erst mal zitate aus dem euirc board:
"Hi Guys,
we're having the same problems with several users. At the moment it seems to be possible to join the EuIRC-Network itself, but the services are down and it's not possible to join the channels.
All of us (using T-Online) have massive attacks on our firewalls (more than 500 access attempts within less than 14 minutes).
In the meantime while writing this message the channels can be re-accessed without problem - and also without services. I hope that this was only a technical problem ..."
Ich mach mal nen neuen Thread, damit's auch jeder sieht und sich entspannt... Eine falsche G-Line (wer nicht weiß, was das ist: etwas IRC-technisches
war schuld am Kill + Ban auf *alle* User...
Also nicht persönlich rausgeschmissen fühlen, es war wohl wirklich nur ein Fehler. Wenn auch ein gemeiiiiiner...
Don't worry about the "cloneflood" kill/ban -- it has been some erroreous setting in the IRC software which has been fixed now."
Also der channel is wieder verfügbar.
bei probs mit dem irc bitte me anreden.
"Hi Guys,
we're having the same problems with several users. At the moment it seems to be possible to join the EuIRC-Network itself, but the services are down and it's not possible to join the channels.
All of us (using T-Online) have massive attacks on our firewalls (more than 500 access attempts within less than 14 minutes).
In the meantime while writing this message the channels can be re-accessed without problem - and also without services. I hope that this was only a technical problem ..."
Ich mach mal nen neuen Thread, damit's auch jeder sieht und sich entspannt... Eine falsche G-Line (wer nicht weiß, was das ist: etwas IRC-technisches

Also nicht persönlich rausgeschmissen fühlen, es war wohl wirklich nur ein Fehler. Wenn auch ein gemeiiiiiner...
Don't worry about the "cloneflood" kill/ban -- it has been some erroreous setting in the IRC software which has been fixed now."
Also der channel is wieder verfügbar.
bei probs mit dem irc bitte me anreden.