Vampire the Masquerade Bloodline


also ich hab vampire 2 schon länger durch und fand richtig gut obwohl ich net der klassische rollenspieler bin xD ehmm...
bei mir hats so gut wie garnet geruckelt nur bei bestimmten stellen...ach die buggs......bugs....welche buggs xD??

ja es gab halt dene inen wo man mit einem consolen befehl ins nächste lvl springen musste sonst ging es nich...aba sonst war alles ok...naja clipping fehler halt aba ich glaub die sind net gravierend O_o :rolleyes:


habs vor ein paar sekunden zu ende gespielt ich muss sagen recht amüsant. hab mir das ende zwar nicht soooo vorgestellt, aber die wendung zum schluss ist klasse. (vorallem die multi endings) hatte aber eher auf sowas wie bei blood omen: legacy of kain gehofft.

bin mal gespannt ob es vampire the maskerade ........ (3) gibt


welchen clan habt ihr gespielt?? (ich bin meiner natur gefolgt und habe den clan der malkavianer genommen *verrückt muss man sein*)

und warum habt ihr den genommen (den test mal gemacht??)


Durch, wirklich ein super Spiel

Hab als Ventrue gespielt, warum weiß ich auch nicht, hab ihn einfach ausgewählt, werds aber nochmal spielen und dann auch als Malkavier oder Nosferatu


Otaku Veteran
Es gibt auf der herstellerseite jetz auch den Offizielen patch, der is etwa 15,6 MB gross-

und ich habe auch den weiblichen Malkavianer genommen ^^


Changelog etc. zum Patch:

Last Updated: December 12th, 2004


This document details numerous fixes and changes to Vampire(r): The Masquerade
Bloodlines(tm) in the 1.2 patch.

The patch will not affect saved games from the retail version of Vampire(r):
The Masquerade Bloodlines(tm).

It is strongly recommended that you disable any anti-virus software before

Minimum System Requirements:

* 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(r) 9.0c-compatible 64MB
video card and drivers
* 1.2 GHz Athlon(tm) or 1.2 GHz Pentium(r) III processor or higher
* 384MB of RAM (512MB of RAM recommended)
* Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 98/ME/2000/XP
* Quad-Speed CD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers
* 3.3 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files and saved games (plus
1.4 GB for Windows(r) swap file)
* 100% DirectX(r) 9.0-compatible 16-bit sound card and drivers
* 100% Windows(r) 98/ME/2000/XP-compatible mouse, keyboard, and drivers
* DirectX(r) 9.0c (Included)

Supported Chipsets for 98/ME/2000/XP

All ATI(r) Radeon(r) Chipsets
All NVIDIA(r) GeForce(tm) Chipsets
Matrox(r) Parhelia(tm) Chipset

NOTICE: This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may
conflict with some disc and virtual drives.


- Fixed C++ Runtime error on launch of the game due to older versions of
Python interpreter.

- Fixed Invalid dialog responses due to older versions of Python interpreter.

- Fixed problem where keys and keycards may disappear from player's

- Fixed problem where binding either Enter or Right Mouse Button to the Use
key would cause the inventory window to immediately close after opening. These
bindings are now no longer permitted.

- Added "Inventory Full - Items Dropped" message when player receives items
beyond the inventory limit and added inspection particles to the dropped items.
This addresses the issue with cameras being lost in the "Model Citizen quest.

- Fixed problem where a player would have both the vampire and warform models
stuck together when both Fortitude and Protean (level 5) are activated.

- Fixed crash to desktop when the player returns to the boat after rescuing
Johansen from the Society of Leopold.

- Fixed problem where the newspaper would report success in the "Model
Citizen" quest even though the player had failed it.

- Fixed problem where the player can log on to the Theater computer before
receiving the "Tangled Web" quest from Mitnick.

- Fixed problem with haven mailboxes not receiving award for completing the
food critic quest. quest.

- Modified E dialog so that it is easier to receive the "Thinned Blood"

- Modified Regent dialog so that he now recognizes completion of the Gargoyle

- Modified Isaac dialog so that he now recognizes completion of the King's Way
and Gargoyle quests.


