Ragnarok Battle Offline


Hallo Leutz!
Ich wess nicht ob das schon gepostet wurde also
kurzer Rede langer Sinn, hier ist Ragnarok Battle Offline:


Kurze Beschreibung.
sind (ca.400 Mb). Ist ein bisschen anders als das Online Spiel.
Ist halb englisch halb japanisch - dürfte also keine Verständigungsprobleme machen :D.
Update ebenso nach der Installation im Verzeichniss enthalten.
Expansion kann über emule gezogen werden

Hier der link ;)

ed2k://|file|[c68][050814]Ragnarok ...|249071075|C8C8B9FB629399DE1F5F7817F30D29A0|/

Viel Spaß damit! :lachen:


Ist zwar ganz nett aber wenn jemand, so wie ich, noch nie Ragnarok gespielt hat ist es schwer sich was unter dem Spiel vorzustellen. Und ehe ich mir wowöglich unnötig 400mb ziehe frage ich erstmal ob du vielleicht etwas zu dem spiel sagen kannst.

Kampfsystem, grafik, vielleicht story ...


Notorischer Fettnäpfchentreter
RBO ist ein 2D Beat'em Up, das in der Welt von Ragnarok Online, also Rune Midgart spielt.

Bei dem Spiel handelt es sich um eine "einfache Variante" des sonst so komplexen Online RPGs, da es hier nur darum geht von links nach rechts zu rennen und die Gegner unterwegs totzukloppen...

Simpel? Nee keineswegs!

Anders als bei vielen Prügelspielen gibts hier etwas "Neues"! Man verteilt Stats, darunter fallen Agility, Dexterity, Strength, Intelligence, Luck und Vitality.

Je nach dem, was man davon erhöht verändern sich die Werte der Spielfigur, heißt bei zB Vitality steigert sich die HP-Leiste, bei Agility bekommt man einen höheren Attack-Speed, Walk-Speed und der Flee-Wert ist höher, also man entgeht öfter Angriffen der Gegner!

Dann folgen noch Skills, die je nach Stats der Spielfigur unterschiedlich eingesetzt werden können. Dabei sollte man nicht vergessen, dass Skills SP, also Special- oder auch Spellpoints fressen. SP erhöht man durch Intelligence, wobei mit höhrerer Int auch die Stärke der Mage und Acolyte Spells steigt!

Das mal so reingeworfen ^^ Ich poste hiernach (sorry schonmal für den Doppelpost) eine Liste mit Skills und wie man sie einsetzt!

Zu empfehlen wäre es, das Spiel mit einem GamePad zu zocken, aber auch mit dem Keyboard isses durchaus spielbar ;)

Hoffe, dass es einigen hier hilft :D


Notorischer Fettnäpfchentreter
=========Basics Guide==========

A: Light attack
B: Heavy attack
C: Block
D: Special

Keyboard1: ABCD=ZXCV Up/Left/Down/Right: HBNM
Keyboard2: ABCD=ASDF Up/Left/Down/Right: IJKL
Keyboard3: ABCD=(numpad)1234 Up/Left/Down/Right: Direction keys
Other Keys: Esc: Quits game. Insert: Return to menu F1:Toggle fullscreen/window.
Joystick Button 5 brings up a pause screen in-game.

Note: You can technically play with 3 players on the keyboard but this will
a) Significant manual dexterity to use Keyboard 1 and 2 simultaneously, and
b) Won’t be much fun as few keyboards support holding down more than 2 keys at
once. Don’t all block at the same time!...
Much better is one player on the keyboard and 2 on joypads/joysticks. As long as
Windows recognises the joysticks before you start the game, you should be OK.

After you run the game it will check for patches. Click the left button to

==Menu Translations==

Main Menu:
=Start Game
=View Ranking

=View Ranking Menu=
Character Status (with nice fullscreen art)
Point Ranking
From left to right: Total points, Times played, Play time, Monsters
Killed, Bosses Killed
Time Attack Ranking
Left/Right to select stages. First menu option plays the replay of the
stage, second toggles party/solo ranking.
View Replays
Return to Title

==Start Game==

This takes you to the lobby. At the first text box all players should press
their A buttons quickly. It’s sometimes tricky to get the joysticks and keyboard
pressing at the same time, try starting with the joysticks. There should be one
character select line per player, if you’re missing one press Insert and try

You are now presented with the character select screen. Press left/right to
select a character or press A in an empty slot to create a new character. You
can only have 10 characters total. To delete one select it then choose New Game.
Press A to confirm then wait for the bar to fill up. Pressing a button before
it’s full will cancel the delete.

==New Character==

First choose the class of your character with L/R and press A. You Then need to
select a name, up to 8 letters/numbers/kana/cute pictures long. The bottom row
from left to right is:
Move Forward, Move Back, Delete, Backspace, Clear All and Enter.
You can then distribute 100 Points to your stats. They start off being 2 points
per point to increase, this rises by 1 point per 10 points in that stat (so 3
points to go from 10 to 11, 4 to go from 24-25 etc)
You then have 2 points to put into stats. At the start you will only have a few
choices. Raising certain skills to 3 points or more will reveal more skills.
Check the Job Guide for descriptions of each skill.
Confirm your selections with A and you’re done!


