[Biete] Sexyfur Bilder (dicht)

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Gutes Programm um doppelte Bilder zu entsorgen:
Es geht nach dem Prinzip des Pixel für Pixel Vergleichs vor, und erzielt dadurch eine hohe Treffergenauigkeit. Auch wenn die Bilder verschiedene Auflösungen haben. Sehr komfortabel ist dabei, dass das Programm zwei doppelte Bilder in einem Fenster anzeigt, und diese dann nach Ermessen des Benutzers gelöscht werden können. Also kein automatischer Vorgang, sodass keine Bilder ungewollt gelöscht werden, die eigentlich nicht doppelt sind.


Ok kapier ich jetzt nicht ganz. Sind das jetzt alle Bilder von Sexyfur oder sind das nun die wöchentlichen Updates(wie in dem anderen Thread)? Und sind die wöchentlichen Updates schon dabei von dem anderen Thread?

Und wie gehts dann weiter, kommen in diesem Thread dann auch wieder diese Wöchentlichen Updates, oder wie :huh:

(Nur um ganz sicher zu gehen will ja nix verpassen :D)

Gutes Programm um doppelte Bilder zu entsorgen:
Ok klingt supi und praktisch aber wie haut das den hin? Hab das runtergeladen aber kriegs nicht hin ^^. Kannst du ne kurze Anleitung geben, please?
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Ich find Dubdetector eher ungenügend. Ich glaub auch mich erinnern zu können, dass das Prog mit gif und png Dateien so seine Probleme hat.

Ich persönlich nutze lieber ImageDupeless. Is im Prinzip genau so, nur das kommt mit allen Bildformaten klar.


Ok kapier ich jetzt nicht ganz. Sind das jetzt alle Bilder von Sexyfur oder sind das nun die wöchentlichen Updates(wie in dem anderen Thread)? Und sind die wöchentlichen Updates schon dabei von dem anderen Thread?

Und wie gehts dann weiter, kommen in diesem Thread dann auch wieder diese Wöchentlichen Updates, oder wie :huh:

(Nur um ganz sicher zu gehen will ja nix verpassen :D)
Es sind alle Bilder sowie alle Storys (teils PDF, teils HTML und eine in MP3) und die ganzen anderen Goodies vom Anfang von Sexyfur bis zum 8.12.2008 drin.

Ich selber werde wie oben geschrieben wöchentlich das update vom Montag und vom Donnerstag im zeitraum von Freitag - Sonntag posten


der flauschige
Dann aber bitte mit datum ^^ im post oben nicht so wie im anderen thread mal zwischen den ganzen post's XD aber echt gut von dir :> das du das machst *Pfote drauf*


Update: 3 Bilder und der 6.Teil von der Black Widow Story irgendwie sehr mau dieses update :yellowcard:........ und wieder nix von Bernal selber, irgendwie hat der wohl keinen bock was zu machen momentan, sehr schade.


Update: 3 Bilder und der 6.Teil von der Black Widow Story irgendwie sehr mau dieses update :yellowcard:........ und wieder nix von Bernal selber, irgendwie hat der wohl keinen bock was zu machen momentan, sehr schade.
Gibts da nicht auch wie ein Forum auf Sexyfur wo man mal nachfragt was mit Bernal los ist, oder so?

Und Thx für Update ^^


Nope, nicht das ich sowas gefunden hätte.......................... aber in irgendeiner Newsmeldung vom Admin fasselt der von irgendeinem Forum....... werd mal die News durchstöbern und schaun was ich erreichen kann, wenn nix rauskommt bekommt Scappo (neuer Admin von Sexyfur) mal ne Mail.


das hjsplit will bei mir unter vista sp1 nich laufen. auch nich im xp modus.
hab die .001 datei mal versuchshalber mit 7zip geöffnet, und hat alles mit passwort gefuntzt!
also, wer hjsplit nich zum laufen bekommt, versuchts mal mit 7zip!


Oh 7Zip macht das auch? Gut zu wissen, danke für den Tip
EDIT (autom. Beitragszusammenführung) :

Neuheiten von Jeremy selber samt erklärung warum er momentan keine eigenen Bilder macht.

Hey everyone, JB here.

I know I have not been able to get much art done this year. No, I have not quit. I am simply, right now, running onto quite a bit of hard work, mostly brought on by the economic strangulation of the U.S. economy.

