Final Fantasy XIV


just wanted to know how many of you guys got excited over its announcement and how you think the game will fare


Private Eye
Otaku Veteran
In my opinion, it's nothing special since there are a lot of mmorpgs...

FF and MMO ... what a terrible idea ( The 2nd one, too...)


Yeah FF11 didn't do a great job. Properly because it was made by another team than the regular FF games. Hopefully they put more effort in 14, or it will crash just again.
I don't prefer that they want to transform FF 14 into an MMO.
A MMO can't create an atmosphere as intensive as a singleplayer Game experience can. Try to put any real emotional moments into an MMO that remains in your Memory as long as a well made Singleplayer experience does.
Good examples for emotional expressions are the FLV Sequences in the singleplayer Final Fantasy games. Secondly there is almost no way to make quests with multiple possible solutions, because it would put way to much work to the developers to create such quests.
(like they are made in games like "The Elders Scrolls", "Gothic" "Baldurs Gate" etc.)
And on top of that there is almost no interaction between the Characters ingame. The only interaction is between Players&NPCs which do offer Quests. The only thing that might be possible esle is some script controlled NPCs patrolling different roads (like in WoW) which attack the monsters if they are getting close.

But in the end in MMOs each player just plays one character in the contracy to the Singleplayer FF games so there can't be that much of interaction at all.

In my humble opinion they should stick with FF

(Sorry if my english isn't that well because I'm from Germany)


Well , I like mmorpgs especially World of Warcraft. But I think that FFXIV could be very good I will try it. Many mmorpgs haves bad storys like "kingdom A want to conquer kingdom B" come on , that`s boring crap.

But FF has a great story , a great universe full of important chars. I think they could make a good story of it.


for me FF is a single player game.
You sit hour after hour infront of the screen and you are just astonished about the story and the greate enemies you can defeat ^^
Nothing with PvP or else


I prefer single player games. I didnt play FF XI but i cant imagine a good MMO with a good story


imo this will be one of the best mmos ever, only star wars have a chance to be as good as final fantasy.


Heck i got overly excited when i saw the Trailer, as im a big FF Fan i cant wait to try it out. However it will be a close Deal between SWTOR and FFXIV as i dont know yet which game will be better / more addictive :)


I'm not that interested in FF MMOs for the reasons already given. I think if they were going to do one, it should have been FF Tactics MMO instead.


Well, what I know is that, FF series are famous because of its story line and gameplay. Transforming it into MMO wouldnt be a very good idea I think. Take a look at 11 for example.