[Diskussion] & [F.A.Q] zu: Let the desktop and sex デスクトップとエッチしちゃおう


ja das Problem kenne ich die musst ihre liebes anzeige hoch bekommen ab ein bestimmten wert glaube 40% fängt sie an sich auszuziehen wenn sie das gemacht hat kannst du ihr Daten geben
das Bild was du gepostet hast ist sehe hilfreich aber ich kann sie weder mit den armen noch mit den beinen aufhängen weist du wie ich das machen muss
das weiss ich auch nicht, ich kann ihr daten geben die liebesanzeige is mehr als die hälfte voll und sie zieht sich auch aus aber sie bekommt keine energie von den daten, kann mir wer schnell helfen bevor sie stirbt? :hot:

-----[ Doppelpost hinzugefügt ] -----

also wie ich in dem video sehe musst du sie hochwerfen und dann am fuß oder so packen, wenns nich klappt muss man die sklaven leiste auffüllen, die füllt sich auf wenn du sie schockst, durch das schocken verliert sie halt energie musste aufpassen aber die sklaven leiste füllt sich damit

ich versteh das nich, sobald ich sie schocke bekommt sie keine energie mehr von den dateien die ich ihr gebe, auch wenn ich eine neue mache, sie bekommt dann einfach keine energie mehr

ah ok problem gelöst, wenn du sie geschockt hast nimmt sie automatisch keine energie auf, erst wenn sie sich wieder auszieht dann bekommt sie wieder energie von den daten! also ich poste alles zu dem spiel hier rein damit es dann auch jeder weiss :)
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Thank you for uploading this game! But I have a problem...

The girl will not get her life back even after I give her a data file. I saw the demo video so I made sure that her life was around 40% or less. I see the animation of her taking in the file, but on the progress bar I do not see her getting her life back. I also made sure that the file was more than just 0 bytes. Can anyone please help? (I am running on Windows 7 32-bit.)

Also, did anyone find out how to increase the slave progress bar?

Edit: I am sorry, I only understand English... :(
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Thank you for uploading this game! But I have a problem...

The girl will not get her life back even after I give her a data file. I saw the demo video so I made sure that her life was around 40% or less. I see the animation of her taking in the file, but on the progress bar I do not see her getting her life back. I also made sure that the file was more than just 0 bytes. Can anyone please help? (I am running on Windows 7 32-bit.)

Also, did anyone find out how to increase the slave progress bar?
after you shocked her, she doesnt get energy from everything, when she take off her close shes getting energy from files ...

sry for my bad english xD hope you understood :kukukuh:

you can increase the slave progress bar by shocking her, but it doesnt work for me...



Thank you for uploading this game! But I have a problem...

The girl will not get her life back even after I give her a data file. I saw the demo video so I made sure that her life was around 40% or less. I see the animation of her taking in the file, but on the progress bar I do not see her getting her life back. I also made sure that the file was more than just 0 bytes. Can anyone please help? (I am running on Windows 7 32-bit.)

Also, did anyone find out how to increase the slave progress bar?
after you shocked her, she doesnt get energy from everything, when she take off her close shes getting energy from files ...

sry for my bad english xD hope you understood :kukukuh:

you can increase the slave progress bar by shocking her, but it doesnt work for me...
Ah, thank you. I will try to find out how to shock her, first.


hmmm komisch wenn ich sie an den Bildschirm oben hänge und mit dem Papierkorb schocke füllt sich die Sklaven leiste nicht kanns vielleicht daran liegen das meine liebes leiste Max ist

space night

Dennou Coil Fan
Otaku Veteran
Ja wie funzt das ganze kann der geben was ich will wird nicht mehr die Liebesleiste und die andere auch nicht!


Otaku-Grabscher mit Herz
Otaku Veteran
Can i get another desktop girls without naked breast to beginn? And exist this without censor or with uncensored patch? How i can filling the energy for desktop girl, she got different stuffs from me, but the energy not more growth.

Gibt es auch noch andere Mädels, welche nicht sofort ihre Brüste zeigen? Und was wirklich toll wäre, was für Dateien braucht sie, damit sie nicht stirbt bzw. damit sich die Energie Leiste bewegt?
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Verwirrter Typ
Da ich den Thread zu Let the desktop and sex デスクトップとエッチしちゃおう verfolgt habe und mich langsam ein wenig darüber aufrege wie es da abläuft hab ich mir gedacht ich mach mal n Diskussions & FAQ Thread dafür auf :D

ich bin zwar kein Mod/VIP aber ich denke das es im Interesse aller ist die sich mit dem Spiel befassen.

Schonmal ne kleine Hilfe von flumi94 und Toragor

Toragor schrieb:
for everybody having problems with deleting files, and not getting energy ... like myself
go to the mainpage and download the patch

or direct link

worked for me
makes it a lot easier
Ich hoffe das sich nun ein wenig klarheit schafft und das die Leute es packen das Game ordentlich zu zocken :)
HF & GL!

Gruß Skihor


Thank you. :)

I am glad for the patch, she can now get her life back. But I am still trying to figure out how to get her slave...

Edit: Problem solved! :XD:


1. Drag Sakura to the top and let her hang.
2. Carefully drag your "My Computer" icon to her breasts when she's hanging; that will shock her.
3. Repeat step (2) several times, but becareful not to overdo it because that will lower her life and "kill" her!
4. Bring her back down and "feed" her files to regain life. (Note: Doing this will also increase her love.)
5. Repeat steps (1) through (4) as necessary to gradually increase her slave.

Hopefully there's a much easier way to do this especially without increasing love but so far I haven't found it yet.
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What I have found out so far:

Repeat what IronMouse described.

-After a while you will be able to grab her arms and later her legs to bind her to your upper screen border (click on head or on her legs).

-shocking her breast will give you less and less down to no points on the "sex-o-meter", BUT you will be able to shock other parts of her body on different positions, which were blocked before
her butt (hanging with her butt on top border),
her breasts (hanging wtih arms on top border),
her pussy (hanging wtih arms on top border),
her breasts again (hanging with foots on border).
her pussy again (hanging with foots on border).
as I noticed those parts will give more points to the sex-o-meter than the initial parts.

- at about 40 % sex-o-meter I am able to "feed" her files while hanging. (insert in butt, later also pussy). that way you can refill her energy while hanging. also giving points to the sex-o-meter.

as soon as you can insert files into her pussy, you can pretty quickly max out her sex-o-meter
then you can also use a window (formed like a column) to fuck her with. (that will decrease her "love" btw.)
NOTE: when using vista or win7 it seems that you can not make the window bar as small as shown in the demo video (to fuck her while hanging on feet or butt from the side with it) in this case it also works with a browser window, works with FF, chrome ... maybe more, does not seem to work with IE though, the border is to large on my machine.

question - has anyone figured out what can be done when she has that "heart animation", or taking a shower? despite feeding her files, she is pretty much blocked :huh:

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one Note:
When she is trying to fuck your desktop icons, it happened to me that the icons did not move at all and she just did the animation alone. I had to turn of the automatic sorting on the desktop, and it only worked after restarting her.