[English] Da Capo 2


Da Capo 2

Cherry Blossoms danced in the air,

All throughout the year, unceasingly--
Their blooming, pale pink petals the pride of this island.

Winter was here.

The ground lay covered in a faint layer of frost, as snow white crystals fluttered down upon it.
The season when puffs of breath turn white and getting out of bed proves difficult.

And yet...
"As usual, the scenery doesn't reflect the season,"
Muttered a young man---Yoshiyuki---as he walked to school along the cherry blossom tree-lined streets.

"Well, it is Hatsune Island's famous 'Everlasting Cherry Blossom Tree'."
"No, saying that so earnestly now doesn't really…"

A young girl walking before him turned around.

One of them wore a pleasant smile; the other looked a bit weary.

It was a familiar scene to them.

The young man looked up at the cherry blossoms, blooming as if it were spring, as he exhaled white puffs.

Their Christmas party was nearly upon them. Then, after the new year passed, his final year at the affiliated campus would begin.

New encounters? Or farewells? Joy? Or sadness?
He had no idea what kind of life awaited him.


He felt that something was bound to change.

As he gazed upon the cherry blossoms slowly dancing in the air, the young man dreamed of the coming spring.
Sprache: Japanisch
Text: Englisch
Zensiert: Nein
Spieldauer: 10 - 30 Stunden
Größe: 2100 MB
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 (32 sowie 64 Bit)

Archive entpacken und "BGI.exe" im Ordner "Da Capo 2" ersetzen.

YOU MUST READ THIS!!!!!!!!!! you cant get into the yume or otome
routes until you have completed 1 heroine from each branches meaning
you need to do one of koko/nanaka and one of anzu/minatsu to unlock
there paths also If you play Nanaka before Koko wait to do her common
route until you clear koko's main route

4.1 Tsukishima Koko
01.Prefer a puppet show.
02.She's a robot.
03.Head to the classroom
05.Head to Kazami academy
06.Head to Kazami academy
07.Head to the sakura park
08.Take Koko home
09.My usual time
10.Head to the music room
11.Head to the music room
12.Sleep in
13.Head to the cafeteria
14.Head to the music room
15.Sleep in
16.Head to the classroom
17.Head to the classroom
18.Wake up early
19.Head to the classroom
20.Head to the music room
21.Go to Sakura Park
22.Stay a little longer
24.Go home with Koko
25.I held Koko's hand
26.Listen to his stories anyway
28.Main Campus
29.Affiliated Campus
30.In a business suit
31.Shake it normally
32.Try and fall asleep
33.There's someone else on my mind
34.Tell Koko that she'd look good too
35.Just enjoy the moment
36.That's a nice outfit

4.2 Shirakawa Nanaka
1.Prefer a haunted house
2.shes a robot
3.Head to the residential district
4.Head to Kazami academy
5.Head to the Yoshino household
6.Head to the residential district
7.Take Nanaka and Koko home
8.My usual time
9.Head to the classroom
10.Head to the classroom
11.Sleep in
12.Head to the hallway
13.Head to the music room
14.Sleep in
15.Head to the cafeteria
16.Head to the music room
17.Sleep in
18.Head to the hallway
19.Head to the hallway
20.Take a walk around the neighborhood
21.It looks amazing
22.Leave now
23.Go shopping with Nanaka
24.I held Nanaka's hand
25.Listen to his stories anyway
27.Area Behind the School
28.Electives building (then select music room)
29.In a buisness suit
30.Shake it (aggressively)(gently)(normally)
31.Go get something to drink in the kitchen
*save for normal route*
32.I love Nanaka too
33.I'm her boyfriend
34.Poor thing. I'd better stop
*load save*
32.There's someone else on my mind
33.Tell Koko that i prefer simple cloths
34.Try and laugh it off/just enjoy the momnet
35.Do you like vinegar soy sauce
36.I can't Leave Nanaka alone

4.3 Yukimura Anzu
01.Prefer a puppet show.
02.She's a robot.
03.Head to the student council room
04.Head to the shopping district
05.Head to Sakura Park
06.Head to the shopping district
07.Then I'll choose Anzu
08.Take Anzu and Akane home
09.Sleep in
10.Head to the Cafeteria
11.Head to the Hallway
12.They should be united
13.Wake up early
14.Head to the classroom
15.Head to the classroom
16.My usual time
17.Im glad
18.Head to the cafeteria
19.I'm in
20.Head to the hallway
21.You're worried about the puppet show, arn't you
22.Sleep in
23.Head to cafeteria
24.Head to the classroom
25.We shouldn't pry into other peopls' affairs
26.Let's call Anzu
27.I'll keep an eye on the beginners
28.The left one
29.I don't give a crap
30.Take a morning bath
31.Let's hit the intermediate slop
32.Okay, I'll make it now
33.Decided to wait for another chance
34.Please tell me
35.Do you want me to get something for you
36.Anzu's birthday
*save for normal route*
37.okay, let's find a gift together
38.I'm only doing okay
*load save*
37.I'll pick a gift by myself some other time
38.I was feeling great until i saw you

