Monologue of fear

Hollow Point

Nero VI.
Otaku Veteran
Ich bin gerade in der Laune dazu, also hier noch mal etwas von mir. Ganz simple, nichts weiter erwähnenswertes...

Monologue of fear

I'm sad because I'm mad
Life is a filthy circle
Of hate and endless lies
Am I alone?
I'm lost in a world of maniacs
Save me!

Something killed me
Pain filled me
Blood spilled from my mouth
I am dead!
Wake up when you cry
Save me!

Bastards grab my legs
Shivering coolness
Am I alive?
That is not me or you
Save me!

My live is grey
Nothing bothers me
I am cold!
The circle ends here
Save me!

Der Nerowinger​