In Death we find Peace


Before anyone flames as you can see by my name. I'm the author on
The only reason to post it here is because some don't know or just will never find this fic. For these people i want to provide the possibility to read and tomp on my self confidence. So enjoy

Chapter 1: Death of a Demon and Explanations

In Death we find Peace

Disclaimer: I will only write this once for the rest of the story just imagine its there. I don't own Naruto and/or Bleach. If I did every girl would at least DDD Breast size. I'm a pervert.

So this is it. My first fic and I'm nervous beyond belief. I know my skills as a writer aren't that great so I will be thankful for every comment flame and advice I can get.. I don't know where this fic will be going but i hope in a good direction.

Chapter One: Death of a Demon and Explanations



''Demon Zanpakuto speaking''

'Demon Zanpakuto thoughts'

There he sat looking at his own corpse and thinking about his life. Uzumaki Naruto a nine Year old child just gotten into the third year of the Academy and now dead, killed by the People he wanted to protect more than anything else. How long he had been sitting there he didn't know. The last thing he remembered was the Lecture from a Teacher about how a Ninja shouldn't reveal his skills to the enemy and then going to get something to eat.

'Its not fair. I wanted to be recognized nothing more. All my dreams, being Hokage and getting a Family, every things crushed!'

Tears began to form in the Eyes of the child. He looked up from his Body. There stood someone, finally someone found him. He ran towards the Person and suddenly was yanked back.

'What the Hell was that!?'

Naruto looked down on himself and for the first time saw the chain attached to his Body or not his Body he didn't know. He would later think about it, first he would talk with the man still staring at his dead Body.

''Hey, what happened. Could you bring me to the Old Man? Hey, you Idiot I'm talking to you!! I'm here right here''

Whatever he did the man would only look at his corpse and not at him.

''Its no use he cant see you.''

Said a voice from behind Naruto. Almost shocked to Death Naruto whirled around only to see a man standing in normal Shinigami gear (A/N: I know he doesn't know its Shinigami Gear but I'm really bad at describing Clothes so I will only try it when its really unique).

''Yo. My Name is Madarame Ikkaku and you are dead. I'm here to send you to Heaven. So lets get that over with so I can go train.''

Before Naruto could ask what's going on Ikkaku already hit him with the hilt of his sword. Naruto began screaming in pain as the Chain of Fate vanished. Then it happened. As he began sinking into the Ground The Hell Gate appeared , Arms shooting out of it trying to grab the still screaming Naruto but he was gone before they could reach him. In what seemed like anger the Arms grabbed the still starring man's spirit and dragged him into hell. Ikkaku just stood there wide eyed and thought: 'What the hell happened here!'

'This pain its... AHH!! God please make it go away!'

Those were the last thoughts of Naruto as he slowly sunk into the ground seeing a surprised bald men. The next thing that came into his view was what looked like a slump, finally he gave into unconsciousness.

As Madarame Ikkaku reported back to his Captain Zaraki Kenpachi a spiky haired giant with an eye patch over his right eye, he was ordered to immediately come with his Captain to a meeting with the Sotaichou of the Thirteen Shinigami Squads.

An elderly Man with long grey beard and bald Head spike up:''Ikkaku-kun , the 12th Division got abnormal readings from a Soul you did a Konso on. Please explain what happened.''

''Immediately Sotaichou! I did a normal Konso on this soul when the boy started screaming in what seemed like pain. He was transported to Soul Society when the Gate to Hell suddenly appeared and tried to grab the boy but it was to late the boy was gone and the Gate dragged a man that was standing over the corpse of the boy to hell. Then it vanished.''

This brought unrest into the Captains of the Divisions. How could a hell Gate appear when the Soul already was transported to soul society and if he was in soul society where was he?

Komamura Sajin another giant but this time with a mask made his opinion known:'' Sotaichou, I would like to search for this soul and see if there is anything wrong with it.''

At this Yamamoto nodded '' Then I will give the matter over to the 7th Division. Report immediately when you find him. Dismissed!''

Komamura gestured for Ikkaku to come over '' Madarame I want you to describe this soul as detailed as possible!''

''Hai taichou . He is a boy of six or seven years of age, blond hair, blue eyes, three marks on each cheek. He was completely clad in Orange.''

''That's all. You are dismissed.''

When Ikkaku was gone Sajin asked himself only one Question. Why would hell want such a young child?

A groan escaped the lips of the young Uzumaki something was laying on his tails and it hurt. He sat up scratched his fox ears and yawned. Wait! Tails? Fox Ears?

' I must still be dreaming. No way I have tails and fox ears.'

Just to be sure he pinched his cheek and it hurt.


''Would you please SHUT THE FUCK UP. I'm trying to sleep here!''

''Who's there?''

''Naturally you don't know me. You think I'm dead.''

Naruto was flabbergasted 'I don't know anyone who is dead.'

''Of course you don't know anyone who is dead you only think I am.''

''How do you know what I just thought and where are you?''

''I'm able to answer both with one sentence. I'm in your head.''

To say Naruto was shocked would not even come near to what he felt.

'Great now I'm ripe for the house with the white coated friendly man.'

''Before you jump to conclusions, what you already did, you're not crazy nor am I just imagination''

'Yeah that's what every voice in someons head says' thought Naruto. This voice was getting on his nerves and he wanted it out.

''Kit believe me I want out of here just as much as you want me out of you but it doesn't change the fact. I'm here now shut up and let me explain. First of all we are dead.''

It seemed Naruto wouldn't get out of his shocked state today.

' But ho...'

''Didn't I say shut up an listen! I wont tell you anything if I cant speak without getting interrupted. Are we clear?''

Naruto could only nod at this

''Good. Now second When we were alive I was sealed inside you. Third when you died we merged and your physical appearance and strength was altered''

Wait. 'Fox ears tails more than one from what I can tell and from what you say I got these from you then you are …'

''I'm impressed. For an Idiot like you that's really clever.''


''I'm known as the Kyuubi no Kitsune or else the nine tailed Fox.''

It was just to much first he died while having pain nobody could describe throughout his body, then he wakes up only to find fox Ears on his head and Tails, finally a discussion with a Demon Fox he thought dead.

''Great just great that's the best day of my life, I mean death. Now that I think about it where am I?''

As if those word triggered something a Person stepped into the room.

He couldn't see the Face because of the light from outside streaming in but from the Body and posture it was a woman. To his surprise she went to hug him and for the first time ever he could remembered other than the Hokage there was happiness in her voice when she spoke to him

''Your awake!!''

I will update every week but if i have a rush i will write several chapters a week so there definetely will be a new chapter every week. Please write a review because if you dont like a story that is the only way to let the author write a story more to your liking. When I get to much anonymous reviews I will flood with trash story so you wont be able to find a good one ever again.

YOYO check me out

Jetzt noch was für die deutschen Leser. Viel spass
Chapter 2: First Time Family

Chapter Two: First Time Family

Here it is!. The second Chapter of in Death we find Peace my first ever FF.

