Come See Me Tonight (Visual Novel-Game)


Come See Me Tonight​

Choose your Favo | Visual Novel-Game | Erotic Bishojo Adventure Game | UNCENSORED
Spielzeit: ca. 10-30 Stunden
Sprache: Englisch

Dabei sind:
- Crack

Wenn ihr diesen nutzt taucht beim Starten ein kurzer Error auf der auf das fehlen der Introdatei hinweißt welche sich nunmal auf der CD befindet. Macht also nix ;)

- Walkthrogh



Die Girls:

I fucked Hina:
(Überleg dir ob dus dir ansehen willst da dann vllt Spielspaß flöten geht)


You are Ryoichi Sakaki, the hero of this story. You're a normal Japanese boy, but you've never had a girlfriend, and as a result, you don't know how to act around beautiful girls. All this is about to change soon, though!

When a strange mystery strikes and your parents disappear, you go to live with the Yuki family, who operate a traditional Japanese restaurant. All the beautiful women in the Yuki household help out with the restaurant, and they look great in their traditional Japanese kimonos.

At your new home, you find you're surrounded by beautiful females: the elegant owner of the restaurant, her three beautiful daughters, and a cute girl who is undergoing training to become a head hostess. You feel like you're in heaven with your own private harem. Although all the girls care for you, you'll have to choose carefully to capture the heart of the one you really desire...​


Chidori Yuki
The head hostess and matriarch of the Yuki family. She was once in love with Ryoichi's father, which is why she helps Ryoichi out now. She is a very sexy older woman who runs her restaurant like a pro. Her dream is for Ryoichi and one of her daughters to succeed her in the restaurant's ownership. Age 40.
Hina Aihara
The daughter of Chidori's mentor, she is studying at the restaurant to someday become a Head Hostess at her own restaurant. She makes a lot of mistakes, and is quite self-conscious about it, so she and Ryoichi seem to have a lot in common. She's very determined and admires Ryoichi for not giving up. Age 20.
Misago Yuki
The eldest daughter of the Yuki family. Misago is very kind and motherly, often being the strong calming factor that makes everything work. She is soft-spoken and extremely good at her job. In a surprising twist, she goes absolutely crazy over anything cute and adorable and will suddenly become quite aggressive! Age 20.
Tsugumi Yuki
The Yuki family's second child. She is a brash, argumentative girl who firmly believes that if you yell enough, people will fall into line. She is the prime candidate to take over the position of Head Hostess. Age 19.
Kobato Yuki
The Yuki family's youngest. She has no idea what to do with her life, but she puts her heart into the restaurant for now. She is very childish and loves to play games. Age 18.

Größe: 594,69MB
Spiel getestet unter Win7 Ultimate 32bit: Läuft einwandfrei ;)

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Wenn etwas down ist schickt ne PN =)​
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faceless bastard
Otaku Veteran
willste download und passwort nich lieber ins hide setzten?

ich bin mal so frei und bedanke mich trotzdem ^^


Danke dassu mich drauf aufmerksam gemacht hast^^
Bin noch neu im posten hier und hab vorher nie mit HIDE sondern nur mit Spoiler gearbeitet auf anderen Foren :p