[Japanese] Seinarukana - The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2


Iv Been download a lot lately so its time i contribute something. Iv dug threw my hard drive and picked this massive beast out!


The story, which seems to take place about 10 years from the first installment, Eien no Aselia, is centered around an entirely different group of characters, and there is no sign of the main characters of Eien no Aselia, although several less important characters make an appearance. The miko-lady, whose name I have completely forgotten is still there, and as well as Yuuto’s imouto, Kaori, who looks about a gazillion times better than in the first game. They don’t play very big roles though.

And then we have Yuuto and Aselia’s daughter, Euphoria, who is totally cute but still awesomely powerful.

The character that you play as in Seinarukana is Nozomu Setoki, who actually looks pretty good and is not a whiny annoying “girls should never fight! Why are you fighting?!” kind of guy, which is really good. I hate that sort of main character -_-

The story starts off pretty typically, and he already has a childhood friend (Nozomi) a senpai (Satsuki) fighting over him. There’s also his best friend Zetsu, who is the typical super-cool type guy. The four of them are really good friends, but Satsuki and Zetsu are hiding something. One day the school gets attacked by Minions, which are essentially the spirits in Eien no Aselia. The Minions start attacking the students, but Satsuki appears as a lightsaber-swinging valkyrie (or something, but those wings on her head are cool) and saves them.

She can’t hold off all the minions by herself though, and some still get past her to Nozomu and Nozomi. He does the usual “Give me power, I need to protect my friends!” routine and the power residing in him awakens. He defeats the minions but Zetsu appears – he has powers as well – and tries to kill Nozomu. Satsuki then arrives and tries to stop him, but being the cool guy that he is Zetsu thrashes both of them. Seeing her beloved Nozomu about to become headless, Nozomi awakens her powers as well but Zetsu just leaves.

They all faint after that, how typical.

When they wake up, they are in the school which is floating on a giant whale thingy, which is the manifestation of Nozomi’s shinken. There was a term used for that, but I never really paid much attention to details…

Nozomu’s sword is Reime, an annoying fairy who can’t shut her mouth, and Satsuki’s a centaur who is much cooler than Reime. Turns out they are actually in another world, and that there are thousands of other worlds out there. To get back to their homeworld, they have to randomly fly between worlds until they get lucky since they don’t have the correct coordinates.

They meet new characters along the way, and there is a main plotline, of course, but if I were to talk about that this post would be filled with words and nobody would want to read it xD

These are all the playable characters that you get. Routes are only available for six of the girls, who are those positioned in front of the picture, excluding the little purple-haired one with the wings on her head, that’s Euphoria. Unlike most eroge, there are very little choices that you can actually make, and the story is basically the same until you get to the last few chapters which is when the routes split.

More focus is put on the gameplay, which is excellent. Instead of the usual RPG where you choose attacks each turn, you choose which positions, attacker, defender or supporter you want the character to be in, and they only have one set skill to use for each position which you can only change at the start of battles and not in-between turns.

The battles take place in maps, where the objective is always to either reach a designated point or capture a certain town. Only three characters are allowed in each team, which you can have 6 of. The turns are decided by Movement IP, which every character has a certain amount of. The higher the Movement IP, the faster that team’s turn comes. It’s somewhat like the turn system in Final Fantasy games, actually.

Levelling does not depend on experience gained from killing enemies because, well, you don’t get experience from killing enemies. Rather, you have to make use of mana to strengthen the characters. During the earlier stages I didn’t level the characters since they didn’t have any problems with the enemies, but I was screwed when I got to a boss.

I wasn’t that terribly interested in the gameplay though; the story was what I was interested in. I love this sort of story, and even though it’s nothing very special, at least it’s much more interesting that what most eroge developers can come up with. The 3D graphics were nothing great, but that’s fine, because it was already eating up quite a lot of my computer memory. I think I need another stick of RAM and a new graphics card…

The character designs and CGs are awesome. All of the characters are attractive, and the CGs absolutely beautiful.

Even the backgrounds have amazing detail.

This is how a typical scene in Seinarukana is like. The artwork is amazing ^^

The music is really good as well. When I wrote about the soundtrack, I hadn’t played the game yet, but now that I have, I must say that it’s better than I initially thought.

There’s this one track that I especially like a lot, called Liberation and Evolution, and is usually played when you have completed one world and are going on to the next. It’s a really beautiful, cheerful piece that just lifts your spirits and makes you smile.

Ok the game is around 3.5GB
System Requirements : Windows 2000 Pro/ XP/ Vista, Pentium 4, RAM 256 MB, 4.2 GB free HDD, 800�600 pixel, VRAM 128 MB, DirectSound and DirectX9.0c
Language : Japanese
Format : ISO + NO DVD Patch + Save Game
host: megaupload.com

Their is 36 Parts (sorry but it really is a huge game!)

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awww... i really wished more of such games would be getting translated into english...

Only a few months ago i were so blessed to enjoy Sengoku Rance. That game was really fun. And this one here looks just as promising... if i could understand anything at least... well lets hope for the future that we might get this, or other games translated. At least in the last few years a lot happened on the english market (fanbased as well as products of companys).


awww... i really wished more of such games would be getting translated into english...

Only a few months ago i were so blessed to enjoy Sengoku Rance. That game was really fun. And this one here looks just as promising... if i could understand anything at least... well lets hope for the future that we might get this, or other games translated. At least in the last few years a lot happened on the english market (fanbased as well as products of companys).
Here's the story translation ;)


Chief 0perating 0fficer
was genau hat du denn gemacht?

das sieht so aus, als würde er nach der original-CD fragen.
hast du den no-dvd-patch drauf gemacht?


ja, den hab ich drauf gemacht, deswegen frage ich ja (kommt mir selbst etwas spanisch, bzw. japanisch vor)

hatte die parts nochmal runtergeladen (hatte sie wegen platzgründen gelöscht gehabt) nun ist der 6. part defekt
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