* Increases attack power.
* Increases the speed of the character, decreasing move delays and walking
* Increases chance to dodge
* HP, Defence power and resistance to status effects rises.
* Number of attacks in a chain combo rises (up to 10 of each attack)
* Attack power of the Archer’s bow attacks relies on DEX, not STR
* Number of criticals rises.

==Stage Select==

After selecting a character, you are shown the Inn menu. This has three options:
Stage start
Adjust Stats
Return to Menu

Choose the first to see the stage select screen. You can change the stage by
pressing left/right and select with A to play that stage. Initially you will
have the practice stage, complete each stage to unlock the next. Complete all
with all classes (either male or female versions) to unlock Novice Class,
complete all stages with a Novice to unlock the hidden stage.
Usually killing all enemies or a boss lets you move on to the next section. Some
sections require you just to reach a certain point or fulfill certain
conditions. These will be shown in the middle of the screen when the time comes
(in English and Japanese).
At the end of the stage you will be awarded points for damage dealt, total time
taken, remaining lives etc. Normally you will gain a level (indicated by the
usual angel animation) You are then asked if you want to save a replay of the
game. To save choose the left option then a slot to save it in. To not save
choose the right option then the left option to confirm.
After this you return to the inn, where you should choose the second option to
use the skill and status points you got with the level up.


Level 20 is the maximum, beyond this you will earn no points.
You start at level 1 with 100 status points. At each level you get more,
depending on the level:
Lv1: 100
Lv2-Lv5: 12
Lv6-Lv10: 16
Lv11-Lv15: 20
Lv16-Lv20: 24
Total points: 448.

You gain 2 skill points per level for a maximum of 40.

==The Interface==

The play screen has most of the info at the top of the screen. The first row of
information, from left to right is:
Frames Per Second
Stage/Area you are in.
Time elapsed this stage.
Number of zeny (You start with 10)
Number of arrows (You start with 10 per archer in your party)
Number of extra lives (2, shared between the whole party)

The second row has one set of stats for each character in your party. Clockwise
from top-left, these are:
Name, Job/gender, level, SP(current/max), HP (current/max).
Under this row appears your damage per second rating if you’re hitting someone
(also blue stones left for magicians)

Finally there’s the Radar. The grey rectangle is the current area. Red dots are
players, green dots are small enemies, blue dots are large enemies. Offscreen
enemies sometimes appear to the left or right of the rectangle.

Damage to your character appears as red numbers, critical hits have a red
backround and larger text. If you receive multiple hits in succession the total
will appear as orange numbers. Damage you do appears as white numbers.
Your character is purple if it’s poisoned, you’ll lose a small percentage of
your HP periodically until the poison wears off.
If you dodge an attack you’ll flash yellow.


From here on I’ll use the following notation for directions:

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

So 4 is left, 6 right 3 down and right, 236+B is down, then down+right, then
right and B together.

66/44: Either Run or Hop in that direction.
7/8/9: Jump. Press 7/8/9 in the air to double-jump.
1/2/3: Hold to sit. If you stay sitting without attacking or being attacked you
will heal HP and SP faster and faster.

A: Light attack. See Character descriptions for requirements for A Combos. These
will change what successive A’s will do when you hit with them.
2+A: Ducking attack. Can be chained as long as there is something to hit.
B: Heavy attack. Usually does about double the damage of an A attack.
2+B: Trip attack. Knocks enemies into the air.
4+B: Special B, usually a juggle type attack.
3+B: Different attack to 2+B for some characters.
C: Blocks certain attacks. Basic attacks by weak enemies can be blocked, along
with some boss moves.
D: Different for each character, see Job Guide. Does nothing for Swordman.

==Chain Combos==

Every character can combo their basic attacks together. Using a combo increases
your Damage Per Second rate and keeps enemies stunned.
Note: Small and medium sized enemies can be stunned, which is where they recoil
from a hit. Large enemies like bosses have “Super Armour”, which means they
never get stunned.
To do a chain combo just input a move before the last one has finished but after
it has hit an enemy. The new move will cancel the recovery time of the first
move and go right into the second. You can use basic A and B attacks for this,
and moves in the “Special techniques” sections in the Job Guide. Depending on
your DEX, each move can only be repeated a certain number of times. For example:
Chain Combo 1 (for swordman):
If your DEX is high enough you can increase this to the following:
Chain Combo 2: (Swordman with DEX:10+)
The repeat moves can appear in any order.
If you try to repeat a move beyond what your DEX allows nothing will come out.
If you fail to hit an enemy with a move the combo will end. Some multi-hit moves
(like Magician-F 66+A) need to be cancelled before their last hit or the combo
will end.
You can finish with a special move if you like, but the charge-up time of the
special will not be cancelled, so fast moves are best for this.
An extreme example of a long combo possible with a high-level Swordman:
Chain Combo 3 (For Swordman with DEX:20+)
If you have moves that move you into the air (Thieves have several) you can
continue your combo with air attacks, and even land and continue with ground
attacks once more. In the air the same rules apply, but the combo resets after
you double jump.

