[Hinweis] 2 admins und 7 uploader einer jap. manga pirate website festgenommen


赤いオンドリ - 僕はオタクです!
nur mal zur Info:

das war die site "Haruka Yume no Ato", die seit 2008 online war.
It has been considered difficult to crack down on leech sites on suspicion of Copyright Law infringements because visitors cannot read pirated manga directly on those websites.

However, the police believe a criminal case can be compiled against the operators of Haruka Yume no Ato because they held a vast amount of links for a long period, and also because the site encouraged users to contribute to the list by setting up a contributor ranking system and advertising that they could be paid if their uploaded files proved popular.
Die Polizei glaubt also bis jetzt nur, daraus einen Fall machen zu können, so ganz sicher scheinen sie sich aber selbst in Japan darüber nicht zu sein.

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