[English] SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm [Ver.0.45]


A new 28th version of SlutCraft is publicly available!

Download here: Patreon
Twitter: SlutCraft


High priority:
Scene: Fatal climax
Scene: QoB's hunger (Drone)
Guardian quest: Stuck in pipe
Scene: Bait
Medium priority:

Dialogue: Pregnancy (belly)
Sprite: Pregnant Sarah (belly/boobs)
Gallery: Added a music room (you can find it in the gallery)
Added animations to Fap material scene
Added animations to Bathday scene
Low priority:

UI updates (3rd chapter)
Non-adult scenes added to the gallery (patron request) (not all of them, just the important ones, the big fight, Sarah's acceptance to the Swarm, etc).
Added older scenes (update 27) to the gallery
HungerKK_2 copy 2.jpg


Hi! Update 0.29 is already in the works, and we just recently released a post-announcement about it. You can find all the details at this link, and here we will post the changelog for the next version of the game.

High priority:

  • Trash collection
  • Minigame (trash collection)
  • Splish-splash (Guardian essence)
  • Stuck in wall animation 1
  • Animation 2 (Poll winner)
Medium priority:

  • Ursadon sprite
  • Pregnant QoB sprite
Low priority:

  • Bug fixes

Don't forget to read us on Twitter and follow us on (Main) Update_banner 4x3 ver029.png!