==Damage Scaling==

The downside to combos is that each successive attack in a combo will do
progressively less damage. For short combos this is hardly noticeable, but at
the end of a 6 hit combo you will be doing about half damage with each hit. The
Thief’s 66+A attack is a good demonstration of this, it can be chained into
itself as many times as you like. After 8 hits you’re doing hardly any damage,
and around 10 you will be doing 0 damage each hit. Luckily if you finish the
combo with a special it will do it’s full damage, no matter how many hits come
before it.
The exception to this rule seems to be crouching A (and standing A before you
get Combo 1) These moves can be chained into themselves forever and their damage
increases slightly with each hit, This is not very useful unfortunately as most
enemies will be pushed away after a few hits and the damage starts low and ramps
up slowly. Most useful as a handy way for saving SP while hitting stationary
enemies, like Pupa and Golems.


Notorischer Fettnäpfchentreter
======Job Guide======

Following is a list of all the skills you can buy, and some of the other moves
each class can do. Each skill is listed as follows:

English Move Name (Button sequence to use the skill) [Japanese move name]
Status Requirements and SP/HP costs (eg, AGI:20, SP:5)
* Comments and descriptions


Acolytes are primarily support characters, able to heal and buff stats of the
whole party. Attack power and options are very limited, but defense power is
high. Maneuverability is good in the air, but it’s easy to get trapped on the

=Passive skills=

Divine Protection [ǣФó×íƯ·çó]
* General defense power improves.

Demon Bane [ÇüâóÙ¤ó]
(Divine protection Lv2 required)
* General attack power improves.

=Active skills=

Teleport(22+B) [ÆìÝüÈ]
* Fast casting, invincible until fully teleported
* Usable in the air
* Acolyte-M Teleports from ground to ground, and from air to air. Distance is
about 1/2 the screen.
* Acolyte-F: Teleports from air to ground and ground to air. Teleports only a
short distance horizontally.

Pneuma (22+A) [ËåüÞ]
Teleport Lv1 required
* Blocks projectile attacks (eg. Bow and arrow and Doppelganger’s Shockwave).
* Works on:
o Tentacle of Penomena/hydra
o Archer Skeleton and Orc Archer arrows
o Stones statues of Deviace
o Shock wave of Doppleganger

Heal(22+ B while chanting. ) [Òüë]
* HP of all characters in the circle is healed.
o 6B immediately after casting heal: Throw heal as a ball (Only Acolyte-M).
(INT:10 needed)
o 6B immediately after casting heal: Attempt to grab enemy (Misses short
enemies). Heals grabbed enemies.(Only Acolyte-F) (VIT:10 needed)
Heals the target hit once, friend or foe. Even heals undead.

Speed increase(66+ A while chanting) [¦— ]
* AGI is raised.
Heal Lv3 needed

Speed decrease(44+ A while chanting) [¦]
* Enemy's AGI is made to be downed.
Speed increase Lv3 needed

Angelus (236+ B while chanting) [¨ó¸§é¹]
* Defense power improves.
Divine protection Lv2 needed

Blessing (22+ A while chanting) [Öì÷ó°]
* STR, INT, and DEX rise.
Divine protection Lv3 needed

Holy light(236+B) [Ûüêüé¤È]
* A ball of light drops from overhead.
Angelus Lv2 and Blessing Lv2 needed.
o You can hit the ball with Whole Body Palm (Acolyte-M) or holy home run
(Acolyte-F). The ball flies horizontally, hitting multiple times. The timing of
the hit determines the angle of flight.
* One of the Acolyte’s most highly damaging moves. If the ball hits anything on
the way down it hits once and dissipates.

=Special Techniques=
Combo 1
* Acolyte-M: AGI:10
* Acolyte-F: DEX:5
Combo 2
* Acolyte-M: AGI:20
* Acolyte-F: STR:10 DEX:10

Acolyte-M only:

Whole body palm (66+B)
* STR:10 DEX:10
* SP consumption: 1
* The orbit of a holy light is changed.
* Hits enemies backwards (enemies with super armour excepted)

Multiple uppercut (236+A in the air)
* STR:10 AGI:20
* SP consumption: 5
* Multiple hits possible. When the screen edge is reached, you can continue to
* Cancellable.

Spin kick(66+A)
* DEX:5
* SP consumption: 1
* Hits twice. First hit pulls the enemy in.

Acolyte-F only:

Holy home run(66+B)
* STR:10
* SP consumption: 2
* Short charge time followed by knockback hit with a long range and medium
damage (super armour enemies excepted).

Holy hammer(66+A)
* INT:10
* SP consumption: 2
* Usable repeatedly, but each attack moves you forwards more than the enemy so
you’ll rapidly overtake them.
* Low startup time but low damage.

Lunaba starlight(A+B)
* STR:60
* HP consumption: 50
* SP consumption: 10
1. The Acolyte Swings their arm. If you miss you’re defenceless
2. The Acolyte's arm is held horizontally while dashing forward. Damage of about
caused to enemies hit
3. Finally the arm is shaken. Damage of about 3000 is done to enemies hit.
* There is no invincibility, if you are hit your attack stops.