Those who are smart with their money art investing in commodities right not because they are backed by tangible assets- land, cattle, gold, oil, etc. Especially since there is a wacky artificial bump in the dollar's value due to deleveraging occurring faster than inflation, which, when you run the numbers is REALLY, REALLY bad because we just literally doubled our national debt in the last couple of months. Not only for the massive gigantic deleveraging of garbage assets, but for the fact that jamming another $9 trillion or so worth of national debt onto the books (conjuring said money out of thin air) had little to no effect on the deleveraging (big surprise....NOT)!!! Both, at the same time, well, it's nothing short of a complete disaster and the effects are onle beginning to be felt in the USA in the form of layoffs and a rise in consumer prices.

Since I am operating some projects in international forestry development, that means that I am catching just a fraction of the flood of financial refugees looking to get out of the dollar, not only since last year but now there are many who want out ASAP, and to put their money into land and forestry. It started as just a few people who said "Oh, hey, you're down there? I hear there is a lot of paper industry building up , blah blah I want to get my money the everholy **** out of the USA and put it into something that won't be toilet paper in a couple of years". So I said, "Sure, I'll see what I can do", and more people started nagging me and so on and so on, and now I'm trying to save my own as well as plenty of other people's asse (t) s. The hunk I bit off is growing exponentially, basically, and it's a lot to chew- but it's do-able.

The current of said flood is enormous, and I have been working 16 hour days or more for weeks on end, trying to do what I can for my businesses. Thankfully I was able to hire Scappo in time so I could manage to fit some time in my schedule for sleep!

My week goes something like this:

Day 1: Spend all day on phone, Google Earth, and the CONEAT records checking soil types and lot availability.

Day 2: Send info to desperate investors who asked for help and get ignored. Getting dozens of people to agree on a location is like herding cats. Future projects will be a WYSIWYG setup and have no board input whatsoever- this is part of the problem devouring all my time! That is, if I decide to keep doing this, which I won't. I picked the WRONG time to liesurely survey land for forestry let me tell you!!! Spend the other half of the day on the phone trying to get all the other **** in my life done.

Day 3: Drive all the way out to BFE and crash in a hotel.

Day 4: Drive all around said location in BFE looking at said lots, "Yup, I see lots of cows and grass, plants are indicative of good/bad soil, yadda yadda". Drive back to hotel (or back home) on really remote curvy gravel roads in complete pitch black.

Day 5: Drive home and/or compile data for the next week. Find out so-and-so tax credit is no longer in effect but law so-and-so has a loophole so if you have just 1 tree and 1 cow per so-many hectares you pay no property tax etc so that opens the door for people wanting to put houses out there so they can have a country cabin, and *expletive deleted* does that screw everything up now! Also that other lot is good for soy or wheat, and what are the implications of that? Should they grow trees on half and soy or wheat on the other, and will Argentina's export issues change and hose Uruguay's new windfall soy and wheat profits all to hell? Oh, another rumor of Argentina considering dropping its ban on exports of timber, might be problematic, probably BS because the across-the-river antics are really petty and they would never consider being civil when it counts! Re-edit emails and documentation to reflect said law changes and expect it to be different yet again next time.

Day 6: Send out more emails about data and spend more time on the phone.

Day 7: Just like day 6 but maybe a little slower. Catch up on sleep.

I have now had to put my software development projects on hold and a revised edition of my navigation book is also on hold. My book on environmental science is also on hold. That unfortunately also means that I do not have any time for art right now. I will try to fit some in at some point, but for the next few months I will probably only have the time for one image per month until things slow down. Some of the land deals finalize in February so then I can get a reprieve from the work load. I already have a fulltime assistant here helping me, in addition to the work Scappo has lifted from my shoulders. Part of me wishes the bottom would just drop out of the dollar already so I can have a rest!!!

If you have read this far, thank you. I know you have a choice where you spend your money and we all appreciate it. Not just me, but all the other fine folks I have teamed up with over the past few years. I have done my best to keep the website supplied with fresh art over the past 8 years and I believe I have succeeded, at least well beyond my own expectations. I don't think it unreasonable that one out of those 8 turns out to have major diversionary impact for me, which is only temporary. I know we have plenty of art coming in to make it worth peoples' time-- now we have so much we have to put updates up twice a week minimum, and as soon as our site revision is complete we will be posting it as-we-receive, so it will probably be daily updates at that point.

Some of you I know subscribe for my art alone-- I say this not to be snotty but because many of you have written in about this specific subject, and to let your disappointment in my performance this year be known. And you have plenty reason to be disappointed. I hope that my explanation answers some questions for you. Once again, no I have not quit, I just have this stuff overwhelming me right now and I need to focus and get it out of the way before I resume drawing. Then, I plan on fully powering up the erotic bunny assembly line and burning your eye sockets out with art =).

-J. Bernal
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