Your favourite adult comic / manga / hentai ?

well adult comic would have to be the darkness

it got all my favourite elements contained such as gore,blood,sex,violence and most important of all the angelus wich is a sexy biatch no doubt about it and yeah thats that for now folks nice to see other american speaking people or english whatever you prefer


Favourite adult comic would be Berserk, but you probably mean adult as in hentai so i would have to say it would be kiss x sis... anime sucks but manga is good.


favorite manga: Black Cat (i like the setup and the chars)

favorite hentai: well, that depends on the theme, but I'd say everything from Asagi Ryuu, Juan Gotoh and Karuma Tatsurou.


adult comic would be Low Leg, manga i guess its Goodnight Punpun. I dont like animated hentai that much, crappy animation, and weird voices lol.


My favorite adult comic would be Artesia by Mark Smylie. I guess it's closest japanese comparison would be Berserk. The story world is very detailed adds a lot of strategy and political intrigue. Unfortunately they guy took a hiatus about halfway through book 4. He said he'd finish it this year so we'll see.... :dark:


Tricky to pick 1 comic I know but I would really like to hear your thoughts on your favourite adult comic.
mine at this time : Amouriq - The Little World Of Trollopine

wfg siggraph
all time fav will always be bible black and it's prequal/sequal

1. Bible Black
2. Night Shift Nurses
3. Sexy Magical Girl Ai