=Passive skills=

Sword training [cîô]
* Basic attack power improvement

HP recovery improvement [HPÞ©
* You recover HP faster.

HP recovery improvement when moving [ûÕBHPÞ©
(HP recovery power improvement Lv3 required)
* HP recovers while moving.

Auto Berserk [ªüÈÐüµ¯]
* (Endure Lv3 required)
* When HP is low, activates berserk mode
* Attack power improves
* Fire surrounds your character like explosion sword
* Invincible while moving

Vital point attack [%@;ƒ]
(Bash Lv3 and Provoke Lv3 required)
* Paralyze effect added to Bash, with low probability (Stun bash)
* (B during Bash) becomes possible, adds an upswing to Bash, a low damage hit.

=Active skills=

Bash (236+B) [Ð÷å]
(sword training Lv3 required)
30 SP
* When you hit with Stun Bash or Bash, you can hit 236+B to add another hit.
(Dex20 required).
* (Possible in the air for Swordman-F ) Hits below character. Hits only with the

Magnum Break (236+A) [Þ°ÊàÖ줯]
SP 40
(Bash Lv3 required)
(Swordman-M) Narrow range hit followed by wide range hit.
(Swordman-F) wide range hit followed by narrow range hit. Hits up to 1/2 the
height of the character.
Swordman-M is invincible before the jump and after the second attack.
Swordman-F is invincible while moving

Provoke (22+B) [×íÜï]
30 SP
The enemy the pierrot hits has decreased defense power (medium probability,
works on bosses)

Endure (22+A) [¤óÇå¢]
30 SP
(Provoke Lv3 required)
Character gets super-armour (no recoil after being hit) for a fixed time.

=Special moves=

Combo 1 (Hit A again after hitting with standing A)

Combo 2 (Hit A when one combo 1 hits)

Swordman-M: Elbow strike that moves forward a little. If it hits, you charge a
short distance, hitting all enemies
Swordman-F: Dashes a short distance then slices into the air.. It is possible to
aerial combo afterwards.

Vitality of threat (C immediately before an attack is received)
(HP recovery improvement required)
A small amount of HP recovers.
Can be used to cancel otherwise Unblockable attacks.

Downward Pierce(2+B in the air)
(Swordman-M only)
* DEX:20
Player stabs sword down. If you hit you rebound upwards, allowing repeat
attacks. Damage is low.


Weak defense and direct attacks are compensated for by strong bow attacks and
good Maneuverability. Shooting arrows in the air allows you to stay airborne for
some time, out of harm’s way.

=Default skills=

Reload(D) [â\]
* Replenishes two arrows plus one per skill point.
* Merchant's Possession Amount Increase skill increases maximum arrows up to a
maximum of 99. Regardless of skill Lv in single player 50 is the maximum.

Standing Shot (6+B)
* Shoots an arrow forwards. Attack power per arrow is high compared to normal
attacks of other classes, but attack speed is slower.
(Archer-M) Arrow descends slowly. Hold button to raise attack power up to 2
times normal.
(Archer-F) Horizontal shot. Limited range.

Low Shot(3 B)
(Archer-M) Arrow is shot from crouch, descends gradually. Hold button for twice
or more power.
(Archer-F) Arrow is shot diagonally down from standing. Pierces enemies.

Archer-M: Anti-air arrow (66+B)/Archer-F: Ground-to-air arrow (66+B)
* shoots it from the ground to the sky.
(Archer-M) Arrow shot up at 45 degrees from standing.
(Archer-F) Arrow is shot up and curves down. Attack power increases when the
arrow descends.

Air-to-air Arrow (Archer-M: 6+B in the air)/(Archer-F: 6+A in the air)
(Archer-M) An arrow is shot horizontally. Unlimited range.
* Power is reduced by half after a distance of about two characters. You rebound
up and back a little after the shot, so you can stay in the air and keep
(Archer-F) Dex10 required. A low damage arrow is shot horizontally. It
disappears after a distance of about five characters.

Low Air Shot: Archer-M: (2+B in the air) Archer-F: 6+B in the air)
(Archer-M) Dex20 required. Shoots an arrow straight down. Character rebound up a
little, so you can keep shooting.
(Archer-F) Shoots an arrow diagonally down. Rebounds up and back, so you can
stay in the air and keep shooting.

=Passive skills=

Arrow making [â\]
* Adds one extra arrow per reload per level.

Owl's eyes [Õ¯í¦nî]
* Skill Lv×1 added to DEX.

Vulture’s Eyes [ï·nî]
(owl's eyes Lv3 required)
* Skill Lv×1 added to AGI.

=Active skills=

Double Strafe (236+B) [ÀÖë¹Èì¤Õ£ó°]
SP used: Skill Lv×4+28
* Two high damage arrows are shot. Arrow stock is not used.
(Archer-M) Two arrows shot horizontally, one high one low. Long range, descends
(Archer-F) Two arrows shot horizontally, one after the other.