Now to the useless rant. I never knew why writers liked reviews so much but now I know it. Its like ecstasy to have your story acknowledged by others there are only a few better things in the world.

I'm currently stuck at chapter four because I got an idea and I cant decide that's why I'm asking you guys if one of you wants to be my beta. His or her opinion would ultimately decide if I use my totally insane ideas or not but be careful I'm sometimes really stubborn so I might hold onto something he or she doesn't like. That's enough on with the story.

Disclaimer: You know I got a tattoo with it I'm able to make this disclaimer. It says ''I don't own anything!'' Now whoever guesses right where it is gets a cookie.



''Demon Zanpakuto speaking''

'Demon Zanpakuto thoughts'

There sat Naruto hugged for the first time in his life. The surprise soon faded when he begun to have trouble breathing. When he thought everything was over and he would die a voice behind the female said:

'' Kairi stop it. He is turning blue and just don't start hugging things you think are cute.''

Kairi started pouting at that comment:'' But Obaa-chan haven't you seen these cute ears and the tails?''

''I have and I too think there cute but I don't start killing everything cute by my hugging.''

Kairi let go of Naruto so he could start breathing again. 'I never knew breathing was such a wonderful ability.' When Naruto finally was breathing normally again he still heard the two people bickering about Kairi killing everything that's cute.

He had enough. ''Who are you?''

The two stopped and looked at him. He still couldn't make out a detail of the because the only light source was the open door and they were standing directly in front of it.

''He's right we haven't introduced ourselves yet. Kairi would you please open the windows, you cant see a thing in here.''

''Right Obaa-chan.''

As Kairi opened the windows Naruto had had to blink a few times to adjust to the brightness of the room. After that he saw the two people. What he before thought was a woman could best be described as teenager who hit puberty at most a year back. The rest of her could be described as rather childlike, round ever happy face, big green eyes, brown hair braided in her back. Next to her stood a woman at least ninety years of age hunched over leaning on a walking stick. She ad long grey hair and black eyes. They both wore the same happi (A/N Here again my problem with clothes. I googled this one because I don't know how it is called what they wear in Rukongai. If anybody knows please pm me.) with the kanji Heaven on their backs and green sash.

The old scarecrow was the first to speak: ''So young one. Please tell us who you are and how come you are in the 80th district of south Rukongai?''

'' My name is Uzumaki Naruto. The thing I remember before waking up here was a bald guy saying he would send me to heaven then pain and black, after that struggling for my life in the death grip of a bear.''

Kairi shot a wondered look at him:'' I think you dreamed the one with the bear.''

Naruto and the old women chuckled at that comment. '' I don't think I dreamed that.''

Kairi looked puzzled: '' But I was in near this hut the whole time and I haven seen any be... OH! That's very rude you know!'' She huffed and turned away.

'' I'm sorry, Kairi-san was it? I made that comment only to hide my nervousness in front of a beautiful girl.''

'Where the fuck did that come from?'

''Heh kit, we merged have you forgotten. The are a few of my traits in your personality like politeness,maturity, higher intelligence and a few others you will see, but I could hinder a few to get over to you. It would have been very embarrassing for you if they had.''

'You mean I am better than before?'

'' You definitely got a better personality.''

While Naruto was having a Dialogue with his tenant Kairi desperately tried to hide her blushing face. The old Lady could hardly restrain herself from laughing out loud. A just died soul did what every man in the camp tried to do for years and he did it in mere minutes. He was interesting indeed.

''Hey Obaa-san!''

She looked at Naruto as he addressed her.

'' Who are you and where am I?''

''My name is Santo Miyuki but the most call me Obaa-chan, so can you and this is my granddaughter Santo Kairi You are in South Rukongai 80th District. This District is currently under the control of two Groups, the heaven that is us and the Diggers. Its a war zone in town. You are currently in our main camp and I think you could be a real asset in this fight.''


''With the clothes you came here.''

This was the signal for Kairi, she stood up walked into a corner of the room picked something up returned and showed it to him. He knew the black Hakama but the crimson Haori and the fox shaped mask were new.

'' You wore the clothes of a Shinigami and this hollow mask lay beside you. Even if you weren't strong alone the sight of those will install fear in our opponents. You got lucky. If Kairi hadn't moved you right after you popped up you could have been killed.''

''So I owe my life to you Kairi-san.''

'' Just Kairi is fine.''

'' Alright then, Kairi. What would you like me to do for you?''

Her eyes lit up at that. ''YES!! Could you join us in the fight. We are the only ones who are able to be close to you because of you reiatsu.''

Naruto in the process of opening his mouth heard his tenant '' Kit that's the energy of the dead before you ask. Its the spiritual part of chakra. Normal Souls don't got much of it, those with high reiatsu that is uncontrolled let it leak out so normal souls cant stand or even breath when they come close to you. What you now produce is not even the half you could. I'm suppressing it right now.''

'So basically I am really strong even in death.'

'' Yes WE are.''

Kairi found the silence uncomfortable. With the boy she found within deep thought and her Obaa-chan waiting for him to snap out of it. '' Ano Uzumaki-san?''

Naruto brought his attention to Kairi. '' Naruto is fine and what is it Kairi?''

As he said her name he flashed his trademark foxy grin and made her blush again.

''Um, I just wanted to ask where did you get your ears and your tails?''

Naruto knew this question would come sooner or later so he prepared an answer beforehand.

'' Its something that I don't want to be reminded of.''

'' I'm sorry I didn't want to remind you of bad memories''

''No its alright please don't bring it up again. As for you request I would be glad to help you in your fight, but first I have to train.''

The old Lady was glad, if he hadn't agreed to help them he would have to leave and that is something she didn't want to do to somebody in the 80th District. They were slums, the worst of the worst and they wanted to change it.

''That's alright. You would have to control your own power or nobody would be able to fight alongside you.''

Satisfied with the talk they had Obaa-chan (A/N I will refer to Santo Miyuki that way in the future.) stood up and walked towards the door. She paused at the door and looked back at Naruto.

'' Kairi will go with you when you train. As good as you seem you could still be a spy. If you do something hostile towards our Family. We will hunt you down without mercy. So welcome to the Family.''

Naruto looked flabbergasted at that. '' Family?''

Kairi smiled '' Yes, family. The gang is our family and she is our leader and strongest fighter I'm second in command. It al depends on how strong you are. You're untrained and I am able to feel the power rolling off of you. You could easily become third in command.''

Naruto was hardly able to hold back the tears in his eyes as he whispered: '' I never had a family before Other than three people in my village never did anyone care about me.''

She saw the sad look in the eyes of the boy and couldn't help but hug him. He stiffened at the close contact not knowing how to react. She felt how uncomfortable he was. '' Its alright Naruto. We're your family now, we care about you. We feed you when you're hungry, we give you water when you're thirsty and much more. You will see having a big family is the best.''

