[Diskussion] Anyone playing any card games?

Expanding Flan

Both virtual and IRL ones.
I've got some big bucks spent on Yu-Gi-Oh! yet I never played in any tournament, not even locals.
Recently gotten into Force of Will, which is a mix between Hearthstone and MTG, it's got really good artwork.

I've also got a first generation Pokemon deck lying around.


Huh, no one replied in this thread, it seems rather lonely.

Unfortunately I don't have much to contribute. I tried playing some Yu-Gi-Oh before but then the XYZ and Pendulum stuff came along and it got really confusing and had too many overpowered setups.


Yes, I do I own a ton of Magic The Gathering cards IRL. I run a Dragon Tribal deck. (A deck that contains no other creature type other than dragons.)


Use to play Yu-Gi-Oh duel links for some time. Had friends that liked it as well, but at some point they got bored and left. The game turned repetitive at some point for me as well, everyone used the same broken decks and the game being kinda pay-to-win didn't help, shame cause i really liked to collect the cards :crying: