[English] Slave Maker 3 [Version 3.2.06a]

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Stamm User

gibts mit den neuen images müsste es auch noch neue variablen gaben oo
steht da was von auf der dev. site?


Otaku Veteran
Neue Variablen sagst du? Auf der Dev. Site hab ich nichts davon gelesen. Vielleicht in einem der Foren. Werde mich da mal morgen nach der Arbeit genauer umsehen.


Stamm User
Neue Variablen sagst du? Auf der Dev. Site hab ich nichts davon gelesen. Vielleicht in einem der Foren. Werde mich da mal morgen nach der Arbeit genauer umsehen.
k danke ^^

hmm vielciht steht da ja auch ob es geht ein zweiten custom stat zu machen oo wenn ja kann ich ein schönen zweiten customjob machen oo


Otaku Veteran
Menace v1.2 hinzugefügt

Changes for 1.2
Menace loses to Anarista event was not firing correctly.
BE ADVISED it is now, losing to Ana during the second battle will have MAJOR consequences.


There was a bug in the Arena. The slave's account didn't had enough gold to cover the 'watch' option and was denied access, despite the slave maker's account having plenty.

-- resolved

Raphe: long list of Edits

-- resolved


The "Ponygirl" action results in a yes/no query about the onsen.

-- resolved

Sphinx wasnt showing when you fought her.

-- resolved.

Nothing shown on sphinx bad end.

-- resolved

Mr. Tibbs

sphinx now matter how you lose it just rotates to another fight whether its SM or menace.


I cannot for the life of me get owners vengence bad end. I have had yammamato take her away but never had a bad end with her (bad ends always on). Just curious hope everything is going great with otherworld. Thanx

-- reworked how these fire. Unable to test can never get the sold event to happen

v1.04 in Sandbox mode with Ayane as assistant. Bad end where Menace loses the bossfight with Anistaria. The graphic with thumb, wrist and elbow cuffs appears but only in the lefthand pane, and there is no way to move forward. I am trying to reduplicate now.

-- resolved i think Text for first 2nd lost part 1 will now fire and losing the second battle is very bad.

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ist das neueste update von menace eine vollversion oder nur eine erweiterung
also brauch ich erst 1.0 oder kann ich auch direkt 1.2 downloaden


Stamm User
ist echt jetzt schon ein klasse spiel ich frage mich wo die die ideen hernehmen
nicht dein ernst oder ? ^^ Du scheinst noch ned viele hentais gesehen zu haben. Es gibt sachen die willste garned wissen ... und andere wiederum doch. Also ideen kannste dir von jedem halbwegs guten hentai nehmen. Dann hauste noch ne persönliche note rein und voa'la haste neue dialoge etc. nur das einfügen in das programm find ich schwierig.(hab mir das slavemaker kit angsehen und nach 10min aufgegeben)
schau dir doch mal meinen guide an ^^
der könnte mit der zeit die schwierigkeiten lösen ^^

kannst du meinen guide vielleicht bei dir noch als link rein machen ^^
nur das wir ein paar sklaven mehr haben xD:XD:


Großes Dankeschön an dich Selbi !!
Hatte gar nicht gewusst das es nen Teil 3 gibt.
Ich finde den Tein ja noch besser als den 2. damit kann man noch viel Zeit totschlagen. :hahaha:


Otaku Veteran
Update v.3.1.07

Pünktlich zur Halbzeit das neuste Update.

Hi, a new version of the game. Mainly bugs fixes but with some new features, notably some UI changes and a new contest

Fixes almost all reported bugs,

Pony Training and other slave skills would disappear after loading a game
Daily events did not happen for some Slave Maker backgrounds
More speedups
Courtesan training was not listed for end game
Leadership skill was missing a description
Some skills listed incorrectly in the saved planning list
Some stats and contests scores were not rouned and got large number of decimal places
daytime blowjob did not work
sex skill trainings changed even if the training was refused
Master and Ponygirl could be queued multiple times
Prancing did not affect dancing
Discuss act referred to contest wins incorrectly
Visiting the Dealer got the equipment button incorrectly
Some image and act selection issues
debug display (-1/-1) removed

When going to the beach your slave will automaticcally wear any dress that is also swimwear
New tab structure for statistics. Note shortcut keys PgUp, PgDown
Many more alternate images for contests
New contest, Advanved Housework, only available once a housework contest is placed. Has other requirements too, partially explained
Includes the new assistant Paine
Expanded text for Slave Maker tentacle rapes
Leadership skill bonus to obedience decreased to 0.25 per level
Changes to Slave Maker stats
- initial values vary a lot more
- more have limits and are always noted with Limited. There is also an explanation in the stat hint
- Attack/Defence now limited to 75 for all except Warrior who is limited to 100. This is an ABSOLUTE limit
- Dominance limited to 85, except Dominatrix/Mistress Cock who can go to 100
- conversation limited to 85, except for trainers with Refined skill
- lust 80 for non dickgirls, 90 for dickgirls (not a new limit)
- rate of stat increase/decrease varies by background a bit (generally +/-10%)

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Version ist raus.

Quelle: http://slavemaker3.blogspot.com/


Hi, this is a quick update for Slave Maker 3, mainly to fix some bugs introduced in 3.1.07



Advanced Housework issues
Dress staying stuck when visiting the beach
End of courtesan training got stuck and repeated every visit
scrollbar could overlap the new tabs
some icon issues
some full/new moons were not shown in the diary
some slave/act selection issues
Leave button appearing when deleting actions

More alternate images for Slave Maker jobs, mainly dominatrix and brothel
Pagan gets a custom job
An update check, the latest and current version shown on the title screen. It only checks weekly, downloading a 12 byte file. If you do not like this then block the exe from accessing the web with your firewall.
more small optimisations
Morning/Evening screen slightly rearranged to make room for more content

New debugging tab when SlaveDebugging enabled
New dress attributes
New items, including cat ears, faerie wings
Methods for the slaves introduction screen
New SDK on the way
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Otaku Veteran
Update v.3.1.08

Nächstes Update ist da.


Advanced Housework issues
Dress staying stuck when visiting the beach
End of courtesan training got stuck and repeated every visit
scrollbar could overlap the new tabs
some icon issues
some full/new moons were not shown in the diary
some slave/act selection issues
Leave button appearing when deleting actions

More alternate images for Slave Maker jobs, mainly dominatrix and brothel
Pagan gets a custom job
An update check, the latest and current version shown on the title screen. It only checks weekly, downloading a 12 byte file. If you do not like this then block the exe from accessing the web with your firewall.
more small optimisations
Morning/Evening screen slightly rearranged to make room for more content

New debugging tab when SlaveDebugging enabled
New dress attributes
New items, including cat ears, faerie wings
Methods for the slaves introduction screen
New SDK on the way

Neues SDK wird wohl bald rauskommen.

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