He finally eased into the hug. ''Thank you.'' He let his tears stream down his face as he thanked her over and over again until he slept in her arms. She laid him back into his bed, stood up, closed all the windows and walked outside.

''You seem to have taken a liking to him awfully fast, Kairi.''

She just stood there staring strait ahead while the voice talked to her.

''Tei, if you hurt him, even if it is just a scratch, you will die no warning and much pain. Understood?''

The voice now known as Tei laughed at her. ''I was wrong you haven't taken a liking to him I admit it. Its more of a crush. I have to tell the others immediately. Hahaha.'' His laughter died down as he further moved away from her location

Kairi blushed and ran after him while shouting. ''If you say anything to the others you will wish you were dead. I PROMISE you PAIN beyond even MY imagination!!!''

So that's it. Hope you liked it. If you liked it review and if you don't like it review also. You see you got no other choice but to review. When you read this story and don't review I will send Orochimaru Sasgay and the ultimate pink beast of Konoha the bane of every homo bar THE MIGHTY GAY to make out on top of you when you're trying to sleep. *shudders* That's disturbing but funny nonetheless. The Maito Gai bit, I had this one in my head for months. Sometimes I couldn't sleep because I was so scared. That's it wait till next Wednesday for the next chapter and Merry Christmas.
Chapter 3: The Challenge

Chapter Three Training begins The Challenge

Here we are again. It has been a good year getting my wii. New personal record in bought games and completed games in a year. Good Year …................... tires. Had to do this joke. Still searching for a beta please review or e-mail me . Actually right now I'm to lazy to write anything with a bit of sense so here is the new chapter to the end of the Year. Forgot has anyone read the last Naruto chapter. God id naruto cool or what? One rasengan and the fat robot guy was all BOOM and WUARGH IM MELTING! And the outfit it sends shivers down my spine. Finnaly Kishimoto is no longer gay and in love with sasuke. Now for the german readers. Yo wie gehts euch leute wenn ihr das lest seit ihr deutsche oder des deutschen mächtig aber wisst ihr was? Ich finde deutsch so ziemlich eine der schlechtesten sprachen überhaupt gleichgesetzt mit allen anderen ausser Englisch und Japanisch. Ich weiss wovon ich rede ich bin mit der sprache aufgewachsen. Wer mit mir gleicher meinung ist oben ist meine e-mail also. Ja ne!

Disclaimer Everbody who wants a photo of my tattoo for the disclaimer review but you won't like the location. Its near my rae end and it Says I dont own anything



''Demon Zanpakuto speaking''

'Demon Zanpakuto thoughts'

The next morning Naruto awoke, stood up opened the windows and dressed himself. The Hakama and the Haori both had holes for the tails to fit through. His hair got longer to just between his shoulder blades with red tips. He picked up the mask an it dawned him, he didn't ask what a hollow was. Obaa-chan only mentioned it once. When she showed him the mask she said it was a hollow mask.

'Hey, Fox. You awake yet?'

''How could I sleep when I hear everything you think. Since you awoke you have thought bout such trivial things like *Are there any ramen stands here?* *Am I awesome or not?* and one of my personal favourites *What bra should I wear today?*. ''

' I didn't think about the last one!!'

''If I had more control you would have just for the fun of it.''

'That's not funny teme. I just wanted to ask what hollows are.'

''Ask the one standing outside. Never thought gonna say this but don't think so much, I want to sleep.''

Naruto felt the presence of the voice fade, picked up the mask and went outside there stood in the same happi and with a beaming smile on her face Kairi.

She just wanted to knock and ask if he was up when the door opened. She stepped back and smiled as she saw him. His clothes fitted him very good. His long hair with the red tips, the crimson Haori over the black Hakama, cerulean blue eyes, whisker marks and what's the most important feature the cute tails and ears. She had to suppress an urge to squeal and glomp him immediately.

''Good morning! Did you sleep well Naruto-kun?''

''Yes thank you Kairi. How are you today?''

''I'm alright. We should start training right away. We have peace right now but the next fight could break out any moment. Please follow me to the training ground.''

They started walking. Naruto once again looked at the mask. ''Kairi. I wanted to ask what is a hollow?''

''They're bad souls. They stayed to long in the human world in soul form the chain of fate. That was attached to your chest when you died remember?''

'' Yeah I've seen it.''

''This chain corrodes, when its completely gone a hole appears on the body of the soul. The soul transforms and gets a white mask which hides the true face of the soul. It is also the weak point of every hollow.. They're main food are other souls, especially those with high reiatsu. The mask you got there is from a hollow but I never thought it could exist without being on the face of a hollow it surprised me. Obaa-chan said not to worry about it a mask is harmless as can be.''

Naruto was in deep thought. ''Kyuubi, these tainted souls could you be the reason for this mask?'

''It could very well be I liked slaughter massacre and every form of torture in my life. Blood was my favourite drink and I liked to build little castles with the bones of my victims. Yes, I'm a tainted soul.''

Naruto's face looked disgusted at the images flashing trough his mind.

He was brought out of his musing when Kairi announced they arrived. So her first lesson began.

Kairi got serious. ''When I'll be teaching you you will call me shishou or Kairi-sensei. First of Reiatsu is the energy of your mind and inner soul. So physical training will only be a little part of the training. Today will only be meditation, concentration and running a few rounds to see what kinda stamina you got..''

The next six hours were meditating, concentrating while being distracted by the most ludicrous things like a burning arrow tried to pierce him while he balanced an egg on his nose. Then he had to run laps while he wasn't allowed to slow down or even take brakes for a few seconds. It doesn't need to be said she worked him to the bone.

Naruto was furious. Didn't she say something of physical training only being a little part of the training. He was exhausted beyond belief and only wanted to eat and then collapse onto the bed.

Kairi laughed when she caught the look on his face. ''Don't look so angry with me. Know I know you got fabulous stamina and a good grip on meditation and concentration techniques. You're very strong for a soul which died not even a week ago..''

Naruto blushed at her praise. ''Its nothing. I was a ninja in training when I died.'' 'Even though I was hyperactive. This could be one of the personality traits Kyuubi spoke of. Remaining calm even in the most stressing moments. This could be useful.'

''Ninja in training you say. Interesting.''

Suddenly a loud siren could be heard. Without a warning Kairi began sprinting to where the siren came from. Naruto following close behind still exhausted but to curious of what was going on.

They came what looked like a war zone. Everybody was fighting many were down and blood everywhere. The air was filled with the sound of ripping flesh and screams, the stench of blood and other bodily fluids assaulted their noses.

Kairi ran into the war zone without ever stopping and called for Obaa-chan. Naruto ran after her and noticed when he walked by many would start breathing hard and ultimately passed out. He felt as if he was watched. He knew it was bad to get paranoid in a battlefield, but he couldn't help it.

Soon fighting around him stopped and everybody started looking at him. They backed away from him. Obaa-chan came through the crowd towards the two.