Arrow shower (22+B in air or standing) [¢íü·ãïü]
(Double Strafe Lv3 required)
Consumption SP: Skill Lv×3.1+27.2(round down)
* A large amount of arrows of low damage are shot. Arrow stock is not used.
* (ground) A large number of arrows are shot forward. Range is long and it
reaches the height of the character x 1.5. It doesn't penetrate.
* (in the air) Shoots 18 arrows to the right while moving the body right and
left. It doesn't penetrate. You can cast it continuously. It is possible to rise
outside the screen when firing in rapid succession.
* (ground) Shoots 16 arrows up at the sky which fall shortly after. Archer is
defenseless while attacking, only arrows shot will fall. Arrows penetrate.
* (in the air) Shoots 10 penetrating arrows diagonally down. Rebounds up. Does
half the damage of grounded arrow shower.

Concentration improvement (22+A) [Æ-›
SP use: Skill Lv+44
(Eyes of the Vulture Lv3 required)
* DEX and attack power rises for a fixed time. DEX * (0.02 + Lv*0.01) rounded up
is added.

Charge arrow (236+A) [Áãü¸¢íü]
SP use: (skill Lv+1)/2+19 (round down)
(concentration improvement Lv3 required)
* Energy is charge, then a large, penetrating arrow is released. Damage is about
* Archer-M: Shot misses short enemies until it descends.

=Special moves=

Combo 1 (Hit A after A connects) AGI:10
(Archer-M) Hits with the bow.
(Archer-F) Elbow attack.

Combo 2(A when Combo 1 hits) AGI:20
(Archer-M) Shoots 3 arrows, does not consume arrow stock.
(Archer-F) Kicks upwards.

Back step (2+D)
AGI:30, SP:5 used
* Jumps backward. Moves backward faster than the dash moves forwards.

Archer-M only:

Shoulder tackle(66+A)
* Charging hit, followed by an uppercut if it connects.

Archer-F only:

Double kick(2+A in the air)
* Dives forward and down.

Dash kick(66 A)
* Kicks enemies up.


Notorischer Fettnäpfchentreter

The Thief class relies on swift, constant attacks and evasion to succeed.
Individual hits are weaker than the other attacking classes, but you can keep
the enemy off-balance with continual attacks. Evasion skills allow you to avoid
damage, good as Thieves have low defence and low HP. Envenom while hiding does
thousands of damage in one hit, making it the mainstay of Thief boss battles.

=Passive skills=

Evasion rate increase [Þ‡— ]
* The attack from the enemy can be exchanged at a constant probability.
* "Avoid" comes to be able to operate with D button.
* It is necessary to take it because ten is taken and it differs.

=Active skills=

Sand roll (66+B) [~M]
* Enemies sometimes become dark.

Back step (4+D while avoiding) [Ðï¹ÆÃ×]
* (evasion rate increase Lv3 required)

Stone throw (22+B) [ó•R]
(sand roll Lv3 required)
* The enemy is sometimes stunned.
* Male Thieves can use this in the air.

Double attack (22+D) [ÀÖ뢿ï]
(Back step Lv1 + Hiding Lv3 needed)
* Creates an afterimage which does 1/2 damage, but loses no power during combos
* Envenom is done by both the character and the afterimage
* SP consumption raises with level, as does the duration of the effect.

Steal (236+A) [¹Æ£üë]
* Thief jumps forward. The hit area is narrow, but if you connect some damage is
done and an item may be dropped.
* Only Male thieves can Steal in the air.
* Female thieves stay stationary if they steal during Evade

Hiding (D while avoiding) [Ϥǣó°]
(Steal Lv3 required)
* Consumes SP only while in use.
* You are completely invincible while hiding.
* Avoid cannot be used unless you have Evasion Rate Increase LV1 or more

Envenom (236+B) [¤óÙÊà]
* If the first hit connects, a high-damage hit follows that sometimes poisons
the enemy.
* Female thieves stay stationary during Envenom if cast while hiding. Male
Thieves move a little..
* Female Thieves can use while airborne.
* The first hit stuns most enemies, but the second hit can still miss.

Detoxification (22+A) [ãÒ]
(Envenom Lv1 required)
* Poison effect is cancelled for Thief and surrounding friends.

=Special moves=

Air dash (66 in the air)
* Male thieves dash forwards and slightly up. Females swing up and across.
* Cancel dash with C.
* You can dash both before and after air jumping.

Combo 1(A when standing A hits)
* AGI:10

Combo 2 (A when Combo 1 hits)
* AGI:20
* (Thief-F) Leaves you airborne

Avoid (D)
(evasion rate increase required)
* Dodges most attacks, some recovery time

Stealth Dash (6+D while avoiding)
(evasion rate increase required)
* AGI:10

Eight Pair Flying (22+A in the air)
(Thief-M only)
* STR:20 AGI:20

Nose Dive Pierce (22+B in the air)
* (Thief-F only)
* STR:20, SP consumption: 3
* Usable continuously.

Nose dive kick (22+A in the air)
* (Thief-F only)
* AGI:30, SP consumption: 3

Crescent Cut (66+A)
* (Thief-F only)
* AGI:10 DEX:10
* Good for large groups of enemies as they get knocked forward as you move,
getting trapped in the corner eventually. Does large damage at first, but scales
down to zero after about 8 hits.

