[Diskussion] Hulu


If you can't view such sites because they are blocked in your country, try cocoon. https://getcocoon.com/
Thats a browser plugin (available for ie and firefox) and works like some kind of proxy. I used it a while ago, but since I'm not watching any series right now, I can't tell for shure if it still works with hulu.

However .. I didn't like hulu, neither. It has way too much advertising. It felt like it was very unbalanced .. 20% of the time you could enjoy the move while at 80% of the time you were punished by advertising. :twitching:
I never used Hulu~
anyways, I won't use in the future either, cause generally watch my Animu <3
and don't care about the other stuff out there ^^
except some Motorsports and Suernatural
but F1 gets frequently aired and I'm buying the Supernatural DVDs, so there's no need for
watchin it in another way


never tried Hulu but netflix here barely have any shows on it compared to the US "version".


Its a good medium for a lot of different stuff and now they're offering multiple packages for a good deal. I keep it mostly if I can't find anything good on Netflix.