast alle auf englisch antwortet, der kann perfekt deutsch, vielleicht mit mehr oder weniger bayrischem Akzent.


Phöser Engel
dann soll er auch in GERMAN schreiben :)

dahoam is zwar dahoam, aber hochdeutsch sollte möglich sein, jedenfalls schriftlich.


Well you can write in German and I understand that without fail (Hence the disclaimer of my signature).
The thing is:

I, uhm, know not just German, but also a couple o' other Languages but that knowledge is limited and will not improve since I attemt to focus on English for business purposes. And this limitaation saddens me whenever conversing in a language like German because I realize that there is stuff that I cannot improve my knowledge of it much further. There are additional reasons for me to avoid German, too.

I must add the notion that this language shields illiterate people off my post a little (not that I would value people based on their education level or so but I do appreciate convering with educated people).

If a problem occurs, like when a person points out that they aren't good in English I always try to explain everything in German, of course nonetheless, like I used to already. Feel free to notify me if that is not enough, though, as I want to stay in this Forum. I tried my luck with another Forum, but I got banned quickly for writing *really?* as you can see here :


(How pitiful, I even went through the trouble of identifying four sources first before asking once in order to not appear impolite.)

Anyways thxx you for ure answers I changed the picture to match this Forum's standards. I kind of knew how this works to begin with, but I've been refraining from doing so for many years now with the original intention of having the viewers avoid advert-popups.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Phöser Engel
Also, da die meisten User höchst wahrscheinlich Firefox7Chrome benutzen gibts so schöne Plug In#s die werbung fast komplett blocken.

Ich hab nichts gegen Englisch (nutze ich für viele Gespräche auf der Arbeit auch) aber das Netzt ist keine rein englische angelegenheit, wie manche Amerikaner mir letzten mal wieder weiß machen wollten.

Da die eigentliche Frage mit der Regelergänzung des Bilder Bereich erklärt ist, denke ich, hier kann zu.
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