[Player] Real & QuickTime Alternative


Bite my shiny metal ass!!
Real Alternative
Real Alternative will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install RealPlayer.
All RealMedia formats (.ra .rm .rmvb .ram .rpm .rv .rp .rt .rnx .smi .smil etc.) are supported, including streaming content and RealMedia content that is embedded in webpages.
Some advantages compared to RealPlayer:

  • Quick and easy install
  • It's easy to make an unattended installation
  • Proper uninstallation
  • No background processes
  • Use a player of your own choice
  • Low on resources
  • No advertising, no registration forms, nothing annoying


  • .smi and .smil files only play the first part of a clip. This is only a problem when the clip consists of multiple parts. These files are not very common. These files do play correctly when embedded in a browser.
  • The RealMedia DirectShow splitter does not work with streaming content. You must use the included Media Player Classic to play streaming content.
Works on Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista.


QuickTime Alternative
QuickTime Alternative is a trimmed down version of QuickTime that contains only the essential components needed for playing QuickTime content that is embedded in webpages.
Advantages of QuickTime Alternative are:

  • Quick and easy install
  • Ability to make an unattended installation
  • No background processes
  • No unwanted stuff and other nonsense
  • Smaller size

Media Player Classic and ZoomPlayer are capable of playing QuickTime files by using the QuickTime framework that gets installed by QuickTime Alternative. Other players require DirectShow filters to be able to play QuickTime files.
If you want to play QuickTime files in Windows Media Player or another DirectShow based player, then it is recommended to install the K-Lite Codec Pack. That contains all the DirectShow filters that are required to play QuickTime files.
There is a variant of QuickTime Alternative called QT Lite. The ONLY difference between the two packs is that QT Lite does not contain Media Player Classic.

Works on windows XP/Vista



éléphant terrible
das ist mal richtig gut...
dann muss ich nicht immer den mit werbung überladenen realplayer nehmen..
gleich mal ausprobieren