''What are you two doing here? I thought I gave you orders to not come here when a fight started as long as he was still being trained!!''

Someone started to laugh behind Naruto and Kairi. They whirled around only to come face to face with the most gigantic man both of them had ever seen. Wearing black battle armour and towering both of them at an impressive height of at least five meters with red greasy looking hair, his bulky body making him ugly beyond believe. The booming laughter came from his mouth and then he began to speak in a voice or fitting for a young man which contrasted with his image further.

'' So the heaven scum finally brought out the Shinigami Cant even fight for themselves!'' He spat on the Ground in front of the trio. ''Pathetic! I thought we fought fair, laid our lives to the battlefield in a struggle which would honour those who died here, but you wont do that. You had to inform those good for nothing assholes, who act all high an mighty but do nothing. As you can see here is a war going on and they're sending ONE Shinigami''

He scowled down at Naruto who returned it with a heated glare when Obaa-chan spoke up.

''I admit he has Shinigami powers but he is not a Shinigami You will remember the soul, which popped up in the midst of our last battle? Its him.''

The ugly giant picked Naruto up and looked at him closely. ''Its him alright. I remember the blond hair. He's rather tiny isn't he?''

It was a rather comical scene as the ugly leader of the diggers looked at the boy, which was rather tiny for his age and the boy glared back with as much hatred as he could muster. He sat him down and sighed ''I don't feel like fighting today any more lets retreat.''

Naruto looked at both leaders as he blurted out what burned the whole in the back of his brain ''Why are you fighting!?''

The Giant and Obaa-chan looked at him when the giant started laughing again ''I like the kid he says what he thinks. Really its easy we both got the same goal but have different ways of achieving it. I think fear is the only way to bring order an peace to this dump and she thinks cooperation and compassion is the way. She's crazy I tell ya.''

Naruto thought about it a moment and tried to negotiate the first time in his life.

'' Then why the bloodshed? You could just let your two strongest warriors fight each other and be done with it.''

Ryuusen grunted at this proposal.

''If this is all it would have taken we would have done just that a hundred years ago. The problem is even if the strongest fighter of one group is defeated everyone and I really mean EVERYONE would jump this person without a second thought.''

Naruto had to make a plan to stop the fighting once and for all. He didn't want his ''family'' injured. Kairi said to him , family cares about each other and there was no way in hell he wouldn't protect them.

''Kit, show em what we can do. Show em the might of a Hanyou! (Insert crazy evil laughter here)''

'Wait! Fox you never said a thing about me being a half demon! We'll talk later about the need to know thing you seem to have.'

''Ryuusen! I, Uzumaki Naruto, challenge you and after you the Diggers to a fight!''

''What do you mean *after me*?''

'' I will fight you in a one-on-one fight and after that just like you said they will jump me. I will defeat them all. When I win the Diggers will be absorbed into heaven. You will help us change this slum into the best district in the whole of Soul Society. When you win you get me. Think about it, a guy with shinigami powers fights for you and obeys every command you give him.''

Every onlooker was stunned at this proposal. It was true the power was rolling off of him was enough to let a normal soul pass out if they were to long in his vicinity, but this was ridiculous.

One of the followers had enough balls to voice his opinion.

Tei stood on the edge of the space where people would pass out and he seethed in rage. How could Obaa-chan do this? How could she not protest against this proposal? She couldn't possibly have that much faith in someone she only knew for two freakin days. One of them he wasn't even conscious.

'' You can't be freakin serious! You will lose and then he will order you to destroy us!''

Tei made his way towards the group standing there. Stare fixated on Naruto. If looks could kill Naruto would die, be reborn and immediately die again.

Kairi was worried. Tei had a temper when he thought his friends were in danger.

' Tei is such an idiot. Naruto wouldn't propose this, if he weren't sure he could do this. Why can't he think for a change? Only Naruto is able to do it. I know it!'

''Tei stop it!''

''But Kairi...''

''No buts!. He tries to do something. I've never seen you try anything to stop the fighting!''

As Kairi scolded Tei, Naruto whispered with Obaa-chan.

'' Old hag, who is that guy?''

'' That's Tei. He is the commander off most our forces only outranked by me and Kairi. He hot headed and stubborn but in the end he's a good guy who always thinks of his friends first before even himself. He got a one-sided crush on Kairi and offered a reward for someone who could make her blush so he could copy him. Its rather funny.''

Naruto shuddered as he heard of Tei's crush but shrugged it off and continued watching them.

Behind Naruto and Obaa-chan stood Ryuusen. He was getting rather angry. Being ignored was something he hated more than anything else.

'' Shrimp! At least don't ignore one you offered a fight!''

Naruto turned around and faced him.

''I would if you answered me.''

''Yeah right. Right now could be bad because my troops are exhausted. So how about we meet each other here in a month.''

Naruto showed his trademark grin. '' That's alright with me.''

With that Ryuusen and his troops left the battlefield.

Naruto could feel the tension leave his body. He sighed. '' Go I'm glad thats over. Kairi! Lets go train!''

First I had it the way they just didn't think of this option of strongest versus strongest but that would dishonour all the lifes laid down on the battlefield so I made up a honourable way for the conflict. Review because its makes little puppies happy
Chapter 4: Battle Royale

Chapter four Battle Royale

Yo people are you ready!! Here it comes the next chapter of my super fantastic awesome ultimative work ( Yeah right).

Enough with the jokes. I'm happy to announce I'm getting better in my writing skills. At least I hope to think so. Everything depends on you people. If you dont review I dont know if I get better so if you think so please tell me and if you don't please tell me also. Sad news my dog died last wednesday so I was a bit down but I dont think she would have liked me all emo , don't know how those black clad '' Everythings bad, life shit, food shit and so on'' are called in english don't need to know. Thanks go to my new beta reader jcogginsa. Youre awesome man.

Disclaimer: You don't want a photo of my tattoo.

In the past month Naruto looked into hell more than one time. Kairi and Obaa-chan drove him further then he had ever gone in training when he was alive. As a ninja he only trained till he was exhausted and drifted of to sleep, here he would just be slapped to awaken him and then he would do every exercise again. Meditating while in life threatening situations, concentrating on a task while someone tried to kill him and kenjutsu training, where he would go with a sword he was given against Kairi and the old bat. Now he was seriously asking himself, if they knew any training methods which didn't involve killing the one trained. He seriously doubted it, but he could complain as much as he wanted, the training seriously helped. He improved leaps and bounds, what seemed totally impossible in the beginning now was more like a walk in a park. Still nervousness tugged on the corners of his mind, as he saw Ryuusen and every other member of the Diggers entered the Battlefield.

Ryuusen wasn't surprised. The kid actually came and he looked determined enough to go through with it.

'' I'm impressed. I thought you had fled for seireitei already. You aren't that much of a chicken than I fist thought. You upgraded from a fried chicken to a roasted one! How do you like that?''

Naruto just sighed.

'Taunting an opponent before battle, getting him riled up so he wont fight to the best of his abilities. So amateur too.'

''Is there any Ramen in your ranking system? If there is what must I do to get it?''

''You brat, are you making fun of me? Lets get started I want to kick you ass and then finally win this war.''

''Kit, I think he's more brawn than brain. He thought you made fun of him. But this isn't a reason to underestimate him. Warriors tend to get better in battle, so be careful.''

' I know Kyuu. I'm one of those people remember?'

The contestants walked towards each other.

Everything went silent. Only the wind blew between the fighters. Both were tense. Their muscles ready to immediately get to top-speed.

There it was! In the blink of an eye both clashed in the middle exchanging blow after blow. Naruto vanished only to appear not even a split second later he could be seen striking Ryuusen's back. He jumped back getting distance as he saw it had little to no effect. Ryuusen laughed. '' You think your pathetic punches could harm my iron-body? Even a flea bite could do more damage than you!''

Naruto had to think of a plan and fast. Normal hand-to-hand combat didn't seem to damage him at all. So he did the only thing he could think of right now. He drew his sword. It was only a standard katana. The same everyone else used. White hilt, blade and sheath every thing else than an impressive sight. Ryuusen saw this and sprinted towards for one reason or another sprinted towards the Diggers. They made place so something inside the crowd could be seen. Ryuusen reached them and picked the thing up. It was revealed to be a club with sinister looking spikes on the tip.

''The kid wants to play in the adult league so he gets the adult toys.''

He swung it around several times until it hit the ground leveling a one meter radius crater.

Naruto was in deep shit. He knew he got the superior speed but that didn't help any if attacks had no effect on the body of your opponent.

''Don't freak out!! God dammit!''

'Shut up! I got enough problems as it is.'

'' Then I think you don't want my advice so you can defeat him?''

'Damn right. So be still I got to concentrate.'

Both charged again. Ryuusen with an impressive speed considering his body and the large iron club he was carrying. Naruto hit dead center. Only to realize he hadn't even scratched the giant before him. He hastily dodged sideways to avoid being ripped apart by spikes and get his intestines scattered around. Ryuusen swung his menacing weapon at Naruto again and again only for the kitsune to dodge and strike from a blind spot.

Those who watched were in awe at the display of strength and speed never had both groups seen Ryuusen go all out. To say it was impressive would be an understatement. Then there was the blond kid. The guys from heaven only knew him from the storys Kairi, Obaa-chan and on occasion Tei ,who went to spy on the training, told them. They did not even come near the skill level the midget possessed. Suddenly there was a tint of red seen and they heard splashing noises.

Naruto was getting desperate. He tried everything he knew and still nothing. He dodged once again, only to strike. Already thinking it was no use Naruto almost retreated before the blade could reach. Then he saw it. Blood. There was blood streaming down his sword. He looked up to see his sword embedded in a point just below Ryuusen's armpit. The idea lit up in Naruto's head like a thousand suns.

' How could I forget there were spots on the body were isn't that much muscle tissue. His defence depended obviously on muscles. Also if he hardens then he cant move because moving means stretching muscles but they have to be dense to work for his defence!'

'At last. I could have told him beforehand but would he hear out the voice in his head? No! The kit is such an idiot.'

With a newly formed plan and gained confidence Naruto flickered out of view once again. Next to be seen kicking with al his might in the back of Ryuusen's right knee. He stumbled forward to regain his balance. In this moment Naruto struck, first slashing across the giants chest and then embedding the sword in his belly.

Ryuusen smiled. Never before had he lost , tied yes, but never lost. He couldn't fight any more, if he did the wounds which already were very serious could become fatal.

''Brat you win.'' was the only thing the fallen man said before he gave himself to slumber.

Naruto was relieved. The first part was over and now the easy part would begin. He started planning the second part one month prior and he would make himself a name right here right now.

'Kyuubi, stop suppressing the the rest of my reiatsu.'

''You know you body can't handle the power. We have to get your body accustomed to it at least before you can go around blasting everyone with it.''

'Just this time Kyuu. I want to get this over with fast.'

''If you die and get reborn, I will find you just to kill you again you know?''

Naruto smiled 'I would even welcome it. Now LET'S ROCK!'

Kyuubi released the suppressed parts of Narutos power. A wave of crimson energy could be seen coming from the blond in the crimson haori. Soon in both camps of watchers people started passing out as the wave approached them. In the end only two were left standing while two others were on their knees panting for air. Naruto could feel his body screaming in protest. Not the whole Reiatsu in his body was his own. The bigger part originated from the Kyuubi and his body couldn't handle it. It would first have to get used to the foreign reiatsu, everyday a bit more. Kyuu said in good five or six years he would be able to use it all. Kyuubi started suppressing the power again almost immediately. Enough was enough. He could only see Obaa-chan standing but her breathing seemed strained. Kairi and her blue haired friend, Tei was his name he presumed were on the floor panting s if their life depended on it.

At the same time in the 12th Division of the Gotei 13, warning signals could be heard. The monitors supervising shinigami activity and sensor for sources of high reiatsu was going wild.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri sat in front of the map showing were this power came from. It was a colour he had never seen. Shinigami were white, hollows were purple but this one glowed in a red manner. Far more potent than the usual shinigamis power. As sudden as the power erupted as sudden it vanished leaving no trace at all. Mayuri wanted the source but he couldn't tell other divisions because it was possible they could deny him the right to experiment on the subject. No he would do this all alone.

Naruto passed out right after his show of power. Only to wake up to the sounds of a party going on and giggled laughter beside him. His eyes still closed he smiled to himself. He won! Now everything is going to be good.

So thats it for today. Be happy because chapter fve is already finished and will be up next week. As you people read this I'm working on chapter six.

Everytime you review a puppy will be born.
Chapter 5: Rebuild and Tragedy

Chapter Five: Rebuild and Tragedy



''Demon Zanpakuto speaking''

'Demon Zanpakuto thoughts'

How are you today my hopefully faithfull readers. Sorry but today the chap comes a little late. Im stuck in bed with the flu and I hate it. I wish I could go to school. Never thought I would say that.

In this chapter I did something some will hate me for but thats okay I had this idea longer than the idea for this fic so who doesn't like it maybe but just maybe you will be surprised...

or not. God how I love it to let you read what I think but this is the end so read.

This chapter is the first one Beta read by my beta jcogginsa. Be sure to thank him too.

The next week Naruto killed time in his newly reformed mindscape. Although he never before saw this place it was strangely familiar to him. He felt like he knew something he shouldn't but just shrugged it off. (A/N Will later be revealed. When someone guesses right I will fulfil a wish of him or her as long as its in my power.) Kyuubi taught him most of the time about his Hanyou abilities and how a demon differs from Hollows. The difference is simple a demon is able to get into hell and out of it no problem because its their home Hollows are just human souls. With his status as Hanyou he would be stated as lesser demon with the strength of a demon god such as Kyuubi herself. His enhanced senses strength stamina and healing ability not to mention.

