Naruto / Shippuuden / Gaiden / Boruto [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler!]

pit sahat

Ich schätze es ist jetzt schon klar, dass sie eigentlich...naja, tot ist (sozusagtn), denn wie soll sie ihre papier-jutsus im regen nutzen? Als nagato noch lebte, hat er den regen gestopt, damit sie nach jiraya suchen konnte, deswegen frage ich mich eben, ob sie kämpfen kann. Aber andererseits, kann tobi sie nicht einfach so töten, weil er sonst ganz schön lange nach nagatos überresten suchen kann, falls er sie dann überhuapt finden kann.


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
... Madara will wohl das Sharingan mit dem Rinengan koppeln... :X

Oder er kreiert mit Sasuke eine Art neue Körper für sich... am Ende holt sich dann doch Oroshimaru alles :D

Mal schauen wie es weitergeht. Ich schätze bevor Madara Konan angreift wird der Fisch ihm die Nachricht liefern.. bin mal gespannt! Was meint ihr kommen neue Gesichter in die Organisation Akatzuki??? Oder wird Tobi nur noch mit Sasuke im Gepäck seine Ziele verfolgen???????


ich seh das genauso. ich glaube mada benötigt die macht des rinengan für seinen plan. arme konan, als ob sie ernsthaft was entgegenzusetzen hat^^

pit sahat

Boah, keine ahnung. die anzahl der mitglieder kann man auf den fingern einer hand abzählen, so wie sie jetzt sind ^^. Aber andererseits wer soll da jetzt noch kommen. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass sie die bijuu benutzen um gegen die 5 dörfer-allianz anzukommen.


... Madara will wohl das Sharingan mit dem Rinengan koppeln... :X

Oder er kreiert mit Sasuke eine Art neue Körper für sich... am Ende holt sich dann doch Oroshimaru alles :D

Mal schauen wie es weitergeht. Ich schätze bevor Madara Konan angreift wird der Fisch ihm die Nachricht liefern.. bin mal gespannt! Was meint ihr kommen neue Gesichter in die Organisation Akatzuki??? Oder wird Tobi nur noch mit Sasuke im Gepäck seine Ziele verfolgen???????
Immerhin ist er nun Super Emo Sasuke, der sollte nun alles alleine schaffen :p

Glaub eher das der Fisch den Kampf dann rauszögern wird mittendrin oder sogar unterbrechen wird, kA.


Best in the World
Otaku Veteran
Naruto 509

Naruto 509 – The bridge to peace
Madara listens to Konan’s reasons for her betrayal (of Akatsuki). He says he didn’t expect that Naruto was worth so much.
Konan says hostilely, “Because he is the light, and holds the flower of hope for everyone.”
Madara: “The fact that you are still wearing those clothes (Akatsuki uniform) despite fighting me tells me that you still cling to Akatsuki.”
Konan: “Akatsuki was created by Yahiko, the red clouds on their uniform symbolise the rain of blood that fell during war in Amegakure, and just because you came aboard Akatsuki, it doesn’t make it yours – it’s our symbol of justice”
Konan continues: “The Rinnegan was bestowed upon Nagato of Amegakure, it is not yours, but his eyes are this country’s, and this village’s treasure”
Madara lets Konan’s paper shuriken pass through his body, “This will be the end, so I’ll tell you”
“The one who induced Yahiko to set up the Akatsuki was me. The one who gave Nagato the Rinnegan was also me. That’s why it’s only right to ask for them to be returned to me”
The two begin their battle as Konan says that if Madara were to get his hands on it, all sorts of things would happen.
Konan doesn’t let hi materialised body escape by attacking with a large number of paper attacks.
Madara notices that she has something planned and decides to take her on, trying to suck Konan up when he has a chance.
However Konan has mixed some exploding tags among the paper, intending to kill the both of them.
-flashback starts-
When Akatsuki was founded? Konan reports to Yahiko that their members have been defeated.
Yahiko and Nagato are both injured and bandaged.
There are numerous other minor members present apart from Yahiko, Nagato and Konan.
Nagato says that he will go out to recce in the afternoon, but Yahiko says “I’ll go, so rest, don’t strain yourself”
He continues, “Nagato is pivotal to Akatsuki and is the man who will change the world. So just give all your worries to Nagato”
Konan: “The same goes for you, everyone loves you and thus follows you, just like with Nagato”
A while later, Yahiko responds “He is the man who will become the bridge to peace. My role is to become a pillar of support to that bridge”
Yahiko murmurs, “This country is still crying, and I now want to save this country which I once hated for always crying, that’s how I feel deep down. I just can’t leave this country alone because it’s a crybaby just like me,” and he leaves.
Konan, Nagato and the other members see him off, Nagato says, “The one who will be the bridge to peace is him, his very purpose will form the bridge”
“We’ll believe in Yahiko, let’s go everyone!” he commands, before following after Yahiko.
The flashback ends with Konan’s monologue of determination “I will become the pillar of support to the two bridges formed by Yahiko and Nagato”
The exploded paper and cloth are scattered about. We see a little of Madara’s face as his mask has broken. He has also lost his right arm.
He says to Konan who is right before him, seemingly not with as many injuries, “I underestimated you, after all you were also once a member of Akatsuki.”
“You intended to explode the both of us, but thanks to the fact that I sucked in a little of the explosion, both of us are safe”
In response to Madara’s question if she’s exhausted her secret plans, Konan says that she has a question for Madara. “Do you know why you were betrayed by us?”
Madara: Who knows?
Konan uses secret arts as she yells “You are darkness, a flower can only wilt in a world without light!”
The lake? sea? all becomes paper, and spreads just like the Red Sea did for Moses, and she tries to drop Madara into it… next chapter!
A secret art to protect Nagato… Seal him into a sea of paper!!

