Game and Link updated ! Game is now on Version
Patch Notes:
- New place to visit: Sexshop, in The Undercity.
- New Character: Jinx, the owner of the sexshop... and a really weird girl.
- Buy sex toys for Janna to use in her adventures! (Work in progress)
- New scene with Jinx. (She will be glad to show Janna how to use the toys properly)
- New scenes and dialogues with Katarina. (Continue her story in the Darvish Tavern)
- New scenes and dialogues with Sue. (Unlock new repeatable scenes with her in the City Hall)
- Ronald can now randomly visit Janna, while working as a prostitute in the back alley of the tavern.
- New dialogue with Warwick in the Sewers. (Pre-0.7 update)
- Re-done some of the Relationship menu and moved hints of secondary events to its menu in the status.