Hide steal (It is 236+A while Hiding)
(Thief-M only)
* Damage is about three times normal.
* Doesn’t move much.

Hide Envenom (236+ B while Hiding. )
(Thief-F only)
* Damage is about 3 times a normal Envenom
* Doesn’t move up or forward before hitting.

Disappear (66->C in the air continuously)
* Cancel the air dash at it’s highest point, then repeat.
* You are invincible to enemy attack while out of the screen.
* Takes longer for Thief-M.

Crouch attack (A while crouched)
* Useful for avoiding Richard’s rush.
* Damage per hit steadily increases. Good for stationary enemies.

Triangle Jump (Push up and away from the edge of the screen when you reach it)


Magicians rely on using their hard-hitting spells, sacrificing maneuverability,
defence and physical strength to do so. Sometimes hard to use as many spells are
hard to hit with. Watch your SP and put points in SP recovery as running out
leaves a magician completely vulnerable.

=Passive skills=

SP recovery improvement [SPÞ©›
* You recover SP faster.

=Active skills=

* Prepare to cast magic
* There are a lot of skills that can be used only while chanting.

Napalm beat (D while chanting) [ÊÑüàÓüÈ]
* Slow flying, invisible projectile
* Hits twice at level 3, and is able to hit multiple enemies.
* Useful for canceling Chant if you’re facing the wrong direction etc.

Soul strike(22+A) [ÊÑüàÓüÈ]
* (napalm beat Lv3 required)
* A projectile is shot up and back which then flies forward.
* Usable in the air
* Number of shots increases every odd level.
* Doesn’t require chanting.

Energy Coat(66+B while chanting) [¨Ê¸ü³üÈ]
* (Soul strike Lv3 required)
* Defence improves but each hit consumes a small amount of SP.

Safety wall(28+B while chanting) [»¤ÕÆ£ü¦©üë]
* (Soul strike Lv3 required)
* An invincible defensive wall is created.
* The wall absorbs a set number of attacks (Skill level + 4)
* Allies will also be protected.
* Number of uses is restricted by Character level. When you get this skill, a
row of blue gems appears under your life bar indicating number of uses left.
Lv1-Lv3: 9 gems
Lv4-Lv7: 10 gems
Lv8-Lv11: 11 gems
Lv12-Lv15: 12 gems
Lv16-Lv19: 13 gems
Lv20+: 14 gems

Fire bolt (22+A while chanting) [Õ¡¤¢üÜëÈ]
* Small fireballs fall from the sky a short distance in from of the player.
* One bolt falls per level, doing about 700 damage each.
* Very powerful for its cost, but hard to hit with due to the large delay
between the cast and the bolts appearing.
* Useful for slow moving/stationary enemies.

Fire ball(46+B while chanting) [Õ¡¤¢üÜüë]
SP: Skill Lv+25
* (fire bolt Lv3 required)
* A large fireball appears overhead which thrown forwards where it explodes.
* The ball damages all enemies it touches, the explosion hits about half a
screen wide. Useful for mobs and fast moving enemies.
* Ball hits for about 800, explosion hits for over 1000.

Firewall(22+B) [Õ¡¤¢ü¦©üë]
SP:Lv2-40 Lv4-41 Lv6-42 Lv7-43 Lv8-44 Lv10-45
* (fire ball Lv3 required)
* A wall of flame appears in front of the player.
* Wall disappears after a fixed time, or a certain number of hits, increasing
with level.
* Enemies without super-armour are knocked toward the front of the wall. Blocks
* Only one wall can be used at a time.
* Useful for keeping enemies away and for keeping them at a convenient range for
other spells (like Fire Bolt)

Cold bolt(22+B while chanting) [³üëÉÜëÈ]
* An ice shard falls from the top of the screen. Does about 600 damage.
* Number of shards and attack range increases with level.
* Similar to Fire Bolt, but hits over a wide area where Fire Bolt is focused.

Frost Diver(46+A while chanting) [Õí¹ÈÀ¤Ðü]
* (cold bolt Lv3 required)
* Can freeze enemies without super-armour

Stone curse(66+A while chanting) [¹Èüó«ü¹]
* Can petrify enemies

Lightning bolt(236+A while chanting) [é¤ÈËó°ÜëÈ]
SP: Skill Lv+19
* A lightning bolt strikes the closest part of the nearest enemy in front of the
caster (or the screen edge if there are no enemies)
* Hits once per level for about 300 damage per hit. Hits any enemies hit by the

Thunderstorm (236+B or 214+B while chanting) [µóÀü¹Èüà]
* (Lightning bolt Lv3 required)
* Huge attack that hits most of the screen.

=Special moves=

Air dash (66 in the air)
SP: 5

Magician-M only:

Rotating Dagger (66+A)

* Lightning kick (66+B)
AGI:20 DEX:20
SP: 4

Magician-F only:
Dash pierce (6+A after Air Dash)
* Also possible after ground dash, but lasts for a very short time. Medium

Cane upper (66+A)
* Juggles

* Blitz palm (66+B)
STR:10 INT:10
* Enemies without Super armour are knocked back a long way.


