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Hab grad etwas durch die Anime-Media.com Gallerie gestöbert, und würde gerne Wissen von welcher Serie das hier gelinkte Bild stammt:


edit: Müsste von der selben Serie sein: http://gallery.anime-media.com/displayimage.php?album=topn&cat=0&pid=1152#top_display_media

Ich hoffe irgendjemand kann mir hier weiterhelfen :wakuwaku:
(Wollte das Bild eigtl posten, habs aber irgendwie nich' zustande bekommen... *technisch nich sonderlich versiert is*)


ps: Schöne Feiertage an Alle!
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Chief 0perating 0fficer
Kanbaru: *while sitting* I figured out your fetishes when I was stalking you before....I know what porn were you buying recently...
ist der ganze satz dazu xD

Bakemonogatari Episode 9
sollte das sein ^^

wens interessiert:
Kanbaru: It's the first time I visited a boy's room! All right, it's time to search for the porn magazine!
Araragi: That kind of thing only happens when a boy visited his male friend's room! Just sit there!
Kanbaru: But it's useful to know Araragi-senpai's fetishes~ *looks through under his bed*
Araragi: *pulls Kanbaru* That's not just useless for me, it's also harmful!
Kanbaru: *searches again* That's what I mean, harmful books!
Araragi: *pulls Kanbaru* YOU are the living specimen of a harmful book! Sit there or go out from the window!
Kanbaru: *while sitting* I figured out your fetishes when I was stalking you before....I know what porn were you buying recently...
Araragi: NO WAY! There's no one in that store that time! I'm sure of it!
Kanbaru: You have some maniac kinks aren't you!
Araragi: You made your choice, go out from the window!
Kanbaru: Most girls will prefer jump out from the window that THAT! But if it's me, I can do that casually!
Aki hat beim char schon recht ^^
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Haahhh, danke für die ganzen Antworten :)

Bakemonogatari ist zwar in meiner "Abzuarbeiten" Liste drinn, wär aber vermutlich frühestens in ein paar Monaten drann gekommen. :D

Arigatou, an alle die sich die mühe gemacht habn für ne Antwort, hatt sehr geholfn.