Tai the Dragon
Hallo ich wollte erstmal danke sagen das du das spiel zum download anbietest und jetzt noch ne frage hast du auch die debug codes? wenn ja wärs echt cool von dir wenn du die auch hochlädst
The new version will follow as soon as it is ready. The current released version is not worth being played at all (trust me).I still want to have a fully playable build (as far as breeding, time/energy and requests) ready by the 30th but some major features (saving, events, many traits, preferences) may not be available yet. I'm going to keep on putting up builds as soon as new features become implemented and keeping you guys informed of progress as it continues.
Alright, I've been struggling with getting the requests menu to work all night but I realize it's already morning now so I'm going to go ahead and put up this build for all of you who have been waiting patiently. I'm going to keep working on the requests menu until it's done and then put up a hotfix as soon as I have it working. I ain't too tired so I'm just going to stay up and see if I can't get it done before this afternoon. I won't lie; the build is rougher than I would've liked, there's still a lot of placeholder stuff and some crucial missing pieces, but I should be able to hotfix the rest in ASAP. Right now Delilah doesn't take her taxes, so there's not much challenge, but I just plan on continually uploading builds over the course of the next two weeks as I add features as things should go much more quickly now that all the base systems are in place.
When I started this rewrite I had no idea that I would literally end up rewriting every last line of code in the game. On the plus side this means that there isn't a part of the game that has gone untouched in this restructuring so pretty much everything has been redesigned or improved in some way or another. The downside is that there will be a lot of bits missing or broken as I still have to recode much what was in the game before. In the past two months I've written about 5,000 lines of code, which is a personal record for me, at least :P. Honestly, putting this newest build together felt like a boss-rush of the entire rest of the project combined so far, but at the very least it is much better written than the previous builds.
But fair warning; there will be bugs. I haven't dealt with the animation bugs yet but I know what the problem is so they shouldn't be too hard to deal with. I replaced the Bug Report page with a fresh one so feel free to leave liberal reports. The new UI bits are still unfinished so they may look a bit wonky/act a bit laggy, but I plan on improving upon them to make them a bit more comfortable/convenient to use as I flesh them out more.
Die Version funktioniert wie vorgesehen, siehe Beschreibung.5.5 funst net die exe ist doch viel zu klein die 5.3 von dem blogg is um mehr als 2mb grösser!
bei der 5.5 kann man weder auf die karte noch inventar noch sonstwas klicken man hat schon alle gebäude un kann nur die monster kaufen aber sonst funst nichts!!
Alright, I can't make you guys wait any more. This isn't nearly as finished as I'd like it to be, but I want to at least have the Christmas event available for you guys to enjoy. I'll be putting the update up in the Creations section of the Patreon page in about 20 minutes.
You can view the female version of the Christmas event by clicking on the map button. Traits are not working correctly yet. There will be a much more substantial update for you guys at the end of the month. I just wanted to do something for Christmas T-T.
Probier mal das Passwort per Hand einzugeben. Also nicht copy & paste. Das hat bei mir geholfen.Hi, mir wird bei deinem neustem DL angezeigt, dass entweder die datei beschädigt ist oder das PW inkorrekt, könntest du mir kurz erklären ob dat ein fehler ist oder ich einfach geduldig auf nen official release warten soll? trotzdem danke für jegliche Mühen und Links von dir , grüße und nachträglich frohe Weihnachten![]()
- You can now choose to be a male breeder
- There are two new sex animations for the male breeder: Male Breeder x Female Elf and Male Breeder x Holstaurus
- The breeder now shows up as selectable in the breeding menu. Currently when using the breeder to breed they will behave exactly like monsters (including instant birth without pregnancy for new offspring), though this will change
- The Options menu is now implemented, and you can disable sex animations
- There are now debug codes for the new build, including a code that allows you to call an event by name
Bug Fixes:
- Monsters should no longer breed with themselves
Known Issues:
- Still have to fix some animation errors with the catgirls
- There are still many game systems that have not yet implemented into the new build