[Biete] Kalyskah: Vicious Seed - adult third person RPG

Hey guys. 'Stark', who joined our team to create nice creatures is working on this huge goblin. At least we call him goblin. Maybe such huge goblins doen't even exist. But who cares? :) This huge dirty thing will be some kind of a boss. He is enslaved by the small goblins. Regardless of the sense of it's existence, what do you think about the design?

Hey guys we are looking for an additional animator for our game Kalyskah! We are able to pay you. You can use any software for your animations as long as it exports in fbx format. We need you for all kind of animations, also the kinky ones. So if you also like sexual content in games then you will feel right at home. If you are interested just leave me a PM and we talk about the details.

Btw, we've released a new version with focus on the sex part for our Patrons. It even has VR support! No RPG Elements included. We've redesigned some stuff for the characters, that's why we've also changed some things for the sex part. Read the included text file for informations about the controls. Enjoy!

Since the winner of our very first poll are the tentacles, Corintio began to work on it. He will be away for some days but he didn't wanted to go without giving you a little gift which is the pic below.
He was thinking about making a hardcore and a softer, more passionate version of the tentacle animation. But he wants to hear your opinion to know from where to start.

We are also interested to know about our female audience's tentacle fantasies. Post a comment below girls. Any good idea will help us to make our game better.

This nice tentacles were provided by https://www.patreon.com/likkezg

Eine Nachricht von unserem Animator:

Hello everyone! Corintio here,
For those who don't know me, the animator of the project. Since I came back from my travel I started to work on this animation. It is still rough and this is far from beeing the final camera and light setup.

What do you think could happen next? I was thinking about putting it consensual all the way through. If you wonder how she could endure something like that, just remember that she's a vampire and doens't have to breathe.

It's important to reinforce that in the game, the animations will start softer, it will be on the player's hands how they will progress. This way nobody will be surprised with animations that makes you feel unconfortable.

You can download the video here (It doesn't have sound)


Verwirrter Typ
wenn es als standard rüstung genutzt werden soll, definitv 6. sollte der charakter eher agil sein 2 oder 7.

ps: du wolltest die frage im ersten post noch löschen ^^