[Diskussion] I''s Manga


Ich habe die ersten 2 Bändern vom Manga und die haben echt super gut gefallen. Jetzt habe ich irgendwo gelesen das der Manga so nach 10 Bändern anfängt langweilig zu werden, kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.... hat sonst noch wer den Manga gelesen und wie findet ihr den? Wie weit seid ihr grade?

Verdammt, falsche Sektion, bitte verschieben.
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I finished the I"s series a few years back, there's a lot of back and forth as the main character tries to get closer to his love interest.

I think it's worth it if / when you get to the end. But before that it does seem like a rather drawn out way to get a hook up.
I's is my favorite romance manga of all time. The way the author shows how anything and everything always seems to get in the way of what you want really hits home for me. The indecisiveness of the main character, the unnecessary drama created by friends and situations, the "what the hell do I do now" moments - it all makes I's the most realistic depiction of love that I've seen in a manga.


I've collected I's from a friend of mine...As I prefer passionate love, I think it's about time for me to start reading this manga...:huh:


This is my favorite manga of all time. I bled water from my eyes when he was dreaming and said "I will protect Iori!"


Nice to see another people like I"S. It was one of a few Mangas which really brought me to like them. I was reading it when I was still a sophomore, so the story really related to me. Hahaha

Masakazu Katsura is really a talented artist. I'm also currently reading his Zetman manga.