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Title Japanese: SECONDIMPACT
Title Romaji:
Title English: SECOND IMPACT
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE021069
Size: ~20MB

Title Japanese: 乙女ノ騎士ハ舞イヲリタ
Title Romaji: Otome no kishi ha-mai iworita
Title English: Valkyria Melancholy
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE026211
Size: ~20MB

Title Japanese: 還らざる時の終わりに
Title Romaji: Kaerazaru toki no owari ni
Title English: Kaerizaru toki no owarin ni (The time of no return)
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE029904
Size: ~10MB

Title Japanese: LOVE★BOUT
Title Romaji: LOVE ★ bauto
Title English: LOVEBOUT
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE032410
Size: ~20MB

Title Japanese: ANDROIDGIRL
Title Romaji:
Title English: ANDROID GIRL
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE034998
Size: ~30MB

Title Japanese: 蝉時雨、降ルル木陰ニ君想フ
Title Romaji: Semishigure ,fururu kokage ni-kun soufu
Title English: I think about you under the tree, listening to the chirring of cicadas in chorus
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE050320
Size: ~60MB

Title Japanese: DRAGONGIRLZ~某大企業令嬢編~
Title Romaji: DRAGONGIRLZ ~boudai kigyou reijou hen~
Title English: DRAGONGIRLZ
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE061470
Size: ~10MB

Title Japanese: 天空の愛嫁
Title Romaji: Tenkuu no ai yome
Title English: My Lovery Wife
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE068001
Size: ~3MB

Title Japanese: 乙女ノ騎士ハ再ビ舞イヲリタ
Title Romaji: Otome no kishi ha sai bi-mai iworita
Title English: Valkyria Melancholy 2
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE078195
Size: ~90MB

Title Japanese: APPFORCE(アップフォース)
Title Romaji: APPFORCE (appufousu)
Title English: APPFORCE ~ApprenticeForce~
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE125460
Size: ~290MB

Title Japanese: 乙女ノ騎士ハ舞イヲリタCompleteCollection
Title Romaji: Otome no kishi ha-mai iworita CompleteCollection
Title English: Valkyria Melancholy: Complete Collection
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE132484
Size: ~120MB

Title Japanese: AttackJK(アタックジョーカーキングダム)
Title Romaji: AttackJK (atakku joukaa kingudamu)
Title English: Attack Joker Kingdom
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE156567
Size: ~110MB

Title Japanese: 巫女と女神と悪魔の塔
Title Romaji: Miko to megami to akuma no tō
Title English: Priestess and Goddesses and Tower of Demon
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE161575
Size: ~120MB

Title Japanese: NOCE
Title Romaji: NOCE
Title English: NOCE
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE226247
Size: ~490MB
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Title Japanese: SECONDIMPACT
Title Romaji:
Title English: SECOND IMPACT
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE021069
Size: ~20MB
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Title Japanese: 乙女ノ騎士ハ舞イヲリタ
Title Romaji: Otome no kishi ha-mai iworita
Title English: Valkyria Melancholy
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE026211
Size: ~20MB
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Title Japanese: 還らざる時の終わりに
Title Romaji: Kaerazaru toki no owari ni
Title English: Kaerizaru toki no owarin ni (The time of no return)
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE029904
Size: ~10MB
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Title Japanese: LOVE★BOUT
Title Romaji: LOVE ★ bauto
Title English: LOVEBOUT
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE032410
Size: ~20MB
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Title Japanese: ANDROIDGIRL
Title Romaji:
Title English: ANDROID GIRL
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE034998
Size: ~30MB
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Title Japanese: 蝉時雨、降ルル木陰ニ君想フ
Title Romaji: Semishigure ,fururu kokage ni-kun soufu
Title English: I think about you under the tree, listening to the chirring of cicadas in chorus
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE050320
Size: ~60MB
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Title Japanese: DRAGONGIRLZ~某大企業令嬢編~
Title Romaji: DRAGONGIRLZ ~boudai kigyou reijou hen~
Title English: DRAGONGIRLZ
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE061470
Size: ~10MB
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Title Japanese: 天空の愛嫁
Title Romaji: Tenkuu no ai yome
Title English: My Lovery Wife
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE068001
Size: ~3MB
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Title Japanese: 乙女ノ騎士ハ再ビ舞イヲリタ
Title Romaji: Otome no kishi ha sai bi-mai iworita
Title English: Valkyria Melancholy 2
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE078195
Size: ~90MB
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Title Japanese: APPFORCE(アップフォース)
Title Romaji: APPFORCE (appufousu)
Title English: APPFORCE ~ApprenticeForce~
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE125460
Size: ~290MB
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Title Japanese: 乙女ノ騎士ハ舞イヲリタCompleteCollection
Title Romaji: Otome no kishi ha-mai iworita CompleteCollection
Title English: Valkyria Melancholy: Complete Collection
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE132484
Size: ~120MB
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Title Japanese: AttackJK(アタックジョーカーキングダム)
Title Romaji: AttackJK (atakku joukaa kingudamu)
Title English: Attack Joker Kingdom
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE156567
Size: ~110MB
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Title Japanese: 巫女と女神と悪魔の塔
Title Romaji: Miko to megami to akuma no tō
Title English: Priestess and Goddesses and Tower of Demon
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE161575
Size: ~120MB
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Title Japanese: NOCE
Title Romaji: NOCE
Title English: NOCE
Circle: エヌエス / N=S
Info: RE226247
Size: ~490MB
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