How good is your English?

How good is your English?

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Good enough for a casual conversation, but I usually struggle when it comes to specific topics.


Enough to understand most of a conversation, but I can't speak it. So I am able to read English threads like these, but I am not able to speak to someone.
In school somehow we never had the same teacher for more than a year. So my school english is pretty fcked up. But since I usually read/listen to all kinds of tutorials etc in english, I understand it quite well. I can also talk to english speaking people. If I don't know a word, ill explain it. E.G. "Copycat" - Someone who always tries to immitate you


English is definitely one of the best languages to get in touch with people from all over the world. That's why I always try to improve my English skills, which actually works quite well with daily use. But I would still choose "well, it's okay". :)