If you find that you are not accumulating experience points as you complete
quests, this is because you have Auto-Level turned on and the game is
automatically spending your experience points to improve your abilities and
attributes. To disable Auto-Level, access the Character Sheet and click on the
Auto-Level toggle button.

Once you acquire a new haven, your Santa Monica haven computer and mailbox will
no longer function. Use the computer and mailbox of your new haven instead.

When you are playing a Nosferatu, your grotesque appearance prevents you from
using the taxi that appears after you blow up the Sabbat warehouse. Nosferatu
characters must travel between game hubs using the hub map found in the


Most performance problems reported to Activision Customer Support are due to
computer systems not meeting the minimum system requirements or not having the
latest video and sound card drivers installed.

If these are not the causes of any performance problems you are experiencing,
we recommend that you try some or all of the following suggestions.

- Set your desktop to a resolution of 800x600, 32-bit True Color and play the
game at that resolution.
- Shut down all background applications.
- Disable any anti-virus software you are running.

- Set the game's Game Options to their minimum settings. In particular,
disable Environmental Effects.

- This game requires a 1400MB swap file. If you are using Windows XP, 98, or
ME, make sure that you have "Let Windows Manage My Virtual Memory" enabled, and
if you are using Windows 2000, make sure that you have manually set your max
swap file size to 1400MB. In addition, make that you actually have enough free
space on your hard drive to facilitate the swap file (1400MB).


Direct X 9.0c: The Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines installer will check your
computer for the currently installed version of DirectX(r). If it detects an
older version of DirectX(r), it will prompt you to install DirectX(r) 9.0c.
Activision recommends allowing the installer to proceed with the DirectX(r)
9.0c installation, even if you think you may have 9.0c installed. Reinstalling
DirectX(r) 9.0c will not harm your DirectX(r) configuration.

Improving Performance: For best performance, please make sure that you have the
latest drivers for your video card. For information on your latest drivers,
please contact your video card manufacturer. If there is poor framerate, we
recommend that you lower the resolution, image quality, and/or geometric
detail. Lowering any or all of these options can help improve the performance
of the game. These video settings can be changed in the game in the Options
screen of the game.

You will need to restart the game in order to have these options take effect.

Screensavers and Power Savers: Screen savers and power savers can cause
problems while playing Bloodlines if they are activated while you are in the
game. Activision recommends disabling all screensavers and power savers before

Using Alt-Tab while Playing the Game: Activision does not support the use of
Alt-Tab while playing Bloodlines. Using Alt-Tab to change focus of Bloodlines
may cause erratic program behavior.

Shift Key in Windows 2000(SP2) and XP Interrupts Game: If you press the Shift
key 5 times consecutively in Windows(r) 2000(SP2) the following message should

"By pressing the SHIFT key five times you have turned on the StickyKeys feature
in Windows(r) 2000 SP2. With this feature, you can lock down the CTRL, ALT, or
SHIFT keys. This is useful if you are unable to hold down more than one key at
a time.

Click OK to turn this feature on. If you do not want to use the feature, click
<check box> Turn off keyboard shortcut for this accessibility feature.

To avoid this happening in the future, click the settings button on the window
referenced above. When the accessibility options screen appears, click the
'Settings' button in the 'Sticky Keys' portion of the window. On the next
window (should be labeled 'Settings For Sticky Keys'), uncheck in the box that
says 'Use shortcut', then click on 'Apply', and close the windows. The problem
should not occur once the shortcut has been disabled. This can also be done for
the FilterKeys and ToggleKeys functionality in Windows.

Safe Mode: If the in-game resolution was set to a setting higher than your
monitor could support, you can have the game launch in Safe Mode. Launching
the game in Safe Mode will start the game at a resolution of 800X600, which is
the minimum resolution that the game supports. To launch the game in Safe
Mode, go to the Start>Programs>Vampire - The Masquerade Bloodlines> Vampire -
The Masquerade Bloodlines (Safe Mode).

Nforce(tm) Audio Users: Some Nforce(tm) Audio Users may find that they may
experience some sound problems while playing Bloodlines. Users who experience
this problem should try two things:

- In the Options menu be sure to uncheck the "High Quality Audio" and
"Environmental Effects" options.