Kairi was worried over her crush as the others titled Naruto after Tei told them all how she blushed in his presence. Here is to mention she tortured him three days straight after the fight. First everybody had been awed at the wonder the young blond fabricated . Then they couldn't get20farther away from her as Tei came back three days later and squeaked he would never have kids before passing out. Since then nobody talked about this topic and Kairi sat besides the blond hero day and night worried for his health.

Ryuusen awoke a day after the fight and announced the war as over and the Diggers as disbanded. Most of the members got into Heaven, only a few returned to their family or to solitary life.

Obaa-chan used the time to organize a celebration for Naruto. Also she talked what Ryuusens future plans were. Now with the war over they could finally plan to make the 80th district a place where people want to live and not just some slum with no real order.

As Naruto woke up he felt heavy. There was something lying on top of him. He felt better than ever. Energy was coursing through him, he felt safe and for the first time in his existence he really thought he had done something significant to others. Not the whole ' I'm gonna be Hokage and make everybody proud' shit but really helped other people.

It was getting uncomfortable. Naruto opened his eyes and looked down on himself. There sat an angelic vision. Kairi slept sat by his bedside, it seemed she had fallen asleep and slumped on top of him. He couldn't help and think how cute she looked when she was so defenceless.

'Where did that come from. I'm to young for a girlfriend. Girlfriend!? Goddamit Kyuubi!'

''What is it Kit?''

'I know you said I would have a more mature side but thinking about Girlfriends isn't that to much?'

''You're dead. Age doesn't apply here.''


''And I thought you had gotten more intelligent. It means it doesn't matter how old you are. You could be 100 and the Girl you're attracted to twenty looking like ten, It doesn't matter. Someone like you with high reiatsu is even able to change his age after some training.''

'So I could look like fifteen and it would be okay to try and date someone?'

''Technically yes but I would say better not try date someone.''


''Don't ask I wont tell you but don't you dare date someone! 'other than me!' ''

' Hai Hai. Don't get so bitchy you're the god of demons. What would the others say if I would tell them how you acted like a girl?'

''Don't fuck around with me Kit. 'God please do!' If I could I would rip you to shreds.''

'Yeah Yeah Love you to.'

While Naruto had an argument with a part of his spirit Kairi woke up to find the blonde looking at the ceiling in what seemed to be deep thought. He looked much older when he was staring into space. When he aged physical she would ask him out on a date or two but this was in more than a few hundred years because people aged slower in Rukongai.

' I'm curious if he had a special someone when he was alive. When not than I got a chance! How others would be jealous because I got such a got looking boyfriend and only I see his whole body when we...'

Blood began to trickle down from Kairis nose. Naruto got out of his trance and looked at Kairi surprised to see her awake and to what he would guess having perverted thoughts.

''OI, Kairi could you please stop making my bed dirty I want to sleep here sometime in the future!''

'.. and then we do it outside after we had...'

Not getting Kairi out of her daydreams any time soon, Naruto got out of his bed and headed to the Bathroom getting ready for the day. He still ached all over and it wasn't pleasant to walk around but it was boring as hell when you're bound to the bed. So the only logical conclusion wa s to get up and train so you wont feel the aching any more. Getting dressed and writing down a note for Kairi he headed out to the nearby lake.

'… and that would make our love lasting forever.'

She looked where Naruto was supposed to be. ''NANI!!'' He wasn't here. How could he have stood up and just gone away when she, with her watchful eye(A/N Yeah right), had been looking straight at him! It just couldn't be! Someone must have kidnapped him! They got a hold of him to torture the secret of being so handsome out of Naruto!


Naruto, not 200 metres at the shore of a lake, heard her cry of her rescuing him. He was used to her delirious fantasys. He often was victim to things she thought up herself and believed to be true in the one month they trained. There was this one time when she thought giant squids were attacking the camp only to drag him with her and find nothing and the one time she believed she could go trough solid objects. That was rather funny in the end because he was the one who implanted the idea. Naruto sighed. This were the more fun memories of what he could remember. People accepting him only began here. The old man was the only one who accepted him. The new teacher, Iruka was his name, was also not a b ad guy but not what would be considered accepting. He let these depressing thoughts go and just trained again

If they had known what had been coming for the they would have fled right away and not enjoyed this peaceful morning.

'' Nemu you will be leading the 12th division while I'm gone. Write observation reports of all the experiments but don't touch anything.''

The purple headed beauty bowed to her Father and creator. ''Hai! I will do everything as you wish it Mayuri-sama ''

Sometimes being a captain was a real pain in the ass. Going to those meetings, having the responsibility of the 12thz division and so forth. Not even going out was allowed unless careful preparations were made but this was worth it. A new unkown force of energy to dissect and what else to do. It send shudders down his spine.

''Tell the others there was some irregularity in the Rukongai and I had to investigate at once. I will submit my report upon my return.''

''Shall I report this when you're gone or wait till someone asks Mayuri-sama ?''

''It would be suspicious to wait till someone asks so report it immediately.''

With everything taken care of the captain of the 12th division and President of the Science Bureau took off towards south rukongai where a blond Hanyou didn't know what would await him upon the arrival of this foe.

A week later Naruto and the members of heaven had a whole other battle to fight. Obaa-chan ordered Naruto to the frontlines at once after she saw he was awake. She knew his presence would give the troops a huge boost in moral and power. Now a week later it didn't seem as hopeless anymore

But today it was really cruel. The only thought he could think of was


''OH SHIT!''

There were battles everywhere!. You couldn't look left or right without seeing battles, wounded or corpses. Seemed like having peace in their homes didn't appeal everybody so they fought to not depend on a military force which could easily turn against them and make them slaves or sth.

He scowled.

When he defeated Ryuusen he thought everything would be over, not that he would have to fight those he wanted to protect.

With a war cry Naruto dove into the battling mass. Always only injuring never killing people with his sword. For the first 30 or so it was fairly easy, then he felt his sword blocked. Looking he saw a grinning midget not older than ten.

The kid grinned wider before he pushed Naruto's blade away.

''You're good Shinigami but you haven't been properly trained. It should be a breeze defeating you!''

With this sentence a deadly dance began. Blocking dodging attacking, everything was a blur. There the kid attacked a block. An opening attack. Missed, jumping back to avoid slash. Purely on instinct , thats how Naruto fought. In his last big fight he had luck, in this battle with the citizens most were not strong enough and could be brought down with brute strength but this kid had experience and power, a bad combination for Naruto with only one month training and one week real war experience. If it weren't for his reflexes speed and strength as hanyou he would be long dead.

Avoiding a slash by jumping backward he stuck his sword into the ground and looked at his opponent. Both were sweating hard and their breathing was a little heavy but they could easily continue.

'' You're not bad for a fresh hatchling but I'm not here to fight you.''

The onlookers who had stopped fighting and moved out of the way looked quizycally at the kid.

Naruto was furious.


