Secret Desires 1-2

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Secret Desires / Mi-Da-Ra​

A tale of forbidden lust based on the popular Japanese Hentai game Mi Da Ra.

When a young man named Yuuto bumps into a stranger on the street, he discovers a dropped VHS tape and brings it home. His sister Yumi isn`t around, so he pops it in for a look. The video is a recording of Yumi tied to a chair ...and shockingly the man who tied her up turns out to be him!

It turns out the tape is a window into the secret desires of the viewer, and Yuuto`s quickly addicted! Yumi also discovers her own fantasies on the cassette, and her burning lust cannot be quelled by conventional means! Finally, when his sister`s friend discovers the tape, she finds herself on her knees with Yumi and attending to Master Yuuto`s every need as his personal love slave.

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ca. 230 MB / *avi / uncensored / show / engl. sub


PS: ich hab die erste Folge auf Rapidshare geuppt, da ich kein Bock mehr hatte nach 3 Tagen vegeblichen versuche bei Sendspace oder Filefactory zu uppen.
Meisten ist der upload bei beiden nicht mal die grenze von 5 Kb/s überschritten oder wenn es mal lief dann tauchte immer ein Fehler in den letzten Sekunden auf.

PPS: falls jemand weiss wo ich den Dritten teil unsensiert kriege, immer her damit.
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