Playing a merchant revolves around the collection and spending of money. As you
collect more zeny your attack power goes up, but many of the merchant’s skills
involve spending zeny. Collecting money with Discount and Overcharge are the
secret to success as a merchant.

=Passive skills=

Merchant's morale [Fºn×]
* Your attack power rises in proportion to the amount of zeny you have
(indicated in the top-right of the screen)

Inventory expansion [@Ï— ]
* Amount of items dropped by Stall Setup increases.
* If you play with an Archer, the maximum arrow stock increases.

=Active skills=

Cart Revolution(22+B when cart is equipped) [«üÈìÜêåü·çó]
(push cart Lv3 required)
* (Merchant-M) Player swings their cart around then throws it forwards.
* (Merchant-F) Player charges forward pushing it’s cart then releases it
* You can press 22+B or 4+B during this move to throw the cart in the opposite

Pushcart (22+ B without a cart) [×÷å«üÈ]
(Inventory increase Lv3 required)
* Uses 2 Zeny
* Needed for Stall Setup and Wagon Revolution
* While jumping and when it is summoned the cart can hit enemies for a little

Stall Setup (22+ D when cart is equipped) [2—‹-]
(push cart Lv3 required)
* Uses 2 Zeny
* Spreads a large number of items around the player. The type of items increases
with skill level.

Mammonite (22+A) [áÞüʤÈ]
* 10 zeny is used to make a high-damage attack. If you are hit the attack is
cancelled but you still lose the zeny.
* Male version has super armour, female version hits a wider area.

Loud voice (236+B) [é¦Éܤ¹]
* STR is increased for a fixed time.

=Special moves=

* Male: AGI:10
* Female: LUK:10

Overcharge (236+A) [ªüÐüÁãü¸]
* You attempt to grab an enemy. If you hit, you pound 5 zeny out of the enemy,
one at a time. You can be hit out of this move at any time.
* Misses small enemies. Large enemies are not held still.
* If other enemies enter the hit area, they will be hit for additional coins.

Potion guzzle (236+D) [Ýü·çóLvò]
* 3 zeny is used to drink a random HP recovery potion
* The potion is either red (10% of max HP heal), Yellow (15%) or white (20%).
* You drink faster the more AGI you have.

Discount(D) [Ç£¹«¦óÈ]
* Dodge Skill. If you successfully dodge an attack, 5 coins are released. If you
dodge one hit of a multi-hit attack, all hits are dodged.
* You can use this while sitting. This releases coins even for attacks that
normally pass over a sitting player.
* If you fail to dodge an attack you are vulnerable for a short time.

Merchant-M only.

Fake dash (66+A)
* Player backs up a short distance then tackles forward.

Hip attack (66+B)
STR:10 DEX:10

Hip press (66+B in the air)
STR:11 DEX:11

Merchant-F only

Forward roll (66+A)
* Cancel with any attack.

Dropkick(66+B in air or grounded)
STR:10 DEX:10

=Efficient Zeny gain targets=

Overcharge targets:
* Stage 1
o Pupa
* Stage 4
o Washing line
o Barricade
* Stage 6
o Poison spore mobs
* Stage 7
o Pupa

Discount targets
* Stage 1
o j of Rocker
o Scaly powder of Creamy
o Richard's rush
o Hair of eclipse
* Stage 2
o Golem’s Pillar
o Phreeoni’s sand explosions
o Formic acid of Maya
o Tentacles when Maya becomes her third form
* Stage 3
o Wisps during the trap
o Fangs of the trap
* Stage 4
o Arrows
o Orc lady's kiss
* Stage 5
o Bubble of Rhoda frog
o Sound wave of Swordfish
o Horizontal pillar of Devias
* Stage 6
o Recoil of marionette
o Child Whisper that Ghost Ring summons
o Jack's triple cane attack
* Stage 7
o j of Rocker
o Poison attack of Argiope
o Sense of touch attack of Argiope
o Fire ball of ground Petite
o Balls of Bafo Jr.
* Stage 8
o Hair of eclipse
o Formic acid of Maya
o Horizontal discharge pillar of Devias
o Balls of Bafo Jr.
o Many projectiles of Kapra defaulter (Don’t miss!)
* Stage 9


Notorischer Fettnäpfchentreter

* Complete all stages with all classes (both genders) to get novice class
* You a different picture is displayed after the end credits if you have
unlocked Novice.
* If you have problems unlocking Novice, try waiting till the credits have
finished before pressing A.

Novice has weak attacks, weak defense and long delays. You only have 2 skills,
with one point max in each.
Clearing the game with novice unlocks the bonus stage, Stage 9(EXTRA STAGE)
Inside the machine empire.

=Active skills=

First Aid (D)
* 5 HP recovered
* Sitting down recovers HP faster.

Play Dead(2+D In the air or grounded)
* Invincible while spinning. When you hit the ground you can be hit.
* Press D again to use continuously
* One of the few skills with complete invincibility. Essential for use in boss

=Special Techniques=

Back dash (22+B)
* You can cancel this move into anything, including another Back Dash.
(Novice-M) Back step
(Novice-F) Runs back a fixed distance

Emote (236+A)
* Random emote, sometimes with an attack.