''You're mistaken I didn't attack you. You just swung your sword around like an amateur and if I hadn't blacked I wouldn't be standing right now.''

Naruto couldn't reply at that. True he just registered another body and struck out to disable him before moving on to the next one.

''From the look on you're face I was right. Good. I'm here to deliver a message to you but it should be to late. Do you know how difficult it is to find you in this mess.''

''Don't rant! Just give me the message!''

'' Okay Okay. The message is more of a warning but I looked for you for three whole days so he should be here any minute. A captain class shinigami is on his way to you.''

The last sentence came only as a whisper but the impact of this words was greater than anything one could possible imagen. People began to scream, panic and chaos came over the fighters.

Naruto looked around and the back to the kid only to be surprised. Her was gone.

Feelings of dread washed over Naruto. He saw a man get knocked out without a reason.

The feeling got stronger, more just slumped to the ground. Then the mass began to move towards the south. The panic greater than before and screams could be heard as people were trampled to death.

Everything froze. Nothing moved. A tune began to float through the air. Just whistling, like somebody was extremely happy. Naruto almost at the edge of the mass could make out a person walking in a lazy pace towards the battlefield. The dread got stronger and stronger. The ones nearest the person dropped almost like they were stabbed and died. As the person got to the reached the first body only two people were still somewhat standing. Kairi was on her knees looking deathly pale and vomiting her guts out. The person stood before her. Naruto only hundred meters away looked at the now obvious man. He had face paint and wore the same as Naruto, only his haori was white. He laughed. It was no happy sound, it was more like it was mocking Kairis effort to stay conscious. He looked around and saw Naruto.

''So you're the energy source I got readings on the sensor. I can sense you're strong but not Captain level, but your energy is different not hollow, not shinigami, so I'm asking you. What are you?''

Summoning the last of his strength he sneered. ''Why should I tell you ugly face!''

''You're stubborn and br ave. That's two things I hate with a passion. You got lucky. When you die I couldn't experiment with your reiatsu so I can't kill you, but this bitch...'' He kicked Kairi in the stomach ''… got traces of your energy so I will kill her instead.''

Naruto couldn't believe his ears. This guy just came out of nowhere, knocks everybody out, knows he's not normal and then threatens Kairi because he hates brave people. Naruto did the only thing that came to his mind. Not the most intelligent thing to do considering Mayuri hates stubborn and brave people.

He began moving towards the two people. '' STAY AWAY FROM HER!!''

Mayuri closed his eyes. Would he be happy when he did everything he could think of with the boy so he could kill him. He drew his sword and in a wide unnecessary ark brought it down towards the girl. He did this movement just to watch the total shock and disbelieve on the boys face when he brought the sword down. A indescribable sound could be heard as the sword pierced her heart from her back. He looked at the boy as he began to scream.

Naruto's mind and heart were shattered. Before his eyes the one person he considered more than anyone else family, the person he swore to protect just died. Just like that. No great battle, heroic deed or something else honourable. She just die d. No! She was murdered! Murdered by the shitface in front of him. He gripped his sword tight and let his anger guide him. He charged as fast as he could, tears streaming and shouting murderer the whole way.


Bet you didn't see that coming huh. She is dead Jim. On this note. Naruto isn't uberpowerfull so . Hw will struggle with some enemies, will sometimes lose and sometimes there wont be an outcome.

Personally I like god Naruto storys but this wont be one.

Everytime you review a puppy wll be born.
Chapter 6: Tragedy continued and Rain

Chapter Six: Tragedy continued and Rain

Oh my god. Whats that? There is something ugly lurking in the shadows. Run away people its a new chap... We are sorry for this but our reporter got eaten we will now proceed to show you the new chapter of In Death we find Peace.

Hows that for an intro? I think its pretty cool.

Good morning guys!! Suic is back with a brand new chapter for you from me. ( Why am I spending my free time on this.) I hate to say it but im currently having a block for chapter seven so I don't know if I can make next week but i'll try even if I die this fic WILL NEVER GO DOWN. MUHAHAHAHA

I'm sorry I get hyper when I don't sleep for two days. You will find a passage in this chapter where I will ask you not to read but as I know you will read it regardless and so I will say it before. I watched an whole episode power rangers while writing this stuff and the red ranger got his usual special gear so I wanted to have naruto one too. Thats it for today.

Disclaimer: I'M currently working and living in most poor conditions to pool my money so I can buy Bleach and Naruto and then have a crossover story made. So you can deduce I don't own them.... yet. ( Just wait)

The skies roared as Naruto charged. I would soon begin to rain but not one of the fighters cared about the changing weather. One fought with every ounce power and skill he had and the other just laughed at the effort of his foe. Strike for strike blocked or evaded. Naruto couldn't see the obvious gap in skill and just slashed at Mayuri,only hearing the pumping of blood in his ears and the faint cries of a woman.

They finally separated. Naruto without breath and only standing by pure willpower. Mayuri not even slightly fazed with the recklessness of his soon to be long term Experiment.

''He's to strong for you!''

'Kyuubi just shut up! He will die today by my hands and nothing else!'

''Think about it. He knocked out everyone and wasn't even slightly winded from it. He fought you who gave everything and laughs about you! If you keep that up were going to die.''

' I couldn't protect Konoha when I was alive, I couldn't protect my Family in the afterlife so what am I worth? The only thing to do is to offer my life as a tribute for my uselessness.'

He let the20rage take over once again only to charge like a berserker. There was an opening! The painted man wasn't looking at him and just starring into the sky. A Stab and Mayuri parried only with the slightest movement still looking up. Naruto dove to the side to get behind Mayuri and with a cry of triumph he slashed at the wide open back before him just to be blocked, not giving up he put pressure on his blade , a gift from Kairi wouldn't break not in this crucial moment against her killer.

''Kukukuku I've played enough with your beliefs and your thoughts of revenge. Lets end this Specimen #.1. You were a really bad boy. So get back in your cage so I can start experimenting on you. Kukukuku ''

And with his last laugh he vanished. The droplets began to fall as Naruto realized something. His sword wasn't that short before. It was at least a meter or more and not this stump of only 30 cm. He looked down to see hands holding his Katana but it couldn't be his hands. He knew his hands weren't dripping in red paint. He heard the raindrops hit the bodies and soil littered at this battlefield as a sinister voice behind him could be heard.

''Now it has begun to rain. Your wound swill knock you out for at least a day so we will see each other again when the rain clears up. Until then stay alive.''

The last part only a whispered command send chills down Narutos spine.. Then he knew the monster was gone. The ability to breathe freely returned he didn't have to force every breath anymore. He closed his eyes and felt the water run down his body. As he opened the again he walked forward in the direction he estimated Kairi's body. Ten steps was all his battered body could handle. The world just collapsed before his eyes his last thoughts about how he was without worth in this world and every other.

Earlier that week in a captains meeting...

''This is outrageous! How could he just act on his own accord without consent of Central 46!''

