[Hinweis] Produktion von "Kamen Rider OOO" und "Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger" wegen Tsunami eingestellt!

Due to the strong earthquake that hit Japan a few hours ago, it is reported that Super Hero Time, the early morning tv block which shows Kamen Rider OOO and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, on TV Asahi will be pre-empted.

According to our source DecaEnd, it just says "Broadcast is on pause, the website will still update." This might also affect all anime series and other television shows that will air from this day onwards. There's no date on when it's continuing.

It is understandable since news and the lives of people always comes first instead of their usual programming block. Let's pray for the safety of everyone.
Quelle: Jefusion

Für's TV vorerst gestrichen und wie jetzt bekannt ist, ist die Produktion der aktuellen Serien "Kamen Rider OOO" und "Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger" vorerst eingestellt, da die Produktionsstätten von der Tsunamikatastrophe betroffen sind.

Gleiches gilt für viele Anime Serien!

-----[ Doppelpost hinzugefügt ] -----

Den Actors beider Serien scheint es gut zu gehen.
