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  • Synonyme:

    Twisted Tales of Tokyo (1)



    OVA, 1 episodeSecret Anima/St.Lilia Series25.10.1997TDK Core







    Die OVA ist in zwei Geschichten unterteilt. In der ersten, genannt „Hurin“, dreht sich alles um eine junge Frau und einen Mann mit einer besonderen Beziehung zueinander. Sie nennt ihn unaufhörlich „Papa“ und dadurch können sie erst ihren leidenschaftlich sündigen Sex genießen. Die zweite Geschichte heißt „Pamera Panira“: Hikaru ist ein Mann in dem Körper einer Frau und kämpft darum, die wunderschöne Göttin Pamera zu retten, doch was kann er nur im Sinn haben, wenn er sie aber so grob „behandelt“?

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    Wicked Trio 1 - The Affair
    It's a rainy night in Tokyo, and our "Man" receives oral pleasure from his "Girl" while parked in the hotel garage. In the elevator, "Man" digitally stimulates the "Girl" until she's begging for more. When they finally arrive at their hotel room, more is what she gets, maybe even more than she bargained on!

    Wicked Trio 2 - Lust In Space
    While an androgynous youth battles a monster, another creature attempts to "have his way" with his female companion. After disposing of the threat, the crystal on his chest transforms the youth into the damsel's sister! But his young horny psyche is not ready to be denied!

    Wicked Trio 3 - S'extra Credit
    A nubile Redhead drives to her boyfriend's condo; he's not at home, but his college tutor, a "professor", is. Red seduces the young teacher, and in the midst of their tryst, Boyfriend arrives home. Believe it or not, he's not upset and in fact joins in. Will the "professor" enjoy her new lifestyle?

