Do you like inexperienced girls or experienced girls in H Games?

Do you like unexperienced girls or experienced girls in H Games?

  • Unexperienced Girls

    Stimmen: 7 46,7%
  • Experienced Girls

    Stimmen: 8 53,3%

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


In H-Gmes i really like more the Unexperienced ones, cause it's good for the plot and they are naturally cute.

But in real-life i prefer the experienced ones. An unexperienced girl don't know much how she is sexy for guy. She looks only innocent and don't know much.
The experienced ones know how she looks sexy and what she has to do, to get the guy.
I don't like the super experienced girls but just a little bit experienced is good for me.
I'm not the guy who talk to a girl automatically if she looks hot.



I Like girls with a little bit expierience because they quite Know what they do but they have to be little bit scared too^^
Hmm... I personallywould say.. well experienced.
Not like all the techniques, but that the girl is the one taking the iniative you know?
Not like shes a professional hired one, just a normal girl. So kind of inexperienced I guess :p


Both ways have their good and bad sites! On the one hand are unexperienced girls sweeter and more vulnerable but on the other hand are experienced girls more sexy because they know how to make a man happy and how a man has to satisfy her.


Unexperienced girls of course. A girl hoping for her first sex is so exciting. If a girl comes along and takes the boy just to fuck him without any lovestory it is boring.
Unexperienced girls falling in love with the protagonist RULE!


Unexperienced Girls are the best.So cute and Shy and then in the Bed , they are a little bit scared .But then it feel better and they want more.And then when they want ,you can make experiments with them.:onegai: