[Biete] Breeding Season 7.7.1 - Patreon Version! + Debug Codes


Ja stimmt in älteren Versionen waren einige Animationen dabei z. B. Dickwolf und Catgirl aber die haben die kompletten Skins neu bearbeitet und um da Bugs zu vermeiden worüber sich dann alle aufregen haben sie die erstmal wieder rausgenommen bis die soweit funktionieren

Dafür gibt es jetzt neue Animationen und updates und bald kommt 7.1.1 laut entwickler frühestens nächste woche


Jap, es sind noch nicht alle Animationen für alle "Paarungen" fertig. Die kommen Stück für Stück...beim aktuellen Tempo ist's so in 5 Jahren vermutlich fertig :crying:
Naja, es sind jetzt erstmal quasi alle idle-Animatione fertig. Derzeit arbeiten sie daran alle breeder animationen fertigzustellen, angefangen bei den catgirls. Die Konzepte sind fertig und werden jetzt umgesetzt.

Sofern sie nicht irgendwelche Viechers wieder konzeptmäßig über den Haufen werfen sollte es ein wenig unter den 5 Jahren bleiben, bzw. sollte es nun tatsächlich kontinuierlich mit Animationen aufgefüllt werden. Wird aber wohl wirklich noch eine Weile dauern.


Zirka 1 Februar wird laut Entwickler 7.2 update kommen mit mehr animationen und debugs!

Orginal text Der/s Entwicklers:
Hey guys. Small delay on the 7.1.1 hotfix; we plan to be dropping it by Tuesday at the latest. This will be in addition to the 7.2 update that will we drop on the 1st of February. 7.1.1 will include the complete Yuelia winter solstice event (complete with minigame), as well as more color variations for the new feral monsters and various bug fixes.

In 7.2 we'll be splitting up the swf into multiple files (you'll still play the game by opening just the main swf or exe, but it will load the animations from external files). This might introduce a few bugs to begin with, but it will help us significantly in expanding the game to ultimately have all the animations we're planning.

I've also made significant progress on the breeding menu sorting system, and hopefully it'll be largely functional in 7.2. Stay tuned for a post on the ranch assistant system as well.
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Breeding Season 7.1.1 - Patreon Version

- The Yuelia Winter Solstice event (with minigame and sex scenes) is now in game! It starts on 12/22.

Bug Fixes / Balance
- Futa Demoness should now work correctly
- The feral demon in slot 5 should show up correctly now
- Various visual fixes on: feral catguy faces, feral dickwolf leg/eye, feral elf mouth, feral holstaurus hair+facecolors, regular catgirl hair, futa holstaurus' penis, catgirlxbreeder squarts
- The gallery is less dumb

Known Issues
- There's some weirdness with monsters with the Feral trait when you have Feral disabled
- There's some small cosmetic issues on the new ferals, and some ferals lack color variants or have unfinished colors
- Pen silhouettes for some monsters are currently incorrect and show up as base monsters instead
- Some animations have been disabled or are glitchy due to the new overhauls and colors
- Colors are incorrect in a number of pens and animations

* Size: 20.9MB (Exe), 16.5MB(SWF)
* Language: English
* Hoster: Uploaded.to
*Format: SWF & Exe


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Breeding Season 7.2 - Patreon Version

- Colors have been added for tigirl, tiguy, and primogem
- Animations have now been split into separate .swfs, this will help significantly in adding in more animations later and ideally increase performance; please let us know any issues
- Animations will not progress until you click the arrows now, so you can view different loops as long as you like

Bug Fixes / Balance
- Summoning sickness has been reduced to two days
- Minor bug fixes

Known Issues
- There may be some weird game behavior when monsters with disabled traits are obtained
- There's some small cosmetic issues on the new ferals, and some ferals lack color variants or have unfinished colors
- Pen silhouettes for some monsters are currently incorrect and show up as base monsters instead
- Some animations have been disabled or are glitchy due to the new overhauls and colors
- Colors are incorrect in a number of pens and animations

* Size: 21.3MB (Exe), 16.9MB(SWF)
* Language: English
* Hoster: Uploaded.to
*Format: SWF & Exe


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its very disappointing to see that the developer team does not hold what they have promised.
very little changes from month to month and even though new features have been added, the anmount of time they needed to do so compared to the annmount of features added each month is nowhere near accaptable. if i would have pledged for this game monthly i would be heavylie disappointed since this whole concept seems to be more of a scam than anything else.

thank you for uploading though, im glad i did never spend money on this :D


also ganz erlich ein großes Lob an dich und danke schön das du immer die neuste Version hochlädst, mir persönlich wäre das kein geld wert so langsam wie die daran arbeiten ich schau ja ab und an videos von ihren streams an.


Genau danke drücken reicht da nicht also vielen Dank :yo: Auch wenn die mal so ganz langsam auch mal neue animationen reinpacken sollten....