Dash (66)
* Slightly faster than walking

Combo 1(A after hitting with standing A)
STR:15 DEX:15

Combo 2 (A when Combo 1 hits)
STR:25 AGI:20 DEX:15
* Does about 1000 damage. Easy to use.

Sword Swing (66+B)
* The sword hits for low damage.

Sword swing 2 (B while in Sword Swing)
STR:25 DEX:25
* Sword is swung around for low damage hits.
* Hit 6+B continuously to keep hitting.

* HP used: 500. SP used: 40
* If you have less than 500 HP, you can still cast so long as you have the SP.
(Novice-M) 4000-5000 Damage explosion
(Novice-F) Hits 15 times for about 500 damage, increasing with STR.

Novice-M Only:

Rotation Hurl (66 while in Sword Swing)
HP used: 100

Super-dash (66+A)
HP used: 100
* Dashes around causing low-damage hits.

Super-dash head butt (A while super-dashing)
* Adds a jumping head butt to the super-dash

Jump kick (236+A in the air)

Super Jump (236+B in the air)
* HP used: 100
* Jumps way out of the screen.

Novice-F only:

Aura Blade (66 while in Sword swing)
STR:25 INT:20
* HP used: 100. SP used: 20(You can cast this with under 100HP as long as you
have the SP).
* A large aura blade is shaken then swung.
* Hits nearby enemies several times. Keep pressing 6+B to cast continuously.

Flying hip press (236+B)
STR:20 DEX:20
* It jumps greatly forward. In the state of stiffening when it splashes there
when hitting, this attack is continued as it is, and it falls on ground.
* After the first hit you can cancel the attack with Block, jump etc.
* The bounce after it becomes a hit is a direction for which the character is
suitable. After it becomes a hit by the first step, it is convenient for
fine-tuning because the direction is changed.
* If Ponpon comes to be able to splash for a long time overhead of a big enemy,
it variously becomes easy.
* Especially, effective enemy … Creamy (Reaches the highest position), Golem
(Guard when attack is about to hit), Horde, Phreeoni (At the edge of the
screen), Bongon (The antiaircraft overhead kick can be won well), The Boulder,
Penomena, Large Whisper, the marionette, Argus and Argiope. (Guard the Sense of
Touch attack)dFlora

Forward roll attack (66+A)
AGI:40 DEX:5
* HP used: 100(when you have under 100HP, SP is used).
* Low damage attack.

Phoenix Heaven Running (66+B in the air)
INT:20 DEX:30
* HP used: 50. SP used: 10 (uses only SP when HP is under 50)
* Player falls from the sky with a burning aura. Hits all the way down for
damage, and after landing for lower damage.
* Good for escaping as you cannot be hit out of it. You can hit bosses multiple
times if they remain at the edge of the screen. (Golem, Jack etc)
* Use this as much as possible, especially against bosses.


Miss attack (B in the air)
(Novice-M only)
* At the moment that you swing your sword, you can hit for high damage.
* The hit area is behind and below the player.
* Starts off at about 1500, so is one of the Novice-M’s only decent attacks,
especially as it uses no SP or HP.

First Aid dash (6 or 4 while using first aid)
(Novice-M only)
* You can dash even if you do not have 10 AGI.

Ich entschuldige mich nochmal für das mehrfach-Posting, aber ich hielt es für angebracht, es etwas übersichtlicher zu halten, da es wirklich viele Infos sind =/


Hi noch mal - also,

ich hab den link noch mal geprüft und ausprobiert und der funkts (bei mir zumindest :D)

und nun zum Spiel:

Das Spiel beeinhaltet nicht wirklich eine Story. Es ist n Spiel mit lustigen Graphiken. Man kann entweder sich durch Level durchschlagen (Jump n Run) um sienen Charakter zu stufen - von denen gibts nen Archer, Knight, Acolyt, Merchan, Megicant und nen Thief (jeweils Männlich und Weiblich). Oder Man geht in die Arena (erst ab Expansion vorhanden) und mit den erschaffenen Charaktern sich mit Bössen probieren. Es ist ein 2D Spiel im Manga style. Screens und Trailers gibts hier:


Ich hoffe ich konnte weiterhelfen :)

Mfg SeikenZero


Ich brauche hilfe ^^

habe das Spiel gedownloadet...installiert und gepatched (mit dem Patch der da im game drin war)...es läuft nicht... Vor dem Patch lief es auch nicht , d.E. habe ich es einfach versucht zu patchen...wer kann helfen???


Falls du Windows XP hast dann musst du folgendes machen:

auf Icon --> Eigenschaften --> Kompabilität --> dann unter Kompabilitätsmodus auf windows 2000 -->Übernehmen

im Spielverzeichniss ordner können noch dan zusätzlich einstellungen vorgenommen werden (Graphic....)


Ralf. Stell das Spiel (die verknüpfung oder gleich die exe) in den Kompatiblitätsmodus mit win 2000/me (hatte das selbe Problem)

Ein dickes Danke an dich Heavyarms für die Spielbeschreibung und die Hilfe dazu. Gute Beatemups sind selten geworden.