[English] [WIP] Monster Girl World - 3D game I'm making


@J-Nought I am indeed using Unity 5 for this project.

@Varoc You showed a great effort in compiling your feedback. Thank you very much!
I will try to answer your points and hopefully this will clear up some of the issues you mentioned.
Thanks for pointing out that you would give me a chance with my demo once that's finished.

After reading your feedback it becomes clear that I failed giving a detailed overview about my work.

For the general game-play idea:
The game includes a Day & Night cycle (30 minutes of daylight, 15 minutes of nighttime).
During daytime you can freely walk around without being randomly attacked.
During nighttime, if you walk around you will be attacked by anyone close by. If you lose the battle you get an H-Scene and the game is over.
In order to prevent this you can gather resources and build out your home (housing) with upgrades to keep the monsters out during nighttime.
If you survive the night without losing a fight or staying inside your home, you level up.

Defeating the demon lord and restoring the world:
This is a long-term goal to give the game a bigger meaning than just being an H-Scene Viewer with Monster Girls.
All you do here is leveling up your character by surviving days, fighting some special Monster Girls and then the Demon Lord (also special) if that's accomplished the game ends.

Researching Monster Girl and discover a journey ???
What I meant is something similar to a Pokedex. Each encounter will automatically add some information (Name, Type, Skills, Attacks etc.) to your log which you can review at your leisure.
It basically tells you a bit about the monsters story/origin and its weaknesses in text form. The long term goal here would be to find all the entries and complete the log.
Right now it triggers the entire log entry as soon as you start a conversation or a fight with a monster girl.
Later this could be made more complex to only add certain entries based on the skills you witness during a fight or a conversation.

Housing system
I know what you mean. It won't be too complex for the beginning. Basically you can upgrade some stuff in your home with resources you gather from outside.
For instance you can reinforce the door to raise your home's protection against night attacks, for that you would have to collect ... 3 pieces of wood.

Yes you are right. For now its just a text based intro basically telling you that the world as you knew it is gone and you are the only one who
survived to fix it. So go out there and finish of the demon lord, then all is good. Keeping it simple.

Day/Night Cycle
Basically that's it. During night you get raped (happens after a lost fight, Monster girls are 3 times stronger during nighttime) which results in game over.
During day you can either gather resources to upgrade your home or talk to some girls, do a couple simple quests for them and have sex with them.

For the WIP pictures:
I do agree with you that the style doesn't fit. I commissioned the first character a couple months ago, the alraune right now is just a place holder and will be replaced soon.
The cat girl is representing the style I am going for, a commission by another artist who will also handle upcoming characters, your feedback on her would be welcome.
The environment is WIP, though the assets( trees, grass, ground textures) were made for the game.

The Ookami Shoujo to Issho incident:
I never heard of that game, I vote for mere coincidence.

The 15$ and 20$ patreon rewards.
For the 15$ reward: It's an item that lets you continue the game after losing a fight. Otherwise you will start from the beginning as it is assumed that your character died.
For the 20$ reward: Its a chest that would give you items for upgrading your house faster (like 20 stones, 20 wood pieces etc.), so you don't have to collect that much yourself.
There won't be an in-game shop. These rewards are entirely optional, all they do is 1. lift the immediate game over after battle loss 2. help getting more resources faster.

Your feedback on the rewards makes it clear that there is lots of room for improvement, if you have an alternate idea please let me know.

For the conclusion, I get that with the way I worded it, it does seem shady. Please take my word for it, that all the Systems I described, are very basic at the moment.
They are there, but in their most basic form. Nothing too complex yet.

For myself, I am an experience programmer if I may say so. I do the character animation myself. Modeling, Texturing and rigging is handed by 3 artists I commission.
You are right, I am not a one man army, and believe me I am not trying to appear as one. As I pointed out I let most of the art be handled by artists who know their stuff.
I myself focus on programming the game-play and animating the H-Scenes.

Your feedback is not rude at all, it is what I value as constructive criticism where its due.
The goal is indeed to start out with a basic demo and then keep upgrading the experience on a monthly basis where the UI and game-play undergo several interations
until they meet the quality that I would like the project to have.

Hopefully this answered some of your questions. I am sorry if the website and the patreon gave the impression of a scope like Star Citizen. As you may have read from
message above, I am keeping this very basic for the start and iterate on it slowly but steadily.

@Sian Tao could you elaborate your idea a bit?


Verwirrter Typ
The 15$ and 20$ patreon rewards.
For the 15$ reward: It's an item that lets you continue the game after losing a fight. Otherwise you will start from the beginning as it is assumed that your character died.
For the 20$ reward: Its a chest that would give you items for upgrading your house faster (like 20 stones, 20 wood pieces etc.), so you don't have to collect that much yourself.
There won't be an in-game shop. These rewards are entirely optional, all they do is 1. lift the immediate game over after battle loss 2. help getting more resources faster.

Your feedback on the rewards makes it clear that there is lots of room for improvement, if you have an alternate idea please let me know.
Im following these thread just out of interest in community projects and like to see the progress.
i have some ideas for more rewards which fits the (in my opinion) high price.

everyone loves exclusives models/clothes for the characters. i think it's a good way to give the game more variety for the player.
also for the "crafting" system it would be nice to get better tools for mining resources faster.
room decorations are also a good way to give patreons more (little) rewards.


@Skihor Thank you for your suggestions!
Giving Access to better mining equipment and exclusive character skins/clothes, seems definitely possible.
For the room decorations, this would belong to the Housing System, also possible.

If you have any other suggestions for the existing rewards please let me know!



Thank you very much for being kind to explaining everything!

For the patreon rewards I`m with @Skihor . Clothing, skins and housing decorations are a good way to bring something exclusive to the game.
Extra characters, areas to explore or ressources could be an idea, but if you dont have them, it feels like you are missing out on something.
But there could be maybe an area ( where everyone could go ) and there are maybe pictures of victims of the demon lord or missing people, patreons could help in creating those for example.

I do like the art direction you are going but the anatomy of the catgirl seems a bit weird to me. She seems very slim with big boobs, ass and rainbow star eyes. Which does look a bit weird, to me.
Except for that i do like it overall.

I would have some more questions, but i feel like at this point it is a bit early, to ask a lot of questions of you. And maybe you dont want to explain to much so people are able to discover the game on their own.

I am at this point very excited for the demo and willing to help you with feedback and maybe other stuff.

Oh and @Sian Tao . I guess he/she is asking if you are able to create a harem in this game ?


@Skihor @Varoc thank you both for your feedback. I have updated the Patreon rewards based on your ideas.

I agree with you that it is a bad idea to restrict access to certain areas or monster girls only to Patreons.
Everyone will be able to see every area of the game and meet every girl.

Thank you for the feedback on Ioka (cat girl), I will forward it to the artist.

All of you, your feedback has been very constructive, please keep it coming! It helps me understand how my idea is perceived from your point of view.
The demo is making good progress, though it will take a couple weeks before everything is in place.

Regarding the harem feature, I didn't think about it yet (which is also another reason your feedback is important). Based on the relationships you can currently have... it would be possible later on.
From the programming side it would be as easy as allowing you to marry more than one girl at a time.
However for a harem to make sense it would require interaction between all harem members... which would require separate dialogues, conversations , scene setups, etc. - a lot of work.
But then again, when has gamedev ever been easy? ;) Short answer: Harem, yes, later on.


Why not adding some kind of Slave/Brothel like feature. You capture a Monster Girl, train it and then let it work for you as a prostitute.
Till now your Game seems pretty interesting. But i guess it´s going to take a few years till its final Release since you´re doing almost everything on your own and have a lot of plans.