Large downloads,download restrictions and low bandwith


Most Hentai games, have a large size and even splitting and compressing
those with RAR, does not produce that much in reduction. Once on hosts,
like rapidshare, megaupload, etc. you are limited with the download due
to premium and regular restrictions. And finally, your own bandwith might
be a pain if you have to wait endless time.
I guess I speak for many of you, which experience the same.
There is a cute little program out there, it is free and is able to compress
any large files (speaking of 500+MB) into a small (below 100 MB) file.
If every releaser would consider this, than every body would be very happy
I guess.
The program is called "KGB archiver".
I hope this is a suggestion worth it.


Na danke, ich lad lieber 10 Stunden an nem File, und entpacke den dann in 10 Minuten als das ich 10 Minuten daran lade und ihn dann in 20 Stunden entpacke. ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Germanischer Pirat
I don't think much of this program. Many here (me inclusive) are using GNU/Linux and can't use this proprietary tool.
A better alternative would be 7-zip
It supports many other formats and uses the LZMA algorithm for its own archives.
This algo is a true "Redundancy Killer" I once downloaded an 7z archive which included all language versions of Turok 2 für N64. Every Image was about 64MBs in size and there where about 8 Images in the archive. But the archive itself just had about 32MB o_0

I would suggest to everybody to use this programm :) .
Look buddy, files, compressing by compressors as much as their structure. Every compressor can't compress every 500 Mb file to 100 MB. KGB Archiver, 7-zip, PKZIP, WinRAR, UHARC or WINUHA. Especially hentai games not compressible by any copmressor. From 500 mb to 100 mb! Nearly impossible. What's the solve: Someone (have hentai game) rip cg's and videos from hentai game and upload any site them. So, when you saw any hentai game, probably on the internet, game's cgs or videos probably exist. If not, nothing can do.