Bazooka Cafe

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known as Zeomak


Text: eng
Walkthrough: vorhanden
100% save: vorhanden

My dad was getting old, so I suppose I should have expected him to eventually collapse like he did the other day. His beloved cafe wouldn't stand his absence while he recovered in bed, though, so I knew my duty - I gave notice at the office job I'd worked since graduating college, and entered the whole new world of cafe management! Cocoa, a girl who worked here part time in the past, has helped me out a lot by coming back to her waitress job while I learn the ropes. We were still just scraping by, until one day my former co-worker Mitsuki stopped by with an offer to work part-time at the cafe as well! Cocoa wasn't too happy, but we needed the help, so I gladly accepted. Little did I know that she wouldn't be the last busty beauty vying for my attention - and that of the customers!

Before I knew it, I found myself surrounded by four of the women most important to me in my life. It's wonderful to have them here, and without their help the cafe would be in shambles - but I could do without the stress caused by dealing with the four of them at once! I'm just lucky they're more than willing to help me relax at the end of a hard day's work...

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So mal wieder ein Klassiker ;):wakuwaku:
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Erstmal danke für den Upload. Aber was mach ich jetzt damit? Das ist doch nur ne 3kb große html seite?


Schade, "Limit erreicht". :noooo:
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xD wenn ich mich recht entsinne gabs da beim jdownloader doch die option reconnect für solche fälle
xD die hilft aber auch nicht, wenn der am Anfang gepostete Container nicht im Collectors Account ist und schon 10 mal runter geladen wurde.

Wollte ja nur sagen das du den Container nicht im Collectors Account hast und dort das Limit schon erreicht wurde.

Hoffe jetzt ist es klar was ich meine^^


known as Zeomak
vom zu schwer kann nicht die rede sein. Ich verwende RS schon seit knapp 3 Jahren. Und eine kleine "freundliche" erklärung (Danke @SaverX) häts auch getan.
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