Originally Posted by CCC
I hope this will do until the proper authorities arrive. Just one or two parts I wasn't sure of.
641: "What are you?!"
Cover: Cobra is sick in bed, Vivi is nearby, as well as old man Lappa (Rappa? who's this again?)
Decken's power fails and he falls, white-eyed
Noah heads straight for Fishman Island
Luffy is on Fukaboshi's back
Fukaboshi recollects a story about the kingdom
Hody: You say you'll protect everything? Are you kidding me? Strawhat!
Luffy: Stop! Before it reaches the island I'll smash this ship into tiny pieces!
Fukaboshi: It's said that this ship is the key to the future [literally: carries the future on it's back] Maybe Decken is still alive...
Luffy and Fukaboshi argue; Hody looks on and laughs.
Shirahoshi appears there
Shirahoshi approaches the ship, Hody attacks, but Manboshi appears and takes the attack instead
Luffy punches Hody, Hody bites at Luffy's bubble
His teeth sink into Luffy's shoulder, but the bubble doesn't pop
Hody gets rid of the air in the deck of Noah (?)
Fukaboshi attacks Hody with Ultramarine
Fukaboshi and Hody exchange blows. Hody bites at him.
Fukaboshi: How much of the old you is even left in that body? What in the world did humans do to you?
Hody closes his eyes, opens his mouth
Fukaboshi: ?!?
Shirahoshi clutches her mouth and tears up
Luffy starts to sweat
Manboshi and the others hear too, but we (the audience) don't know what's being said
Luffy is riding on Fukaboshi, swimming parallel to Noah, Shirahoshi too.
Hody does Kirisame
Shirahoshi and Fukaboshi are blown away
The other fishman get in touch, saying "can't you stop the ship?"
Fukaboshi: Did you hear, Strawhat? Now we understand Hody Jones' true character
That truth was...?