4.4 Amakase Minatsu
01.Prefer a haunted house
02.shes a robot
03.Head to the shopping district
04.Head to the Sakura park
05.Apologize (IT'S TO LATE TO_____OMG IM SRY I HAD TO)
06.Head to the Sakura park
07.Head to the Sakura park
08.Take Amakase home
09.Wake up early
10.Head to the hallway
11.Head to the entranceway
12.Wake up early
13.Head to the cafeteria
14.I basically like to
15.Head to the classroom
16.My usual time
17.Head to the classroom
18.Head to the entranceway
19.My usual time
20.Head to the classroom
21.Eat it
22.Head to the entranceway
23.Just a little
24.There is none
25.Maybe i should call Amakase...?
26.I just want to ski freely
27.The right one
28...play it safe (idk)
29.Just give an order that strikes your fancy(idk)
30.Go to the cafeteria
31.Of course I'll hit the advanced slope!
32.Maybe I will
33.What would you do if she was?
34.I did
35.Not that much
36.Is she all right

4.5 Asakura Yume
01.Prefer a haunted house
02.shes a robot
03.Head to the shopping district
04.Head to the shopping district
05.Head to the shopping district
06.Head to the shopping district
07.Help Yume after dinner
08.Sleep in
09.Head to the cafeteria
10.Head to the hallway
11.My usual time
12.Head to the classroom
13.Head to the entranceway
14.Wake up early
15.Head to the hallway
16.Head to the classroom
17.Wake up early
18.Head to the cafeteria
19.Head to the classroom
20.Takoyaki on the left
21.Think about Yume
22.I'll go to the bathroom, then I'll go to sleep
23.Do the cleaning with Yume
24.Go to sleep
25.She used up all her strength to grab a snack
26.Buy some cotton candy
27.Run after Yume
28.Talk to her

4.6 Asakura Otome
01.Prefer a puppet show.
02.She's a robot.
03.Head to the student council room
04.Head to the cherry blossom tree lined street
05.Head to the shopping district
06.Head to the Yoshino household
07.Help oto-nee clean up after dinner
08.Wake up early
09.Head to the student council room
10.I'm in
11.Head to the classroom
12.My usual time
13.Head to the student council room
14.Head to the hallway
15.Wake up early
*save for Yume/oto-hime common route*
16.Head to the hallway
16.Head to the entranceway
17.My usual time
18.Head to the hallway
19.Head to the hallway
20.Think about Oto-nee
21.Its still a bit early, I'll read some more
22.Buy ingredients with Oto-nee
23.Take a bath
24.Buy some cotton candy
25.She'll be fine
*load save*
16.Head to the classroom
17.Head to the hallway
18.You're worried about the puppet show, arn't you
19.Wake up early
20.Head to the classroom
21.Head to the classroom
22.we shouldn't pry into other peoples' affairs

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Mal ne kleine frage am rande zum spiel. Ich habs grad angefangen und will nun wissen is die Sakura die gleiche Göre wie aus teil 1?


Toll! Danke für den Upload, hab auf das Spiel so ewig gewartet..
Jetzt fehlt noch Koihime aber das kommt erst Ende Januar und auch noch ohne Voices...
Aber da kann man hoffentlich was mit der japanischen Version deichseln :D

edit: und falls jemand einen englischen walkthrough finden sollte bitte posten, der japanische ist für nicht-japaner zu verwirrend.
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ich schaffs einfach nicht es runterzuladen
rapidshare ist murks hotfile ist besser oder gar megaupload
Und warum gehts es bei dir nicht? weil du kein RapidPro hast nehm ich mal an oder? Wenn ja, haste halt Pech gehabt (Klingt hart, is aber so, wenn du es nicht einsiehst, Kauf dir das game is eh besser). Das einfachste ist, PM an den Uploader mit ner netten formulierung ob er es nicht bei MU uppen könnte (So stehst auch in den regeln, das man bei fragen wegen anderen hostern ne PM schreiben soll und nicht den topic damit belästigen soll, da es hier meist nur um problembehandlungen gehen soll (für alles andere haben wir den Discuss berreich)).


ich schaffs einfach nicht es runterzuladen
rapidshare ist murks hotfile ist besser oder gar megaupload
wieso schaffst du es denn nicht? Ich ziehe mit dem jDownloader, bin zwar schon den 3. Tag dabei, aber nur weil ich pro Tag max 4 Stunden online bin!


ne ich hab da mit jdownloader probleme bin auf crypload jetzt umgestiegen da geht es zwar auch nur langsam voran aber bei jdownloader hat nichts geklappt


Na dann sagt doch welchen anderen Hoster ihr wollt.
Hatte ja schon mal Magaupload in Probe, aber beim Manager von denen klappt der upload nicht wie er soll.


also ihrgendwie kann ich es nicht extrahiren warum geht das nicht?? ich geb auch das password ein das du reingeschrieben hast


Würde dir empfehlen es mit WinRAR 3.93 zu extrahieren und das Passwort zu kopieren und nicht versuchen es manuell hineinzuschreiben.
Hast du auch alle Parts vollständig runtergeladen?
Wenn alles nichts hilft wäre die Fehlermeldung anzugeben auch sehr hilfreich.


So ich hätte eine Frage: Wo ist die exe-Datei, mit der ich BGI.exe ersetzten muss?
Ich hab die Archieve entpackt und hab nur den order Movie und die paar Datein, die zum Spiel gehören!

EDIT: Hat sich geklärt, ich sollte das nächste mal besser hingucken!xD


God of the Lolis
Hier bitte ^^:


Edit: Halt falsch das für teil 1 ich schau nochmal

Edit2: Hab nochma nachgesehen, nen Walk zum Game gibs leider noch net, das Spiel in Eng version ist auch erst seit 24.12 raus ^^. Aber ich denke in den nächsten Wochen wid einer erscheinen, den Poste ich dann nochma.
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