spoiler pic tobi mask broken

lol Tobi kriegt auf die Mütze oder eher auf die Maske :P
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Naruto 509

Naruto 509 – The bridge to peace
Madara listens to Konan’s reasons for her betrayal (of Akatsuki). He says he didn’t expect that Naruto was worth so much.
Konan says hostilely, “Because he is the light, and holds the flower of hope for everyone.”
Madara: “The fact that you are still wearing those clothes (Akatsuki uniform) despite fighting me tells me that you still cling to Akatsuki.”
Konan: “Akatsuki was created by Yahiko, the red clouds on their uniform symbolise the rain of blood that fell during war in Amegakure, and just because you came aboard Akatsuki, it doesn’t make it yours – it’s our symbol of justice”
Konan continues: “The Rinnegan was bestowed upon Nagato of Amegakure, it is not yours, but his eyes are this country’s, and this village’s treasure”
Madara lets Konan’s paper shuriken pass through his body, “This will be the end, so I’ll tell you”
“The one who induced Yahiko to set up the Akatsuki was me. The one who gave Nagato the Rinnegan was also me. That’s why it’s only right to ask for them to be returned to me”
The two begin their battle as Konan says that if Madara were to get his hands on it, all sorts of things would happen.
Konan doesn’t let hi materialised body escape by attacking with a large number of paper attacks.
Madara notices that she has something planned and decides to take her on, trying to suck Konan up when he has a chance.
However Konan has mixed some exploding tags among the paper, intending to kill the both of them.
-flashback starts-
When Akatsuki was founded? Konan reports to Yahiko that their members have been defeated.
Yahiko and Nagato are both injured and bandaged.
There are numerous other minor members present apart from Yahiko, Nagato and Konan.
Nagato says that he will go out to recce in the afternoon, but Yahiko says “I’ll go, so rest, don’t strain yourself”
He continues, “Nagato is pivotal to Akatsuki and is the man who will change the world. So just give all your worries to Nagato”
Konan: “The same goes for you, everyone loves you and thus follows you, just like with Nagato”
A while later, Yahiko responds “He is the man who will become the bridge to peace. My role is to become a pillar of support to that bridge”
Yahiko murmurs, “This country is still crying, and I now want to save this country which I once hated for always crying, that’s how I feel deep down. I just can’t leave this country alone because it’s a crybaby just like me,” and he leaves.
Konan, Nagato and the other members see him off, Nagato says, “The one who will be the bridge to peace is him, his very purpose will form the bridge”
“We’ll believe in Yahiko, let’s go everyone!” he commands, before following after Yahiko.
The flashback ends with Konan’s monologue of determination “I will become the pillar of support to the two bridges formed by Yahiko and Nagato”
The exploded paper and cloth are scattered about. We see a little of Madara’s face as his mask has broken. He has also lost his right arm.
He says to Konan who is right before him, seemingly not with as many injuries, “I underestimated you, after all you were also once a member of Akatsuki.”
“You intended to explode the both of us, but thanks to the fact that I sucked in a little of the explosion, both of us are safe”
In response to Madara’s question if she’s exhausted her secret plans, Konan says that she has a question for Madara. “Do you know why you were betrayed by us?”
Madara: Who knows?
Konan uses secret arts as she yells “You are darkness, a flower can only wilt in a world without light!”
The lake? sea? all becomes paper, and spreads just like the Red Sea did for Moses, and she tries to drop Madara into it… next chapter!
A secret art to protect Nagato… Seal him into a sea of paper!!

spoiler pic tobi mask broken

lol Tobi kriegt auf die Mütze oder eher auf die Maske :P
*hust* Obitos Körper? ;P

Interessant seine Maske zerbricht .... und siehe da im gesamten gesicht sind bandagen! wozu trägt er die maske :D
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Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Uiuiui... ich fand das Chapter richtig richtig gut! Konan... ich muss sagen Ihre Art sich zu verabschieden gefällt mir! Und Madara... iwie kommt er mir gerade RICHTIG schwach vor... :D


apropro madara... Ich hatte schon immer das Gefühl das er nicht wirklich stark ist zZ... Er hat sich nie wirklich in einen Kampf eingemischt oder man hat ihn nie richtig in Aktion gesehen. Er braucht halt definitiv Sasuke... ;S


Stamm User
Tolles Chap Konan versucht alles um Nagatos Rinnenegan zu beschützen und schlägt sich besser als erwartet gegen den großen Madara. Allerdings ist ihr Ende dennoch so gut wie besiegelt, was ich weiterhin schade finde. Nun ja darüber hnaus hat man diesmal auch noch mehr über Akatsuki (Bedeutung der Mäntel) und über die Vergangenheit der 3 Gründungsmitglieder erfahren. Alles in allem große Klasse. So kann es doch weitergehen^^

greets Gannendorf


Best in the World
Otaku Veteran
das wird laufen wie immer wenn eine Sharingan im Spiel ist nächste Woche gibts das typische war nur eine Ilussion von Tobi darauf könnt ich wetten ;)


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
das wird laufen wie immer wenn eine Sharingan im Spiel ist nächste Woche gibts das typische war nur eine Ilussion von Tobi darauf könnt ich wetten ;)
Von ihm haben wir das aber so gut wie nie gesehen????! Der Meister war GenJutsuMasterITACHI :D

Der hat halt soviele Genjustus drauf gehabt... so göttlich!!
Aber dennoch besteht die Möglichkeit auch das zu sehen was du prophezeit hast *g*


Das Mädel hat was drauf!
Ist euch aufgefallen, dass Madara unter der Maske überall verbunden ist? :P
Ah und noch immer: Wenn er doch das M-Sharingan hat, wieso verwendet er es nie?
Es soll doch so stark gewesen sein^^