[Hinweis] Japanese women set up online fan clubs idolising accused murderer


Chief 0perating 0fficer
apanese women have set up online fan clubs idolising the jobless student accused of murdering British teacher Lindsay Ann Hawker Tatsuya Ichihashi, 30, was arrested in Osaka in November after spending more than two-and-a-half years as a fugitive. He now faces the death penalty for the rape and murder of Miss Hawker, whose body was found buried in a bath of sand on the balcony of his Tokyo apartment in March 2007. But despite the horrific nature of the allegations, Ichihashi has become a cult hero to hundreds of Japanese fans.

Social networking sites Mixi and 2Channel have been innundated with admirers who have awarded him elevated nicknames, such as Ichi-sama (Lord Ichi) and Tobo Oji (the fugitive prince). Some content themselves with lavishing him with praise while others have fantasised about having sex with him. Bizarrely, some supporters claim he could not have murdered Miss Hawker, 22, as he looks 'too kind.'
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvTZAoS0pz4"]YouTube- Student charged with Lindsay Hawker murder[/ame]

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Otaku Elite
Otaku Veteran
Ein Fanclub für einen Mörder :nani:

WTF geht in den Köpfen der Leute vor die in solch einen sinnlosen Mörder was gutes finden!?
Glaube die "Fans" sollten mal in Therapie gehen oder sich zumindest einen sinnvolleren Mörder als Idol suchen, aber sowas wie sinnvolle Mörder gibts ja wohl nur in Animes...

mfg Bregoran