- Be sure that your DirectSound(r) acceleration is set to "Basic." You can do
this by following these steps:

1.) Click on the Windows(r) "Start" button.
2.) Click on the "Run" option on your Start Menu.
3.) Type "dxdiag" in the Run Dialogue Box without the quotes.
4.) Once the DirectX(r) Diagnostic Tool has finished running, click on the
"Sound" tab.
5.) Turn the "Hardware Acceleration Level" down to "Basic."

Patches and Updates: For up to date information on patches and updates for
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, please visit

Note, this is available in English only. If you need further assistance,
please contact Activision Customer Support. Contact information for Customer
Support can be found in the Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Tech Help
file. To access the Customer Support help page, please go to
Start>Programs>Vampire - The Masquerade Bloodlines> Documentation. When the
Help file appears, click on the "Customer Support" link at the left side of the

Last Minute Changes:

The following is a list of last minute game changes to the game ---

Auto Renew Timer - The Auto Renew Timers option, which is available in the
gameplay options, will change how Discipline timers work. With Auto Renew
active, passive Disciplines will automatically restart when the timer runs out,
and right-clicking will turn the Discipline on and off. This is an advanced
option, as it's very easy to run out of blood completely if you're not careful.
Remember, F8 will turn off any active Disciplines.

Show Damage Floaters - Turning this option off will disable the damage floaters
that appear when a character takes damage.

Hotkeys - Pressing "K" (by default) will bring up the Hotkeys menu. Here, you
can assign actions to all of the number keys, which are at the top of the
keyboard. The hotkey assignments are not for the number pad at the side of the
keyboard. To assign an action to a key, choose an action from the drop down
menu next to the number of the key that you want the action assigned to. For
weapons and Disciplines, choose the specific weapon or Discipline from the
lower drop down menu. In addition, you can assign useable items to the
hotkeys. When you click on a hotkey, you will automatically equip the assigned
weapon or use the assigned item. Please note, Disciplines will not be
automatically turned on by the hotkeys. You will be able to switch to the
assigned Discipline via the hotkey, but you will still need to activate it via
the right mouse button (by default).

Obfuscate - Against supernatural creatures, Obfuscate can be less effective.
Many supernatural creatures have a chance to see through Obfuscate if the
player is too close, although not if the player is behind their opponent.

Game System Notes:

Starting Point Distribution:

The following table lists the amount of starting points given to each Clan.
Note, every clan will start with one point in their Attributes except for the
Nosferatu, who does not receive any points in Appearance. In addition, every
clan receives one point in each Discipline and one extra point to spend on one
of the Disciplines.


Combat & Damage:

The following is an in-depth explanation to how combat and damage is calculated
in the game.

Every weapon in the game has specific attributes given to it. These attributes
are the following:

Ranged Combat Requirement - This is the minimum ranking at which the PC can use
the weapon effectively. The PC can use weapons if his Feat is below the
requirement. However, this will mean that he will be causing less damage.
Conversely, if the PC's combat Feat is higher than the minimum, then he will
cause more damage.

Damage Potential- Damage Potential is the maximum potential damage your
character can do with this weapon at your character's current skill levels. The
actual damage might vary if the opponent can defend against bullets (i.e. if
they are supernatural, or if they have body armor).

Lethality -This is how much damage the player can cause with the weapon per

Feat Adjustment - This is the difference between the weapon requirement and the
character's combat Feat. This can be either positive or negative.

Base Damage- This is the minimum amount of damage that the weapon can cause.

Whenever there is a hit, the damage is then calculated in the following manner

Damage Potential = Base Damage X (Lethality + Feat Adjustment)

So, if the PC, who has a Melee combat Feat of 5, uses a Knife which has a Melee
Combat Requirement of 4, Lethality of 7, and Base Damage of 3, then the Damage
Potential is
24 = 3 X (7+1) .

Now if the player's Melee combat skill is 3, then the Damage Potential is 18 =
3 X (7-1)

It's important to realize that a player is only deadly effective once his
combat Feat is above the requirement of the weapon.

