[Frage] Upload Sharing Format


I would like to share an upload in the hentai section. I have never done this before. I am not sure if there is a particular format I must follow. The rules indicate I must hide the link.
Is there any other requirement? Do I need to make a new thread to post an upload or can I post directly in a thread requesting my upload? Are screenshots required? If so is there a tutorial on making them?

Additionally, is there a WoH tracker if I wish to create a torrent?


Bite my shiny metal ass!!
Well.. zip, rar, 7z files are fine, everything has to be scaned with AV software and to be clean.
To hide the links you have to use this bbcode [hide]yourlink[/hide]

You can post your uploads in the right section as new thread, screenshots are not required but it's better with than without. What do you wanna post? movies?
For Hentai Movies you need to have 20 post to see the section first..

The BT Tracker is no longer online because there were only few people using it.


Chief 0perating 0fficer
and you should give your packed files a password.
ideally the password contains your username and or "woh"

We don't have any special-hosters. So you can choose whomever you want ^^

you could use a translator to try to understand this page here:

perhabs we'll translate that to english some times ;P

and it's better if you post your upload in a new thread instead of adding it to an existing.

Screenshots are only required in the anime-section.
but in other sections it would be nice ^^

if you use our upload-templates you will have everything that would be nice to know.
You find the templates in the editor in the right corner.
If you haven't changed the language to English it will be there als "Beitragsvorlagen". If you changed its showed as "Post Templates"
just use them and fill them with the infos you know. ^^