''Please calm down Yamamoto-soutaichou. It already happened the only thing we can do is prevent damage for the citizens.'' Came the soothing voice of a female.

The old bearded man stepped forward.''Hold your tongue and think about who you speak with. But you are right Unohana-taichou. The citizens are our first priority. We will send out a squad led by a captain to bring back Kurotsuchi-taichou. Soi-Fon-taichou and her special forces are the fastest squad available. You will be send out to the coordinates Kurotsuchi-fukutaichou will give you. By the way Komamura-taichou has there been any evidence in this boy yet?''

Kamamura looked at the Soutaichou. ''Unfortunately not. I believe this energy surge may have come from him. I will send my fastest Division member with Soif-Fon-taichou.''

Yamamoto nodded. ''Do as you wish. Please send the man in one hour at the south gate. Dismissed.''

As the Captains walked away Komamura talked to Soi-Fon. ''Soi-Fon-taichou if you by any chance see the boy please take him into custody without force.''

''It depends if the boy is actually there and when he is if he attacks. I can't guarantee anything at all. Please excuse me but I have to pick out my men.''

Naruto looked at the grey sky not caring about a thing in the world. What worth would it be to care if he was so utterly useless . First he couldn't keep his promise to the old man and become Hokage and know he couldn't even protect the ones precious to him. There was roaring. Was it the sky destroying the land with lightning or some kinda animal looking for food. He didn't care. The only slight hope was he would be found by either of them.

''Finnaly! You know looking for you in this blank state is really troublesome.''

Naruto sat up and looked at the big fox in20front of him. How he could have not heard him approaching was a mystery but who cared, not Naruto, he just stared at Kyuubi with dead eyes.

'' Kit. I know this is a first for you but friends and family die everywhere no matter where you look. In the ninja lifestyle it is a common thing but they get over it and move on.''

''I will move on. Move onto killing this asshole and then I can throw away the rest of my life or death in that matter.''

( A/N: Please don't read this I do this only for myself and even I don't know why. *clears throat* *Strikes last seen power ranger pose and yells*



I definitely watch to much TV. On with the Story)

' What should I do with you Kit? You're so bend on revenge you disregard everything around you. What should I do?'

''Kit what if I could tell you how to beat him?''

Now Naruto showed interest ''How?''

''I wanted to tell you this for some time but I wouldn't because you=2 0were so happy with your new life or death whatever.''

''Just get to the point already.''

''I as a demon mostly know about hell but I was not ignorant about heaven and know a few things which would most likely lead to you leaving your family behind.''

''There is not much family left so get get to the point already.''

''You are an Shinigami or more precise have Shinigami powers. This means you are able to enter an academy where you would be trained to be a Shinigami controlling your Reiatsu getting a special sword and so on. If you did go there you would be able to train your powers like you couldn't here. You could get the methods and train in them until you're strong enough to beat the murderer of the girl but that would also mean you could get to be a subordinate of him and would have to work your way up.''

Thinking about it Naruto found this idea very appealing but there was something that bothered him.''What do you mean by special sword and this bastard's subordinate?''

''By special sword I mean a sword that was made by a fraction of your soul. They take away a tiny bit of your soul and mould it into a sword. What kinda sword depends on the soul. In your case I would present myself so I would be your sword. Subordinate means the one you fought was a higher ranking Shinigami. I don't know how high the demons who knew about heaven never mentioned special markings as ranks, and I couldn't tell because you and him are the first Shinigami I've seen. Maybe it could be the colour of the haori.

''As you say he could be high ranking or every other Shinigami is just as strong which would make him an normal one.''

Naruto stood up and faced the giant fox who in the course of the talk had lied down and did the before unthinkable he bowed before it.

''I thank you for supporting me and I know you will aid me as a sword to the best of your ability. Lets show these Shinigami you don't anger a shinobi.''

'So he has decided...' Kyuubi smirked as much as a fox could '… and definitely better personality-wise. I wonder if I should have told him he could make the sword now? Nah.'

''Kit you better wake up. Outside is getting rowdy.''

Naruto just felt a rush as Kyuubi disappeared from his view and everything went black. He could hear people. Angry and sad voices crying or shouting. He opened his eyes and saw the same sky he had looked up before. He stoop up and looked around. There were still bodies unconscious or dead littering the earth but there were also people running around checking on the people on the ground and leaving some kinda mark here and there. Then he spotted the face of the one person he didn't want to see most ever again. Obaa-chan was staining with a tear stained face looking at the corpse of her granddaughter. Even so it rained he could tell. Then he remembered something the guy said he would return when it stopped raining to get him. Even so it didn't look like it would stop soon the people had to get away or he had to get away. An easy choice because he wanted to go right now. Stopping the next guy who came running by and telling him a message for Obaa-chan and then as stealthy as possible setting of to the north. His journey for revenge had begun.

When Obaa-chan first heard of what happened at the front lines she was moving before the messenger even got to end. She had a feeling this day would end bad but she didn't know how.

When she got there she got there it was already a day after the battle. People were sitting groggily on the ground running around like scared chicken or weeping for a fallen friend. She only had to find two people and the first one she immediately spotted. Crimson haori and blond hair couldn't be overlooked so she ran towards him on ly to see the front of his clothing shredded open like struck with a sword but when she looked at his torso she could only make out a scar she hadn't seen before going from his right shoulder to his navel. Bowing down to mess for a pulse she let out a relieved sigh. He was alive and very strongly at that, the scar would have to be discussed later, now she had to find Kairi.


With the orders given and mostly now organized people running around she could begin her search for Kairi. An hour later a heaven member came to her and said he had found kairi with one of the most pale faces she had ever seen. He guided her to the body and as she bend down to check for a pulse she didn't find one. Just to be sure she checked again. After that she just stood there in the rain crying and looking at Kairi. She knew she was the leader but this time she could cry because the rain hide her tears. Standing there for seemingly hours a person approached her. She didn't recognize him so he should be a former Digger or just a fighter of the district. The message he brought did a good thing and a bad thing the message was ''Obaa-chan I'm sorry I couldn't protect her but I will take the revenge on her murderer for sur e so don't worry about me. Naruto''

She was enraged and at the same time at peace. Naruto at least tried to protect her so the last thing she had heard would most probably be him so Kairi should have been fairly happy he was concerned for her but this Idiot wanted revenge. Kairi wouldn't have wanted to have someone killed for her, she always and been loving peace and wanted to marry a handsome men.

''Where is this idiot so I can beat his head in for those useless thoughts?!''

The messenger pointed north and said he had gone in this direction after he had told him the message.

Obaa-chan cursed. She couldn't leave she had to organize this mess. She just hoped he was alright and would show understanding of Kairis feeling later when he properly thought about it and not in a rush of hate

How did you like The power rangers avenger form. Not good? Now i'm sad.

I will tell you the future from what I have already written for the next chap.

Naruto will change his demeanour and his appearance will change (a little)

Review because every time you do a puppy will be born. Arent they just cute?
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