Note, the target's defense and soak can absorb the damage and lower the
Lethality number. For example, if a ghoul has heavy armor, which has a Defense
of 2, there is a chance that 2 Lethality dice can be removed from the player's
roll. So, in the first example, if the PC hits a ghoul with the knife and the
ghoul makes both Defense rolls, then the Damage Potential is

18 = 3 X (7+1-2)

So, while a player can achieve a high damage potential with any weapon, the
damage can be negated if the target has a high defense or Soak Feat.

The type of weapon and the defender plays and important role in what type of
soak dice are being used.

Attack Type
Dice Pool
Blunt Melee
Defense + Soak Bash
Blade Melee
Defense + Soak Lethal
Soak Lethal
Defense + Soak Bash

To successfully defend or soak an attack, a roll is made behind the scenes.
When there is a chance to soak or defend, a roll is made on a d10 (ten sided
die). If the number is 7 or above, the defender successfully negates one die.

In summary, combat can be thought of in the following manner. The high
lethality weapons are much harder to defend against and the high base damage
weapons are the finesse weapons.


also ich hab die fragen beantworten und taadaaaaaa es kaam ein.................................................................zzZZzz......................*aufwach*

00:49 T_T >_< *kippum und schlaf* ZzzZzzz


Otaku Veteran
als ich es nach den fragen gemacht habe kam ein dings wie hiess das teil noch gleich...öhh... Brujah raus ^^
aber ich hab dan nochma von neu angefangen und hab das andere ausgesucht wo ich alles selber einstellen kann, da hab ich mir den weiblichen malkavianer ausgescuht, is irrgentwie lustig den leuten weiss zu machen was man möchte :D


ich habs mal als nossi versucht. hab nach der ersten mission aufgehört da mir das städnige kanalisationsschleichen auf den keks ging und ohne hohen wert in verdunkelung ist das unmachbar.

die clans an sich sind garnicht mal so schlecht gemacht nur das was die clans können ist etwas wenig. das meiste können glaub ich die tremere oder gangrel oder malkavs.

das was mich an den malkavianern fasziniert ist diese komischen gesprächsoptionen. man versteht was was die sage will es hört sich aber einfach nur wirr an.


bei den fragen kam bei mir gangrel raus, hab aber einen brujha genommen und so durchgespielt. jetzt versuchs ichs mit den anderen clans.
das spiel an sich find ich ganz gut, es hat multiendings, eine relativ gute story und überraschende handlungen, abwechslunsreiche missionen.
was mich aber sehr stört sind die vielen bugs, die fehlende möglichkeit das aussehen des gesichts oder ähnliches zu ändern, die ziehmliche eingeschrenktheit nervt auch ziehmlich. dazu kommt noch das es sehr kurz ist, finde ich auch wenn man versucht alle quests zu lösen und überall 10x nachschaut um neues zu finden. das inventar ist auch ziehmlich dürftig und arm gestaltet, die gegenstände die zu finden sind auch sehr dürftig wenn man von den questgegenständen absieht. wie benai schon sagte die clans können wirklich sehr wenig, im vorgänger war es so weit ich noch weiß viel mehr ausgebaut.
Wie gesagt das game ist ganz gut, ich muss aber noch sagen das es meiner meinung nach nicht an den vorgänger rankommt da es dort mehr möglichkeiten, mehr gegenstände und die geschichte wirklich gut erzählt wird.


hab auch die fragen beantwortet und hatte dann toreador
habs dann auch nochma mit malkavianerin durchgezockt
und muss sagen, dass mir die toreador fähigkeiten mehr gefallen haben, außer aspex, wo ich keine ahnung hab ob das eigentlich was bringt, fand ich geschwindigkeit echt cool, auch sehr gut gemacht wenn man damit auf lvl5 is und kugeln ohne porbleme ausweichen kann.außerdem binn ich sowieso ne eitle persönlichkeit:)


Hab Probleme mit den Bugs, habe soviel dafür runtergeladen dass manchmal das spiel gar nicht mehr startet, sondern mein Rechner ausgeht ^^'''

Aber ich liebe die Vampires Reihe ^^
*weiblicher Nosferatu*