Ein Junge, der so ähnlich heißt wie Zhuge Liang, ein Charakter aus Romance of Three Kingdoms, trifft ein Mädchen, das glaubt, sie wäre eine Nachfahrin von Liu Bei. Sie möchte, dass er ihr neuer Stratege wird.
In order to pay-off his father's debts, Morokuzu Takaaki passes each day fully absorbed in work. One day, he is visited by a beauty who calls herself Ryuubi Gentoku. With her are two other equally beautiful girls, Kan'u Unchou and Chouhi Ekitoku.
Ryuubi believes that Takaaki is the incarnation of the legendary Shokatsu Koumei (the two names have only one differing kanji). This is why Ryuubi is insistent on making Takaaki her strategist, and she will go to any lengths to have her way.